Specialist vs. battle!

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Dat_Boi's picture
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So conno02 and I were playing the Specialists the other day, and suddenly I wondered; what would happen if these two specialists skills were put to the test? So, since there are 8 specialists, there will be 4 vs battles. So the first category: THE HEAVY HITTERS
(This isn't a head to head battle, it's more "who would you want on your team fighting by your other hogs.")
Take health, weapons, and utilities they use in battle into consideration!
Vote below Big Grin

Oh man waddup

Wuzzy's picture
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On first thought I'd say Demo because the weapons have a higher potential damage (50+50+75 vs 50+50+50) and Soldier and Demo have equal start health (200).

Soldier might have a slight strategic advantage because the shotgun has a double-shot, but demo is still stronger overall.

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nemo's picture
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I'd say terrain matters a lot. Demo gets trapped easier because digging up with drill is very difficult. I've even attempted dynamite jump with a trapped demo. Worked like once.
Soldier can climb/escape girder traps with shotgun blasts more easily.
Also demo only has one ranged source of damage. Soldier has 3.

You know, solution is to modify The Specialists with a script param that defines specialist order per team ☺
S=(S)oldier D=(D)emo E=(E)ngineer N=(N)inja P=(P)yro C=(C)lown H=(H)olyman[saint] X=Sniper[running out of letters, but X-out or something]

Then play a 1 v 1 battle to 7 v 7 without sharing soldier or demo.

Any undefined team would get standard order.

Could maybe alow repeats too... t1=SSEENNDD

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

Dat_Boi's picture
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I'm not a pro at Hedgewars, so the long-range combat that the soldier is key for doesn't exactly fit my combat style, and wind tends to be your enemy at the worst moments. I will admit that the shotgun is definitely helpful during battle, but I prefer the demo's arsenal over the soldier's

Plus, I like things that blow up and have satisfying explosions, which the demo allows with his dynamite Big Grin

Demo supporter all the way!

Oh man waddup

nemo's picture
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BTW, I went ahead and added the customisation, so this sort of stuff can be playtested now.
Using the game scheme config script param line:
t1=XXXXXXXN,t2=HC would make t1 only snipers apart from a last ninja, and t2 start with saint and clown

replaces team #1's ninja with another engineer.

Could playtest these scenarios with complete teams of 8 or just 1v1 specialist battle.

It's on DLC as The Specialists (Custom) and I checked it in for next release as a standard config option.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

Dat_Boi's picture
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Oh yeah!!! Thx nemo Big Grin
I will playtest this stuff as soon as I can!

Oh man waddup

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