Hello to all!

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Hedgewars Tricks
Hedgewars Tricks's picture
User offline. Last seen 22 weeks 3 days ago. Offline
Joined: 2019-01-03
Posts: 39

Hello, my name is Hedgewars Tricks. A friend recommended this game to me and it does not disappoint! Love this style of gaming, and it suits me nicely.

P.s: What is the easiest way to add images (step by step) to posts?

Hedgewars Tricks


Wuzzy's picture
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Welcome to the forums!
It's nice to see new people around here.

If you have played the training missions, I would appreciate some feedback about these missions, especially if there is something which might be a little weird or confusing.

To answer your question: Our forums do not have something to upload things, and there is no attachment feature, sadly. Instead, you have to upload your image somewhere else and just put a link to it.

You can either post the link directly. Or you can use the IMG tag (see https://hedgewars.org/filter/tips for details).

There are many websites to upload random files, one of them for example is:


Keep in mind that most of websites like these might eventually delete files to make room for new files.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

KoBeWi's picture
User offline. Last seen 2 days 4 hours ago. Offline
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Posts: 565

If you want an image host that's easy to use and doesn't delete images, use Imgur. You can even CTRL+V images directly there and getting a proper link is a matter of 1-2 clicks.

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