New sight? And water improvement suggestion

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User offline. Last seen 6 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi, I just read the news on the main site, awesome. In my opinion we also need new sight picture, it's not very nice anymore as the whole game became much more better if we talk about graphics. Here you can see the one from Worms World Party.

ps. also, look at the water, Tiyuri and other graphics designers, can Hedgewars also have such nicely gradiented water? I mean, in Hedgewars we can differ gradient colors when we look at water. If you look on that screenshot from WWP, you may notice that in WWP water is also gradiented on the top but it's smoother. / GG: 3747253

Palewolf's picture
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I don't think gradiented water would fit the game's style, which is basically non-gradiented and cartoonized. In fact, I do like current water better than Worms one (except for the waving efect, maybe).

Anyway, take a look at the "new" antialiased water, maybe it pleases you enough Smile

Uriah's picture
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Sight picture? What are you talking about?

User offline. Last seen 6 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
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ps. is there any screenshot with this new "antialiased" water? Not so long ago I compiled Hedgewars from SVN and saw no difference in water. / GG: 3747253

Uriah's picture
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We arent uploading graphics to svn all the time.

I'm in the middle of deciding how much I want to update non code content on the svn.
One one hand its nice to keep it all in one place.
On the other, it spoils all the surprise for the next big release.

As for the crosshair, I dont know, I think its simplicity is good or it might get in the way.

User offline. Last seen 6 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
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And how about this "antialiased" water, any screenshot? / GG: 3747253

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