Full gamepad support?

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Hi there, I observed that when you play against other players, not computer, it's not very comfortable to finding your place in front of mouse and keyboard every time it's your turn. I thought, hey, why don't use my gamepad? The answer is, because as far as I know the game doesn't allow me to. I think, that, adding support for other devices connected to your pc is not so hard for developers. Game will wait for user to press the right key and this key gets assigned to certain action.

Ok, let's say it's implemented, but still I need to reach for mouse. I dream about something like this, you know many gamepads have, I'm not sure how do you call it, analogs, joysticks, analog joysticks? Here, look at this Saitek's gamepad, it has two of these analog joysticks, on the bottom. If we can use it as mouse there will be no need to use neither keyboard nor mouse. I hope developers will think about it, and I'm looking forward to see it implemented, it will make Hedgewars much more cool.

XMPP:alzen@jid.pl / GG: 3747253

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SDL supports gamepads and joysticks, so it's not a problem. You just need to edit key binds for your team.

User offline. Last seen 6 years 17 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi unC0Rr, I have an usb gamepad and I can use it other games, but not in hedgewars. I know I can point some action on key binding window and press desired key, if it's not in use the game will connect it with selected action. As I said, I can use my gamepad in other games, but in Hedgewars, it's not on the keys list, and when I press it it's not working.

Moreover I guess it's impossible to use these analog joysticks instead of mouse, right? It would be great if it's possible.

XMPP:alzen@jid.pl / GG: 3747253

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User offline. Last seen 23 weeks 5 days ago. Offline
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That menu doesn't really detect pressed key. Joystick keys should be in the list, I need to check though.

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