Religious diversity and neutrality

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User offline. Last seen 16 years 6 weeks ago. Offline
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I think that the default symbol for a dead "Team Member" should not be a religious symbol such as the christian cross, but a neutral figure like a headstone or statue.

If a christian cross is included as a custom option, then other symbols from various religions and philosophies should be also included. Several symbols of crosses and other burial symbols can be found in Wikipedia.

I particularly request for:

Happy Human (Humanism)

Pentagram (Wicca)

Ouroboros (Gnosticism, Hermeticism)

FSM (Flying Spaghetti Monster)



User offline. Last seen 16 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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Maybe change happy human for happy hedgehog :>

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godot_cl allegedly wrote:
I think that the default symbol for a dead "Team Member" should not be a religious symbol such as the christian cross, but a neutral figure like a headstone or statue.

If a christian cross is included as a custom option, then other symbols from various religions and philosophies should be also included. Several symbols of crosses and other burial symbols can be found in Wikipedia.

I particularly request for:

Happy Human (Humanism)

Pentagram (Wicca)

Ouroboros (Gnosticism, Hermeticism)

FSM (Flying Spaghetti Monster)



I truely hope you're trolling

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Moralfags in my /hw/? NOWAI!

БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!

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Tiyuri allegedly wrote:
godot_cl allegedly wrote:
I think that the default symbol for a dead "Team Member" should not be a religious symbol such as the christian cross, but a neutral figure like a headstone or statue.

I truely hope you're trolling

I am serious, a christian cross in a Open Source game gives me the creeps, it is proselytism and it should not be there.
You are imposing a religion unless you have all other philosophies represented and none is the default. Or even better, no religion at all.
Yeah, no moral-flags in hw, no crosses in hw.

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New map in 0.9.8

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Tiyuri allegedly wrote:
New map in 0.9.8

Sorry that you don't see a value in secularism. We don't need to agree.
Anyhow, very funny! I can't wait to start blasting bombs on it...

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Oh gosh it's another flamewar. By the way that map made by Tyiuri it's some kind of profanity. Anyway that's a stupid topic. CLOSE IT!!! Amen Big Grin

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I LOLD:D Can you upload this somewhere, just4teh lulz?

БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!

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DrDickens allegedly wrote:
I LOLD:D Can you upload this somewhere, just4teh lulz?

I second this, MegaLolz at the map!!

daimadoshi85's picture
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Please close this topic.

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 28 weeks ago. Offline
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great map;d
but maybe 3 x christian cross on 1 map?

harmless911's picture
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I agree with daimadoshi85, CLOSE THIS TOPIC!

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