Cake Map

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My sixth map to date.

Personal Review: 8.5/10 [Challenging]

Probably the closest to the hedgewars graphic style that I have made so far... Some aid from Tiyuri with suggestions! Thanks. Smile

Map PNG:

Get it here.

unC0Rr's picture
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I don't see legs Big Grin

harmless911's picture
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the theme's music should be happy birthday...

Josh's picture
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unC0Rr allegedly wrote:
I don't see legs :D

Lmao, I don't have the room for legs... Wink Smiley

harmless911 allegedly wrote:
the theme's music should be happy birthday...

That'd be funny, but it'd drive you nuts before long! lol Wink Smiley

unC0Rr's picture
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The cake could sit, so legs would be horizontal Big Grin
And it misses a candle

Josh's picture
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Candle could potentially kill gameplay, but I'll make one anyway... Just with no flame xD

Uriah's picture
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Add candles and do something about the background, the pink is horrible and clashes with the foreground colours, use an existing theme if you have to, but do something!

Josh's picture
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Okay. Expect an update tonight/tommorrow. Smile

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unC0Rr's picture
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Hmm... a cake in water!? It won't be so tasty then Big Grin
What about a plate for it? Or make it swim in the ocean of cream Big Grin

Uriah's picture
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Heres what you need to do.

1. Change the water to cream, check underwater theme for how to do this.

2. Add "Sprinkles" falling in the background

3. use the texture from the cake "sponge" and make a terrain layer, just like the terrain layer from bath that you modified to make the cake.

4. Draw some map objects, you can reuse your cherries, and you can use the knife (angle it upwards, so its sticking downwards into the terrain), you could use candles too, or whatever else.

5. Modify the border of the terrain to be pink, like your cake iceing

6. Currently your cupcakes in the background are attached to the sky graphic, they should be on their own graphic horizont.png, this will make them move independantly of the sky, and give them depth.
Once you've done this, you can create even smaller, darker cupcakes and attach them to the sky.png, that way you will have cupcakes moving off into the distance, and as the player moves the camera,
the closer ones will actually LOOK closer because they move faster than the ones behind.

7. Hedgewars has a feature that allows theme makers to "randomly place" graphics on the actual terrain, the Hell theme uses this to randomly place small skulls on the red rocks.
Do the same with sprinkles, so the sponge is filled with something tastey looking

8. show me it, and if its done well i'll make a theme preview icon

Do all this and you can create not just a map, but a random generation theme, that we can include in the bug fix version coming out very soon

Josh's picture
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Tiyuri allegedly wrote:
Heres what you need to do.

1. Change the water to cream, check underwater theme for how to do this.

2. Add "Sprinkles" falling in the background

3. use the texture from the cake "sponge" and make a terrain layer, just like the terrain layer from bath that you modified to make the cake.

4. Draw some map objects, you can reuse your cherries, and you can use the knife (angle it upwards, so its sticking downwards into the terrain), you could use candles too, or whatever else.

5. Modify the border of the terrain to be pink, like your cake iceing

6. Currently your cupcakes in the background are attached to the sky graphic, they should be on their own graphic horizont.png, this will make them move independantly of the sky, and give them depth.
Once you've done this, you can create even smaller, darker cupcakes and attach them to the sky.png, that way you will have cupcakes moving off into the distance, and as the player moves the camera,
the closer ones will actually LOOK closer because they move faster than the ones behind.

7. Hedgewars has a feature that allows theme makers to "randomly place" graphics on the actual terrain, the Hell theme uses this to randomly place small skulls on the red rocks.
Do the same with sprinkles, so the sponge is filled with something tastey looking

8. show me it, and if its done well i'll make a theme preview icon

Do all this and you can create not just a map, but a random generation theme, that we can include in the bug fix version coming out very soon

Consider it done.

I shall get to work later. Big Grin

Josh's picture
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Update, again!

1 - 6: Done. Look at screenshots below.
7: Wierd things happened when I did this and the game couldnt execute, but gave no warning message explaining why, so can you do this for me?
I'll supply a link to the 3 images for it.
8: Yeah... I'm doing that now. Big Grin -- Download the map and theme here! -- Tiy, get the sprinkles for use in the floortex here! Smile

DrDickens's picture
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Ow mah aizz! Don't you think it's too bright?

БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!

Josh's picture
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Cake.. Bright.. Yay..! :P

Bojan's picture
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Very nice. I like it. What theme music did you choose at the end? Smile

"Beer drinkers and hell raisers, yeah.
Uh-huh-huh, baby, dont you wanna come with me?" -- Z.Z. Top

Josh's picture
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Download it and see for yourself, it's an even better way to find out. :P

Bojan's picture
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I'm downloading it right now. Wink Smiley

"Beer drinkers and hell raisers, yeah.
Uh-huh-huh, baby, dont you wanna come with me?" -- Z.Z. Top

harmless911's picture
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I'm hungry...

Bojan's picture
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I just tried it. Very nice. Good for practicing the rope. Wink Smiley The music sounds familiar. Big Grin

"Beer drinkers and hell raisers, yeah.
Uh-huh-huh, baby, dont you wanna come with me?" -- Z.Z. Top

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Sorry, Solid land is turned on, you may not eat. ^^ (Dev version, FYI)

Thanks for your kind words. Smile
AFAIK, it's being included in version 0.9.8! Big Grin

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The cake is a lie!!!

(sorry I coukdn't let this pass :P)

I played it in the SVN version, and it looks tasty!

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I'm suprised it wasn't said sooner, we're all portal fans, or soon to be. xD

DrDickens's picture
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Well i belived in this cake since i saw it. I never found a cake in portal even looking using instructions. Shame on me.

БЫСТРО БЛДЖАД! Полицейский, что это необходимо для Вас, блджа, падает отсюда блджад!

Josh's picture
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Heh, did you ever complete the game..? Wink Smiley
Maybe I should make a companion cube joke-map! Wink Smiley

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