I cant play in ubuntu 8.04

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User offline. Last seen 16 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
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I found a very interesting game in the style called hedgewars worms. The truth is that I have tried to install it in every possible way and does not work. I tried to sinaptic and nothing, with the deb package that is in the repositories of ubuntu up and builds in the way that explains the site of the game and nothing. So I tried to install the win32 version with wine ... but does not work. If someone decrypts the form of requests you install a lot to me as indicated. I have an AMD 64-bit 5600, with ubuntu studio installed ...

I start by trying to cast the following message:
hedgewars: pthread_mutex_lock.c:87: __pthread_mutex_lock: Afirmación `mutex->__data.__owner == 0' fallida.

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User offline. Last seen 27 weeks 2 days ago. Offline
Joined: 2006-11-27
Posts: 576

Probably some problem with your operating system... hedgewars work perfectly in 64bit environment (tested in Debian and Gentoo)

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