Air strike / cake wont work!

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User offline. Last seen 16 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
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I'm new to hedgewars, but I think it's a really great implementation of this game concept!

My one problem though (I'm not sure if I'm missing something) is that I can't use air strike or cake. When I right click for the weapons menu, and then left click on either of these weapons, the weapons menu closes as though my selection was successful, but the hedgehog is still holding the previous tool/weapon. If I use the F keys (ie, F6), nothing happens (it behaves as though this weapon were not available, although it clearly is).

Is this a bug, or are those weapons a work in progress, or am I missing something obvious?


User offline. Last seen 16 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
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I'd imagine it's probably the weapon delay; you have to wait a certain number of rounds before you can use it. I believe it shows how many rounds in a red circle on the weapon picture. Smile

User offline. Last seen 16 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
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Ah, I'll have another look. Thank!

User offline. Last seen 16 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
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I probably should've said turns rather than rounds. xP

Josh's picture
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Turns, Rounds, Same difference, right? Wink Smiley
At least your help was appreciated Big Grin

User offline. Last seen 14 years 46 weeks ago. Offline
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IMHO, it is a bug, the weapons menu should not close when player clicks on a weapon that is delayed !

Also, the inaccesible weapons could be grayscale....

unC0Rr's picture
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It is grayscaled!

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Make it either dithered of 50% ransparent.

unC0Rr's picture
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Commited a fix, so the menu won't be hidden when you click on unavailable weapon icon

DrDickens's picture
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Had no problem with this. The U/A weapon is G/S and has a turn timer. What's the problem?

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