Kekeke, kinda new map.

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DrDickens's picture
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I did it for the lulz.
Now it's finished. You can start spamming me with bug reports.
Also there's still a mindfuck on the map, lol.
D/L link;12546125;/fileinfo.html

For those err... slowpokes. It's a tribute to super mario.

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Btw I think we should make a fun map sector in the downloads, so we could gather together good but *not to be included* maps. Oh and someone should code some kind of tool for easy map installation. Or shouldn't.

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Josh's picture
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So... Download link..? Smile
Also, I really do agree with making a quick installer program, or maybe a cmd .bat file?

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No downloads till finished. And no downloads till mindfuck is found.

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Added after 1 minuts 3 seconds:
There's your mindfuck. Big Grin

DrDickens's picture
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Xactly, lol. I placed him to scale the tiles correctly, but forgot to remove him so he's part of the map now. It took a while for me to notice that something's wrong. If he wasn't floating i wouldn'd give a damn on this:P

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harmless911's picture
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harmless911 allegedly wrote: its free and you don't need an account

Thanx a lot!

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You nearly done..?

DrDickens's picture
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Already done. Don't see any more improvements to be made.

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Ah, didn't see the link in first post. I'll update you on what I think pretty soon. Big Grin

DrDickens's picture
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Will be waiting. Also i would liek to see graphics related comments, since made graphics myself. Do you think it fits the /hw/ style?

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Edit: School network hates me, think you can host it elsewhere? Big Grin

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Use anonimizers, to avoid proxy restriction, kid. E.g. If this address is't in ban list you'll be able to sefr the entire internet.

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I made a bad experience with Filefront.
I can recommend
The only disadvantage is, that you need flash.

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Whatever, I have unlimited internets, so await first post update.

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I already know or proxies and the likes, but it kills filefront for some reason. :S Lol

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Well, while I'm not at school I finally went and downloaded this map. Loved it!
Just gotta love the music Wink Smiley Well made ^_^

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It's just an OST. I've made it mah ringtone, lol.

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