Game doesn't start, just a landcape and "In Game" is displayed

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User offline. Last seen 16 years 3 weeks ago. Offline
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I've installed Windows distribution, ver. 0.97 on an XP machine (Athlon, 3GB RAM, 64 MB GeForce graphics card). When I walk through all the menus and launch the game itself, just a landcape and "In Game" message is displayed. The music fades out and that's it. Only ALT+F4 works. Otherwise it doesn't seem to do anything.

Any ideas what to do?

Thanks in advance


DrDickens's picture
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iTom allegedly wrote:
Only ALT+F4 works

Try alt+tab to switch to SDL_app instead. The frontend and the engine are two different apps. Make sure you got SDL_app running (Use process manager or whatever).
This was an unoficial post. I take no responcibility for anything in any circumstances, lol.

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DrDickens allegedly wrote:
Try alt+tab to switch to SDL_app instead. The frontend and the engine are two different apps. Make sure you got SDL_app running

Well, it's not. And there is no EXE file of such a name, only DLLs. Itried to launch hwengine
and the result was:

An unhandled exception occurred at $0040FFD3 :
EInOutError : File not open

An unhandled exception occurred at $00410189 :
EInOutError : File not open

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Err. You cannot launch hwengine.exe like that. It needs some instructions from hedgewars.exe first.

iTom allegedly wrote:
And there is no EXE file of such a name, only DLLs.

Process name: hwengine.exe
Caption: SDL_app
I doubt frontend wouldn't say anything if the engine wouldn't start. Try earlier versions. Are you sure there's no error message? Just "purple sky and islands"?

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unC0Rr's picture
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Well... It's possible that frontend wouldn't notice that engine crashed if it does just after the start. Do you see land preview in frontend in multiplayer? Please, post here debug log.

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DrDickens allegedly wrote:
Are you sure there's no error message? Just "purple sky and islands"?

Yes, plus a yellow text "In game..." in the upper left corner.
unC0Rr allegedly wrote:
Do you see land preview in frontend in multiplayer? Please, post here debug log.

The same result as in the single player mode. Another strange thing: a newly created team was available only after restarting the application.

I can't find a log file. There is no file name containing strings 'debug' or 'log' in the bin and share folders and sub folders

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User offline. Last seen 12 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
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Lurk C:\Documents and Settings\*your name*\.hedgewars for windows
your name\.hedgewars for linux (can't remember xactly)

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DrDickens allegedly wrote:
Lurk C:\Documents and Settings\*your name*\.hedgewars for windows
your name\.hedgewars for linux (can't remember xactly)

0: Console write: -= Hedgewars 0.9.7 =-
0: Console write: -= by unC0Rr =-
0: Prefix: "./"
0: 0: C:\games\Hedgewars 0.9.7\bin\hwengine.exe
0: 1: C:/Documents and Settings/Ford/.hedgewars
0: 2: 1635
0: 3: landpreview
0: Console write: Init SDL_Net...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Establishing IPC connection...
0: Couldn't connect to remote host
0: Console write: Couldn't connect to remote host
-= halt at 0 ticks =-

I changed the firewall options and it started ok. Thanks a lot

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User offline. Last seen 12 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
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Well i didn't understood shit, but it lookes you were attempting to play online. The better describe your problems in details next time. For now, you're welcome' lol.

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DrDickens allegedly wrote:
but it lookes you were attempting to play online.

No, not at all. The application obviously needs a tcp/ip connection even for a single player game. I changed Comodo firewall settings to allow connections to and from HW on the local network and now HW works fine.

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Sheesh, this might be and issue you have to tell Uncor. 'Cause i've launche hedges on machines that wasn't connected and even had no possibility to connect to teh internet.

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Basically, it'll open the port, wether or not your online. If a firewall blocks this action the process will be truncated, hence killing the game. Maybe unC0Rr could incorporate a "Online check" first to prevent this happening to people with a firewall like this.

User offline. Last seen 13 years 44 weeks ago. Offline
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I get the same thing on Ubuntu 9.04 x86_64 with version 0.9.9 from getdeb, but my debug0.txt is like this:

     0: Console write: -= Hedgewars 0.9.9 =-
     0: Console write:    -= by unC0Rr =-   
     0: Prefix: "./"
     0: 0: /usr/lib/hedgewars/bin/hwengine
     0: 1: /home/d1337r/.hedgewars
     0: 2: 1024
     0: 3: 768
     0: 4: 32
     0: 5: 60601
     0: 6: 0
     0: 7: 1
     0: 8: ru.txt
     0: 9: 128
     0: 10: 8
     0: 11: /usr/share/games/hedgewars/Data
     0: 12: 1
     0: 13: 1
     0: 14: ZDEzMzdy
     0: 15: 1
     0: Console write: Init SDL... 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: Console write: Init SDL_ttf... 
     0: Console write: ok
     0: ParseCommand "fullscr 0"
     0: Prepare to change video parameters...
     0: Freeing old primary surface...
-= halt at 0 ticks =-

Videocard is ATI Radeon HD 3200 with fglrx driver from .

unC0Rr's picture
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Most probably it's videodriver's fault

User offline. Last seen 15 years 35 weeks ago. Offline
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Same problem. Can't play 0.9.10 neither Debian nor Ubuntu with ATI Radeon HD3850 on 9.3-9.4 driver (fglrx). All were fine with fglrx in Hedgewars 0.9.9. Now (Ubuntu 9.04, ati prop. driver 9.4):


0: Console write: -= Hedgewars 0.9.10 =-
0: Console write: -= by unC0Rr =-
0: Prefix: "./"
0: 0: /usr/lib/hedgewars/bin/hwengine
0: 1: /home/sol1tude/.hedgewars
0: 2: 1680
0: 3: 1050
0: 4: 32
0: 5: 57684
0: 6: 0
0: 7: 0
0: 8: ru.txt
0: 9: 128
0: 10: 8
0: 11: /usr/share/games/hedgewars/Data
0: 12: 0
0: 13: 0
0: 14: 0LHQtdC30YvQvNGP0L3QvdGL0Lk=
0: 15: 0
0: 16: 0
0: Console write: Init SDL...
0: Console write: ok
0: Console write: Init SDL_ttf...
0: Console write: ok
0: ParseCommand "fullscr 0"
0: Prepare to change video parameters...
0: Freeing old primary surface...
-= halt at 0 ticks =-

With open-source Radeon drivers everything starts fine, but they are not so fast (lags in 640x480 too) as fglrx Smile
Hope this help to developers.

User offline. Last seen 15 years 7 weeks ago. Offline
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I'm getting the same thing with a Radeon 4850 fglrx 8.600 driver (9.4) in Ubuntu 9.04.

Have to use wine and it doesn't work nearly as well.

User offline. Last seen 15 years 31 weeks ago. Offline
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Same problem on ubuntu 9.04, Hedgewars 0.9.10 and ATI HD2400 with fglrx from ati website...

nemo's picture
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Well, I have no idea what the issues are since my nvidia + 9.04 setup works fine
as does my intel + 9.04

However, are you sure you are on the right nvidia package? those get screwed up sometimes during upgrades.

I'm runnin nvidia 180.44 - you?

Between 0.9.9 and 0.9.10 the main change was to downgrade the opengl to support GLES11 - this should expand the range of devices, not cause problems with standard cards.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Sorry, I've made a mistake, I've wrote nvidia but I'm running ATI, I've edited my last post.
Before, I was playing on 0.9.4-1, and all worked nice...

(sorry, I'm french so my english skills aren't perfects ...)

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