Bug - hedhehog in the ground
Sat, 2008-12-06 09:44
This bug allows a player to move his hedhehog into the ground by using jump and a ninja rope.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Activate ninja rope, aim upwards
2. Jump off the cliff by pressing [ENTER]
3. When you are about to hit the ground, press [SPACEBAR]
4. Hedgehog should roll into the ground
Hmm.. cannot reproduce it
Could you record a demo, please?
I've done this too, I'll try to reproduce it on my blox map for you.
Added after 4 minuts 40 seconds:
nvm, im failing too... :s
Uploaded the demo here:
another picture!!

You must shoot the ninja rope slightly befor you hit the ground..
I'm able to recreate this every time.
I'll make sure it's fixed
Cheers ttsmj! Thank you
Bump! still in 0.9.8.
Fixed in trunk
Thanks very much!!!