Exotic Mssion - Not so exotic...

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Hello, I'm an old player of the Worms series and recently I've found this marvellous game.
Ok, let's cut to the intersting part: I've just made a new level, which is not really new, but I've made a considerable ammount of tweaks to make use of those new freatures in Hedgewars, and enhance the gameplay (I even remade some things).



Download it here (I Hope I packed it right!):

I hope you like

EDIT: removed that big images

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1.) This map is all about pixelart. I'd even use the word "M$paint" instead.
2.) You messed up with horizont. It tears apart.
3.) This game is trying to obtain it's own unique personality, not to become just another useless worms clone.

Well anyway, if you draw this stuff by your self, why not to try to redraw it in inscape or illustrator, so it would fit the entire atmosphere. Btw i can't remember any map like that, but if it's a copy (even if you modified it) of a worms map, it's a fail.
If you have skills improve them and join our community of the best worms-alike game ever.

And let me be the first one to welcome you. And dot'n get upset with my critics. It's just an opinion.Wink Smiley

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Welcome to the hedgewars communty!

About the map:

It looks like pixel art to me! (me being a former pixel artist myself)
And not too bad at that!
But it doesn't fit in with the 'hedgewars style'. To aid you in making your map fit in, here's a thread that might be of use to you: http://hedgewars.org/node/704. Of course, another requirement is that it's got quite a 'vector look' to it, and of course, that's only achievable in programs such as Photoshop, Inkscape, Gimp etc.

I do like the map though, If you can re-draw it in the hedgewars style, I'm sure you'll get some good feedback! Big Grin

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Whell, I've readed the Style tuotrial, but I don't really know where to begin. I'm not a really good drawer, I just do those levels for fun when I have some free time :P

DrDickens, this level is not a copy, besides I made it originaly for Worms, and it's not all made of pixel art, at least not entirely. In fact, I start drwaing some shapes, but I generelly end up doing the details by hand. What I can really try is to turn the exaxegerated pixelness is some more soft blends, but that may take a while...

2.) You messed up with horizont. It tears apart.

I was trying to achieve something, but yea, it's a huge fail.., I will provide something better for sure.

3.) This game is trying to obtain it's own unique personality, not to become just another useless worms clone.

Whell, it sure has it's own style, but at least for me it feels like a worms game, and that's why I like it.

And by the way, I'm using Photoshop for now, man, it sucks for vector art!

Please, feel free to tell me whats wrong!

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I use inkscape for vertor. It's an open source project but it does the trick. There's corel dwar also, but i never used it. As far as i know about adobe projects, photoshop is not for vector, but illustrator is.

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Here's how teh rocket louncher site (or whatever it is) would looke like in vector.
Quick draft.
Whoops. Forgot the picture.

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DrDickens allegedly wrote:
Here's how teh rocket louncher site (or whatever it is) would looke like in vector.
Quick draft.
Whoops. Forgot the picture.

wow, that's neat! Let me try to follow that style...

and don't be jealous to call it a cigar laucher :P

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Whatever you like. Try reading graphics rules at the top of this forum, it might help you.

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Well, I'm vectorizing everything. That's what I have for now:

It's missing some shade yet, because I don't really know to how to make then look good!

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Wow, already much better!

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Some more progress:

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Getting there, much better MaMuS! Keep it up. Smile

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that's it!!

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Thanks! well I think this is final:

If it is resized: http://www.mamus.leveldesign.com.br/maps/ExoticMission/exotic_mission_wip3.png

Download it:


I've decided to call it Crazy Mission from now on... if someone has a better name, just say Big Grin

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Yay! This looks Almost awesome. You nearly got the feeling of HW style. But still it's not complete. I've made some notes below.


Добавлено спустя 5 минут 35 секунд:
But in general, this map thas the main option: playability. I haven't try it yet but i can see it should be fun. Oh and you can call it "madness ''09", lol. It just reminded me too racing games: Monster jam and 4x4 evo. They both had a map called madness (''98 for monster jam and 2000 for 4x4). Your map looks somewhat that mad.Big Grin

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Hello there,

First of all, I like the concept of the map, a LOT, it has real style. Well done.

Some of the design however does not conform to Hedgewar's graphics style, but you can fix this rather easily.

First of all, all the things Dr Dickens has said are true (well done you).

But there's more, you have a lot of small details on the grass and rocks, luckily these details are made of solid shapes and are not "pixel art", however, the top of the grass should be a smooth curve, currently it's bumpy. Also, the map in general requires more outlines. I think this map would look better with an outline around almost everything. This outline should not be one colour however, it would be a different colour for each object or section of the map. This will also help the robot and missile launcher connect to the map, right now the outline around those objects and nothing else looks strange and out of place, that outline should be extended over the terrain, rocks, road and everything else.

I hope you work on this a little more, its so close to perfect and I really like the design.
Fix these things and I'll include it in 0.9.8

Here's an example

This is just with one solid outline, it could be better, I rushed it. I also cut down the grass.

But even this looks good to me, and I'd be happy to just include it like this. So do you want to work on it and fix it up, or should I include it as I've modified it?

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So nearly there!

Just thought I'd include my input.. :P

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I hope it's perfect now!
I've cuted only the part of the grass which is exposed to the "world" and removed that white thing and made some more adjustments according to yours instructions

Thank you for all those style hints and patience ! I really appreciate the inclusion of this level on the game. Thanks!

EDIT: If anyone whant to take a look on the .psd or use anything to do another level, feel free to download it:


It's a mess :P

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1.) I've fixed the pave for you. Like i said before there should be patch of light on the edges. And it cannot be any darker then the material.
2.) Double outline ot the whatever launcher 3rd rocket looks crapped up to me. But maybe i'm just a blind asshole. But i'd fix it.
3.) I think it looks more smooth when the destruction uses outline colour. So if you agree with this try using $29 $27 $22
($ means hex value is used) as second theme.cfg param.

The map with fixed pave.

Screencap of destruction colour.

Just trying to help it make perfect, lol.

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I'm currently doing those fix. If someone has something more to say, do it now!


ok, done! same links.

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MaMuS allegedly wrote:
If someone has something more to say, do it now!

A wise guy huh? Everyone was sleeping that time and of course had nothing to say. Anyway there are minor glitches but i'm ok with that. So you got my "well done", lol. Good work!

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Instead of providing a .psd, make a folder with map.png, preview.png, and config.cfg included, It makes it easier for most people Wink Smiley

Anyway, good map!

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2Josh: ur so slow, lol. He did it in the firs place.

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Meh, at least I said it. xD

@MaMuS, keep up the goos stuff, this map's great! Wink Smiley

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This suck, no edit button... I meant Good, not goos :P

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Really? You have no edit button? Let's see if I can fix that for you

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Cheers Tiy. Smile
I need to get used to this forum too, a lot of old, already read posts are marked as Unread, lol. :P

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