Hedgewars 2.

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DrDickens's picture
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Coming soon, lol.
Just hope tiyury won't have heart attack.

Consider this the first fanart.
Use this link to see full sized version. http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/9525/postertl3.png

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By the way. I draw it my self from scratch. So i'd apreciate some graphics related comments.

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OK: Good job, i especially like the rambo hedgehog.Big Grin
Oh, and you are right: Hedgewars needs a machine cannon.

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I love Team Fortess, and I can't stop imagining a class based hedgewars now...

I liked the characters, but the presentation overall is not so good. The pinkish in the film strip and the Font effects/shades are not good on the eyes.

DrDickens's picture
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Well at first i made characters. The i was trying to make a poster. I'm not good at posters and my inkscape won't switch fonts, so i have sans only.

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Lmfao, on the minigun Wink Smiley
Somewhat entertaining to look at. now make that minigun into a sprite and force unC0Rr to code us a minigun xD
Also, Some of the shading is prety damned cool. but I agree with MaMuS on the pink film strip and the font. Try and get that font issue fixed ;P
otherwise, good stuff ^^

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Kinda fix.

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Uriah's picture
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Top is rubbish

Bottom is fun

Why dont you cut off the shit on the top and turn it into a map?

Also the lines are too thin on the tape around the third hedgehogs fists.

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Tiy's idea's cool! I wanna blow it up in-game Wink Smiley

Added after 1 minuts 38 seconds:
Just realized, it would've been pretty funny if you waited quite a while with this, then just posted it in the news forum Wink Smiley

DrDickens's picture
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Yeah, i know that top and composition is fkkked up. I should, have stopped at hedges design.
Also when i finished drawing the very first hedge (Heavy) i made a map of him.
Here's map.png. I'm thinking of getting rid of this text.


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Nice Big Grin
I'm gonna go play this, I'll post again when I've set my opinions on it. :P

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(I forgot to comment sooner, oops!)
Pretty fun! But I notices one issue...
Cant be bothered to screen it, it's easier to explain. Bottom right, the minigun's shadow, it passes over the land, and you can stand on it. Apart from that though, this was pretty fun! Big Grin

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Oh. I can fix it. Didn't you notice sharp angles on "scout's" hat? That's i cannot fix 'cause i've fkkked up with grouping.Sad Smiley

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I've fixed up some of the ugly crap myself (mainly because it was faster than to post and tell you to do it), and imported it into the game.
It will be included in 0.9.8

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Well, we speak different languages, but i'd be glad to know where i was wrong.

Tiyuri allegedly wrote:
Also the lines are too thin on the tape around the third hedgehogs fists.

It's a shame on me but i didn't understood that. It's been a loong time i havent practiced my language. And i'm happy you liked it. Even if you did it in your own habbit. Thanks.

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Woo! I want 0.9.8 :P
Still need to work on that xmas map..! >_<

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Love the bearded hedgehog with the machinegun Big Grin

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Here is my Unofficial Manual for HW. Hope you like it. Wink Smiley Still working on it. Don't worry. Will get it finished...Sometime in the future. Big Grin

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