Co-op Multiplayer mode

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MAXIM2004's picture
User offline. Last seen 5 years 31 weeks ago. Offline
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Max's Vocabulary:
SP - Singleplayer
MP - Multiplayer

Hedgewars also contains single player mode (campaign, challenges, training), so I decided to try it. I was a bit depressed, because I fond it hard and impossible. I really like to play with friends or someone. But only against them? Serious? That's all? And suddenly, I get an idea.
If you get in Multiplayer mode you can choose game 'style', 'scheme' and 'weapons pack'. I know what's the 'scheme' and 'weapons pack', but what is 'style' doing?
To find answers, I opened folder:
and part of files were '.lua'.
I opened 'Missions' folder and files were '.lua' too.
After all, 'Missions' files was mixed with 'MP styles'.

When I was checking 'styles' in game, I was quite surprised that the game ever reading it.
Setting two teams and starting match showed an interesting result:
I has my two and main(original) teams on the campaign map. It was very funny.

To not get lost, I wrote styles order in '.txt' files.

1 - SP levels are a bit glitchy for MP.
- 'shadow.lua' style - If you have hedgehogs on the top bamboo bridge, replace them, hero from 'Natives' will get stuck, while moving across this bridge.
- 'shadow.lua' style - Goal is 'any Natives team member must survive', if anyone from this team dies, enemies will disappear and you will get infinite fight.
- in 'basic training' if you will take damage or you will shot any hedgehog, the match will be failed.
And any other bugs can be found!

2 - To play Co-op mode you need at least your 2 teams.
I don't know why, but in Online mode, co-op styles don't working.


1 -

1 - Hedgewars\Data\Scripts

2 -

3 -

4 -

5 -

6 -

Wuzzy's picture
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If you get in Multiplayer mode you can choose game 'style', 'scheme' and 'weapons pack'. I know what's the 'scheme' and 'weapons pack', but what is 'style' doing?

Styles are basically different game modes and other modifications to gameplay. They are explained here:


Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

MAXIM2004's picture
User offline. Last seen 5 years 31 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2019-03-03
Posts: 6

For true co-op you may select the same color as the original controlable team.

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