2nd shot sniper bug
Mon, 2019-06-10 07:20
Bug happened at the 2nd shot with sniper.
Here is the gamelog.
Bug happened at the 2nd shot with sniper.
Here is the gamelog.
What happened?
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Sorry I didn't explain much.
I got an error message just when I shot the 2nd shot.
I tried to join afterwards but it was impossible to take control of my team.
Looks like the other player hasnt been ejected.
Are you able to trigger this bug again, by any chance? If yes, how?
If you still have the demo of this, that would be nice, too.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
It happened only once, I found the demo.
demo stop right when the bug happen.
I have a 2nd demo that I can't play, I think it is when I tried to rejoin. In case, here it is https://envoi.zaclys.com/remise/3250f9d26d39d77b91cae899c05e5c37/2019-06-12_14972.zip
Sadly, I'm not really smarter than before … :-/ On first glance, I can't find anything suspicious in the log files.
Do you still remember the error message you got?
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
sorry I don't.