[Request] Show the quantity of each item in ammo menu

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When the player selects a weapon, he can see at the top of the screen how many of this weapon he has -for example "Mine (2)"-. It would be useful to know that for every weapon at once, without giving the information to opponents.

Maybe the ammo menu is to small to add number in every slot (like delay -> hard to read). A way to deal would be to show number only when player ask to (like after a click somewhere in ammo menu or with a kb command). Like delay, no reason to show anything if quantity=1.

I don't know if it is doable easily. Is it?

It would help in Monarchy and maybe some other games.

nemo's picture
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Seems like a good idea to me. Heck. could ditch that lower bar entirely at that point, since the tooltip includes the weapon name too.
And... I don't think there's not enough space. Actually the turn delay could probably stand to be made a bit larger too. I mean they are just icons, if we take like 1/9th lower right corner of it, imagined as a grid, for a number, you'd think one could still tell at a glance which icon one was selecting.

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First of all, you do not have to select an ammo to reveal its count. Just hover it, the amount is written in the lower bar in the ammo menu. No number is written if the amount is infinite.

The idea of putting this info directly into the ammo icon sounds good at first glance, but there's a practical problem: We would have to cram two-digit numbers into it.
Because each ammo can have any amount between 0 and 99, or infinite.

An we are already taking up space for the delay, and that's only a 1-digit number.

Heck. could ditch that lower bar entirely at that point, since the tooltip includes the weapon name too.

No. The lower bar is useful and takes away basically no space. Don't kill it! Also, the tooltip can be disabled.

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User offline. Last seen 1 day 1 hour ago. Offline
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OK, I did not know about the lower bar.
But if I didn't, I think neither does a lot of players.
I never watched the lower bar until now, since the tooltip is closer, and catch the eyes (and give more info).

nemo's picture
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Well, if we keep the lower bar, then we could just approximate the weapon count on the icon, and have the full number in the lowere bar. That is, only show the number if it is 1-9, and a + otherwise. That'd still be fine for most real situations. I mean, do we even show 2 digit turn delay right now?

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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