Some thoughts on the test release

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Hedgewars Tricks
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Not sure if we are supposed to make a new post about our reviews, but anyway...
Here are the features that I tested:
Campaigns now respect your team identity instead of overwriting it
(Tested the feature; No bugs or problems Big Grin )

Single missions now support team selection and track your progress
(Tested the feature; Teams that had completed the mission kept their progress/ scores. No bugs or problems Big Grin )

Challenges track the team's high scores
(Tested the feature; No bugs or problems Big Grin )

Quick games are more random
(This one I wasn't so sure about. I didn't notice a difference. That being said, I wasn't sure what was being made more randomized. Is it the theme, hats, flags, and terrain? I think the number of hedgehogs, weapons, accents, and schemes remained the same, right? If what I have just summarized is true, then the feature worked well; No bugs Big Grin )

Turn transition is less hectic
(Tested the feature; Glad it got implemented Smile No bugs or problems Big Grin )

Various small HUD improvements
(Despite being called "small" improvements, I can see the mission panel MUCH MUCH better; No bugs or problems Big Grin )

Homing bee can now be used as a secondary weapon from rope, flying saucer or parachute
(Tested the feature; No bugs or problems Big Grin )

All in all, this test release gets a thumbs up from me! Keep up the good work! If there's anything else I can do to help, let me know Wink Smiley


Wuzzy's picture
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Hey, thanks for testing! I really appreciate that.

Well, if you want to help more, there are many other things that need testing, like the various game styles and weapons, missions, etc. I am testing these myself already, but experience shows that something gets overlooked all the time …

Quick games are more random

What was randomized is the map type, difficulty of the enemy team and team size.

Previously, the “random” quick games had your enemy at a fixed difficulty (always level 2), was always on the same map type (medium sized island) and the team size was always 4.

Despite being called "small" improvements, I can see the mission panel MUCH MUCH better

Huh? I didn't really touch the mission panel, really. What do you mean?

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Hedgewars Tricks
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Whoops, the mission panel I was using to compare improvements was in Hedgewars 9.25, but it had resolution issues, which I later fixed and saw they were similar in size. Sorry for the confusion Sad Smiley
Anyway, I'd be glad to test more features. Will get to them as soon as I can!
Hmmm, so the map type and hog difficulty did change, but its always been four hogs. The team size hasnt changed. I haven't seen a team yet with anything over 4


User offline. Last seen 12 hours 51 min ago. Offline
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I saw that testing Beta 1 but I think its not version related.
The last hog in a team can't use time-box, that's OK. But still can't after resurrecting some mate, when it wouldn't break the game to hide.

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@Plarf: Well, that's strange. I just tested it myself, but I was able to use TimeBox.

Can you please upload a demo? Or just tell me the exact steps to reproduce the bug.


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you are right. I resurected another team's hog. sorry for the false report.

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