Watching demos

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Hedgewars Tricks
Hedgewars Tricks's picture
User offline. Last seen 18 weeks 10 hours ago. Offline
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So, just a quick question:
Can someone explain to me the differences between these recording elements:
1. Saving a hedgewars video (.hwv)
2. Saving a Hedgewars Demo (.hwd)
3. Pressing the save game button at the end of a match
4. Pressing the "R" key on the keyboard
Evidently they do things of a similar nature. However, I can't tell exactly when to use which. So, what exactly makes them different from each other?



Wuzzy's picture
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1. Saving a hedgewars video (.hwv)

There's no such thing as a “hedgewars video” or a “.hwv” file format for Hedgewars.

2. Saving a Hedgewars Demo (.hwd)

This will save a demo file that you can watch again in Hedgewars, as if you were a spectator. So you can pan the camera, change view options, etc. while watching.

Hedgewars demos are very small in file size.

Hedgewars demos can be posted on /demos.

See also: Demo

3. Pressing the save game button at the end of a match

Same as 2. You just specify a file name.

4. Pressing the "R" key on the keyboard

It's basically a screenrecorder. If you press “R”, you start/stop recording. The word “rec” will appear. Press “R” again or quit the game to stop recording. You can repeat this as often you like for the rest of the game, each recording will become a separate file.

The exact output of the Hedgewars video screen will be saved into a file in a “standard” video file format that can be played back in a media player like VLC Media Player or can be shared on online video hosting websites.

The default file format is MP4, but you can select other formats in the settings. Of course, those video files are much larger.

Here's a brand new wiki page: Video

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

Hedgewars Tricks
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User offline. Last seen 18 weeks 10 hours ago. Offline
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Posts: 39

Thanks for the wiki page and for the clarification, Wuzzy Big Grin


Hedgewars Tricks
Hedgewars Tricks's picture
User offline. Last seen 18 weeks 10 hours ago. Offline
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Posts: 39

P.S Got the Hedgewars video directory on the main menu confused with a hedgewars video for some random reason. Smile
Thanks again!


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