The Specialists 2 Hogs of Liberty

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KIRA's picture
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This Script is an attempt in making a sequel for The Specialist. In this i tried to bring new mechanics of gameplay that allow a more diverse and rich overall matches by giving hogs a unique strategic role and gamestyle.
The game settings are the same. I suggest to play this script in closed maze maps, for this reason i will take this kind of maps as reference when talking about the hedgehogs.

The Hedgehogs

The first hedgehog is the coward. He can be very powerful especially if he survives until sudden death, thanks to his weapons he can freeze enemy hogs and when they are about to thaw he can unfreeze them with seduction and freeze them again but in order to do this you have to pay attention and this may result challenging when there are many hogs still in the game.
You may be wondering why he has kamikaze, well he can use this weapon in sinergy with freezer to create a deep hole in a concave slippery ground to drown your enemies after you freezed them.
Since he doesnt have mobility gadget I suggest to place this hog on top of the map.

The arsenal of this hog is: 1 Blowtorch,1 cake and 1 molotov but keep in mind that the cake for this script has been modified to do less damage (it does around 50 here).Trimmer is a very versatile hog, he can deal damage, move around easily, free himself and his allies from traps, isolate himself temporarily or trap enemy hogs temporarily thanks to molotov. I admit that founding a path for your cake with blowtorch can be tricky but thats part of the challenge.

Possibly the most powerful hog of the team thanks to his high mobility potential, accuracy, ability to trap enemies and dealing damage. Drill and laser portals allow to be creative not only for trapping enemy hogs but also for saving yours from sudden death.
But keep in mind that he s not like the sniper from TS, he has only 1 portal so use it sparingly.

He is the trapper for excellence. With his airmines you can ban entry points for your enemies and in case the enemy hog is too near you can use girder to block the airmine and even leave a passage under it for yourself since guard has the key (invulnerability) to pass through these "doors".

The Medic is not the resurrector you are used to. The most revolutionary aspect is that he can switch to the resurrected hog as soon as he resurrect him. With his rope he can navigate through the map rather easily but be carefull cause you only have 3 of them.
Another thing you should pay attention is time, you will often run out of time before you can use your restored fresh hog but as a last resort you can always switch to Sportsman that has extra time so you will be able to kinda play 2 consecutive turns.

When the enemy Hunter is nearby you may want to secure you hogs in places which do not grant a long line of sight because you will probably be sniped by him.
That s the job of the hunter, finding a good lifted outpost that allows him to deal the most possible damage.

The Aviator is an hit and run hog, my suggestion is to place him at the bottom of the map in a place where he can reach flying the enemy hogs in order to infected them. How many times using bird you tried to flee with him after having posioned the enemy but run out of birdy time?
Well that s why he has parachute and pickhammer. If your time of the turn is running out drop back to the bottom of the map with the pickhammer, if instead you have enough time use it to deal a little more damage with pickhammer before you drop to safety with parachute.
The Aviator is good at the beginning of the match because sudden death is far from happening so you can stay safe at the bottom and also because the poison effect will deal more damage.

The last hog of the team is the Sportsman. He can travel very long distances thanks to the extra time bonus and the gravity utility, once you reach your preys you can deal them a decent amount of damage with your 2 bats and also send them far away.

Hedgewars Tricks
Hedgewars Tricks's picture
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Nice! Would definitely like to see this in-game!


KIRA's picture
User offline. Last seen 3 weeks 4 days ago. Offline
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Thank you but apparently devs doesnt want this on dlc page cause they dont want to fill it with like 100 versions of the specialists

Wuzzy's picture
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Actually, I was only talking about what goes into official Hedgewars.

About it being in DLC, different story.

I am just unable to download from, that's all. Also, you might as well ask nemo to look at this.

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nemo's picture
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Yeah I got no problem with it being on DLC either - only reason it wasn't was last time I asked you you said it wasn't ready yet. So it is now?

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

KIRA's picture
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Yeah, now is ready. Thanks

Wuzzy's picture
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Nemo, could you please upload it to DLC this time? Thanks.

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KIRA's picture
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new link since the previous one is expired :

KIRA's picture
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Can someone please upload it on dlc?

KIRA's picture
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Idk why I am ignored. Did I do or said something wrong? The script is ready to be added on DLC. Do you have problems with it? Players on the server are refusing to play it until it gets featured on the DLC page, that's the reason why i'm insisting so much. Sorry if I'm annoying.

Wuzzy's picture
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Sadly, the script does not function when used with the default "The Specialists" scheme, as it includes a script parameter. What should I do?

Maybe use the same script parameter letters as The Specialists, in the same order, to assure compability?
E.g. 1st hog = S, 2nd hog = E, 3rd hog = N, ...

PS: The links seem to expire VERY fast. Your link from only 2 days ago is already "Not Found". But that doesn't matter, I managed to grab a copy from Pastebin.

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KIRA's picture
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Hmm ok Wuzzy you can solve it in that way. No, the links I think expires in 14 days but the site is often down so when you try to open a link it gives Not Found.

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It's now on DLC. Please download it and check if it's OK.

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KIRA's picture
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It seems to work fine. Thank you very much!

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