Submit your HedgeEditor missions here

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h3oCharles's picture
User offline. Last seen 20 weeks 6 hours ago. Offline
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hi, so i don't see a lot of love for HedgeEditor, and here i am having a couple of missions made with it a couple of years ago

i will be posting the mission code using pastebin, to install it:

Open notepad and paste the contents of the pastebin, then go to this folder:

Windows: Documents/Hedgewars
Linux: ~/.hedgewars
Mac OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Hedgewars

inside that folder, make a new folder called "Missions"
inside that folder, make ANOTHER new folder called "Training"
then you save the text with lua extension, for example "TheMadCharles_-_My_Mission_v1.lua"

one more thing to keep in mind is for some reason HW doesn't like space bars, so we use underscores ("_") instead.

ok have fun, ill be posting my stuff in replies

oh hi

h3oCharles's picture
User offline. Last seen 20 weeks 6 hours ago. Offline
Joined: 2012-10-19
Posts: 140

Cognical Attack

it appears that the CyberNet took over the gears of time and the only way to defeat them is destroying the gears! Fortunately, you are not affected by the effects of said gears



Plinko War

pretty unpolished mission, pretty sure it was the first thing that I did back in the beta where HedgeEditor was introduced (can't remember when exactly)

every time an enemy dies crates spawn at your location, so don't get caught by AI!



Explosive Eyes

Another Rope Challenge/Puzzle, a certain Frog seems to hate apples, so much so that upon eating one their eyes explode, and it appears that its eyes are not the only victim of this procedure! Oh, and you're the Apple.

Multiple routes as well, including one that finishes the mission in 1 go.



Cyber Conquer

The Ninja-Samurai Alliance wanted to take shelter in a nearby construction zone, however the CyberNet is raiding them and they were quick enough to call the Police (You)! From what we have gathered, the Alliance doesn't seem to like our violent behaviour, however all we need to do is destroy the Boss of this army to defeat the entire network. Get to work, Officer!

You have a regenerative bubble - if you health is below 100, you heal

and from a technical standpoint this is a pretty impressive thing because the map is entirely made within HedgeEditor using girder, which im kinda proud of.


also you'll need to get this map as well, same procedure as any other HWP file


Cyber Conquer 2

not to be confused with the prequel, the objective is the same but we get random map and theme, so let the RNG Gods pray to you!



oh hi

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