{Suggestion] Ping with right click -Room window access while in game

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User offline. Last seen 22 hours 48 min ago. Offline
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Posts: 31

I have several suggestion. Here they are.

In a room, you can right click a player nick, then you have 3 choices :
1- Add (or remove) friend
2- Info
3- Ignore

As some nicks are almost impossible to write, it would be convenient to add in the right-click list a 4th choice : 4- Ping.

It could also be convenient in lobby.

Also it would be nice if any player, not only the host, could access the room while in game. That would be convenient, to browse chat history, to copy links in chat, or to remove a team.
As last, it would be cool if players that press esc+Y and are in room have a button to rejoin game without going back to lobby.

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I'm personally in favour of allowing everyone to access the room. AFAIK one hitch is the plan to integrate frontend lobby and game into a single window. Will have to figure out how to allow admin and lobby access in that situation (a small tab tray?) - maybe unc0rr has some thoughts on that.

Anyway, if you want that behaviour in your client you can always build a new frontend with the admin check forced on.

As for ping, also sounds like a good idea, although I guess ignore should be possible to avoid ping harassment.

Do feel free to file bugs for things you especially care about at https://issues.hedgewars.org - we do look over the open ones.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

User offline. Last seen 22 hours 48 min ago. Offline
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ping harassment: this make no difference with in-chat ping imo. It only makes possible to ping dongers-nicks and other-alphabet-nicks.I guess server can kick for flood?

I will open issues.
Should I have open issues at first or is it better to ask for opinion here before?

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User offline. Last seen 4 weeks 20 hours ago. Offline
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huh. we don't filter ping harassment in global lobby already? boo. gotta remember to check that.

as for issues, I don't think there's ever any harm in filing. we don't get enough that we are overwhelmed. if you want to post here too to get more involvement... both sound fine to me.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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huh. we don't filter ping harassment in global lobby already?

As far I know, we don't. However, the server WILL kick players automatically for flooding.

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