[HW 1.0] Custom Weapon Set not saved

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User offline. Last seen 5 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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Great news! Just tried it with a friend, works fine.
Though we observed a possible bug on PC (no Bugzilla ID, sorry): A new custom weapon set (the weapon set option at the game settings screen) couldn't be saved.

1) Go "play online" via HW ->
2) create own room w PW ->
3) edit Weapon Set ->
copy ->
edit weapon numbers, save ->
play ->
after the game, back in Create new game (still same room) ->
choose the custom created weapon set, edit it ->
error message: "WS already exists, couldn't be saved" ->
trying to rename the set to save it as new ->
no error message, but WS is not displayed in the Weapon Set list.

Interestingly, *some* changes seem to have been accepted in the originally customized (and displayed) WS (#3).

Now if I create a new weapon set, and name it as the second custom weapon set that wasn't displayed, I, again, get the error message that it would already exist. But it doesn't appear in the drop-down list.

Quitting and restarting doesn't change anything. Any clues?

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Bug confirmed in 1.0.0.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

Wuzzy's picture
User offline. Last seen 36 weeks 4 days ago. Offline
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I have found the reason for this bug and fixed it.

This error pops up under very specific conditions only. It happens when you created a new weapon set (“New” or “Copy” button), then edited the name in the text field and immediate clicked “go back” without scrolling once through the drop-down list first. You have to do these things exactly, otherwise the bug might not trigger.

So, this bug is quite sneaky and it explains why it managed to sneak into 1.0.0. Sad Smiley

I don't know when the next release will come, but I can give you a workaround:

To make sure your new weapon set is saved, scroll once in the drop-down list before going back. This will trigger a save. You do not have to do this for weapon sets that already existed, as the bug only affects new weapon sets.

Thanks for your bug report, your steps helped me find it. Much appreciated! Smile

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

User offline. Last seen 5 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 51

Great, thanks for tracking down the sneaky sneaker! Will do.
Cheers and much obliged!

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