Error 805306369

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User offline. Last seen 5 years 6 weeks ago. Offline
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Hello there,

I've been playing the game for a while now and I had to reinstall the game due to a computer change.
The installation and the opening of the game (launcher) are done perfectly, until I launch a game, or when I want to connect online I get this error (+game crash).
I don't have an antivirus that blocks, nor the firewall.
Hoping you can help me ^^

Wishing you a good day

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Can you give more details on your setup?
Operating system etc.

Alternatively, the feedback button in the game sends us some of that.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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My setup is
processor: AMD FX 6300 Six-Core Processor (6CPUs)
ram memory: 8192MB
graphics card: GT640 (old but enough xD)

I can't go to the feedback button in the game =/

I've this error now fist, before the other one

I reinstalled everything even if I changed the disk, but it didn't do anything =/

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Hm. Operating system details are more useful than graphics card. I mean, hedgewars still technically supports setups with like <128MB of VRAM and 512 texture sizes.

What operating system, what driver. Can you post a game log?

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Windows 10 pro 64 bits...

I don't found the game crash logs, where it is Sleepy Smiley


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Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

User offline. Last seen 5 years 6 weeks ago. Offline
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Hey, sorry for the long time.

I've solved my problem by changing the monitor resolution .. i don't know how that possible to crash all the game but it's solved

Thank you for your help, you're very kind, stay as you are.

Have a nice evening =D

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What was your old monitor resolution?

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

User offline. Last seen 4 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
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I have the same issue!

Oddly enough this only happens when joining an online room - and not all the time.
Single player/local works just fine.

I'm also on Windows 10 latest, 32Gig Ram, AMD Ryzen

*edit* Switching to full screen (1680x1020) from windowed at a res of 1600x936(or something close) did fix it for me too.

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We had a report from a Windows 10 user last week with a dual intel/nvidia graphics card laptop where from the game log Windows 10 was using the intel card instead of the nvidia one, and apparently with bad opengl support.
If you have a setup like that, could you force hedgewars.exe and hwengine.exe to use the nvidia card?
"When a user launches an application, the graphics driver tries to determine whether the application would benefit from the discrete GPU.
If so, the GPU is powered up from an idle state and is passed all rendering calls. Even in this case, though, the integrated graphics
processor (IGP) is used to output the final image. Under Windows the Nvidia driver also provides the option to manually select the GPU
in the right-click menu upon launching an executable."

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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For me it happens on my regualr PC, only one Vid card, which is a GeForce RTC2060Super

2 monitors, one HD, one 1680x1050

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Can you share My Documents/Hedgewars/Logs/game0.log ? can be useful for this.
Feel free to erase windows username if it is in an absolute path if you want.

Could give a clue as to what point it is failing at.
My bet is bad opengl support by your driver but..

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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