The Specialists Reloaded
The Specialists Reloaded
The Specialists Reloaded adds a lot of new specialist classes you can play with. Each specialist has a character associated allowing the teams customization with the script parameter:
e.g. by writing t=ABCDEFGH you will set the corresponding specialist for those letters to both teams in that order.
The classical specialist from the original The Specialist script are not removed so you can play mixing them with the others or play some variants by adding only 1 or 2 new classes to the classical specialists team.
- A=Adventurer
- B=Butcher
- C=Cyborg
- D=Demo
- E=Engineer
- F=Fighter
- G=Guard
- H=Saint
- I=Indian
- J=Expert
- K=Coward
- L=Loon
- M=Medic
- N=Ninja
- O=Clone
- P=Pyro
- Q=Gangster
- R=Rabbit
- S=Soldier
- T=Tapir
- U=Undertaker
- V=Veteran
- W=Strategist
- X=Sniper
- Y=Hunter
- Z=Devil
- 1=Pathfinder
- 2=Thief
- 3=Friend
The Script has a system of health balance, this means that specialists dont have a fixed amount of health but it depends on various factors such as the average damage that the hogs that are playing can do and the overall power of a hog.
For this script there are some little modification for weapons:
- The sinegun for Clone and Friend is modified in a way that has no ray, this way you can use it like in the Racer script has a transport utility;
- the deagle shot is modified for Cyborg, the shot digs 4 times more into the ground.
This is only a first version that i expect to enlarge by adding new classes.
Special thanks to Tiotimolina that helped me with the code.
Download link:
Could it be added to the DLC page please?
Sorry if I keep insisting but i really would like it to be on the dlc page. Is there a problem with it? If you dont want the dlc page be filled with all this mine specialist like scripts you could remove the others and keep this one since all the previous scripts were attempts to make a new specialist script that would satisfy me and i think i accomplished that with this one.
Personally I've just been insanely busy at work, and after noticing this request I then forget to download it and review it. Sorry. Things should calm down in about 2 weeks.
Will try to nag the others.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
oh ok thanks for replying.
Alright, alright, alright. I uploaded it for you. I am currently not really active in HW.
However, I have fixed some typos. You used the “:” wrong. Note this character sometimes needs escaping. But no big deal.
I also appended “_v1” to the name. We require version numbers for all scripts (and some other things) on DLC, so we can bump it when a new version comes out.
I advice to re-download the DLC version so you can use it online.
I don't think I'm too happy with the proliferation of Specialists scripts that are all very similar. Not that I'm against it, but I don't like repeated code …
I think eventually we need the ultimate Specialists script. A Specialists script to replace all Specialists scripts.
And of course it needs to be official.
Or even better, let the player select per-hog weapons in the weapons options. That might be the best solution. Fiddling around with the script parameter is not user friendly.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Thanks Wuzzy. You can remove all the previous mine specialists script that are already on DLC since i think i kept upgrading the same idea more and more for finally arriving to this one.
The problem with letting the player select per-hog weapons is that you cant modify weapons with SetGearValues and that the hogs wont have the same hat. That feature would be good for allowing more customization for the game in general but not for an ultimate Specialist script i think. Giving a specialist 3 random weapons doesnt make him a good specialist, for each specialist i made in this script i spent some time thinking at the weapons and at the correspondent gamestyle, so I dont think that this kind of customization could make an ultimate Specialist script.
Anyway thanks again
I am sorry to bring this back up/necropost, but is there a place where I can download this for my hedgewars?
I already know where it goes/how to install it to my hedgewars, etc.
It can be downloaded from the Downloaded Content section. Just click on “Downloadable Content” on the main menu and click on the correct link, restart Hedgewars, and it's installed!
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Alright, Thanks!
The Specialist Reloaded V2
In this patch I decided to remove Worse/less intresting specialists and replace them with new ones, in addition I balanced the health of some specialists that in some cases used to be insanely high.
Patch notes:
Removed Adventurer
Removed Butcher
Removed Gangster
Removed Veteran
Removed Rabbit
Removed Thief
Lowered Loon health
Lowered Cyborg Health
Removed grenades and added sticky mines to Tapir
Renamed "Strategist" to "Weakener"
Added Quanticity
Added Buryer
Added Knight
Added Researcher
Added Vampire
Download link:
Can I ask the developers to add the script in the DLC page please? If you think the page is too much filled with specialists-like modes feel free to delete them since I think that The Specialists Reloaded is the ultimate Specialists DLC script, at least for me, I dont intend to create new scripts like these. Only, I think I will keep updating this one.
The Specialists reloaded v3
As I may have said before I wish this game, one day, will be played competitevely in tournaments so with this script I'm trying patch after patch to realize an adequate game enviroment that eliminates the limits that stop this from happening and adds enough richness and depth to the game in order to make more pleasant the experience and avoid boredom.
For this reasons I decided to implement in this version a new great feature that adds dynamic clocks/ready timers. These clocks work like the chess timers so that there is a total customizable time per player that flows when thinking at your next move; as soon as you perform an action with your hog your turn time begins to deplete and when it will begin your next turn your "think time" will begin to flow again starting from the total ready time minus the time you used in the previous turn; if you run out of ready time you won't lose the game like in chess but you will simply have to continue playing without it.
Unfortunately in the current state of the game this feature has very serious limits cause the game will count as a gameplay action even clear not gameplay actions like checking the weapons and zooming the camera. I hope this will be fixed in future Hedgewars versions.
The reason for the implementation of this feature concerns the problem of not having time to react to the last enemy turn, often in fact happens that during your enemy turn you think of your next move and in the last second happens something that compromise your plan and you have to waste turn time for thinking to your next move. But there is another reason: I think that in strategy games a frenzy gameplay shouldnt be the only possibility for players since the presence of well thought plans and strategies increase the level of depth and spectacularity of the match.
Since there is no option in the game scheme to edit the ready timer yet you will have to use the Retreat time parameter, this means that there can be a maximum of 999 seconds of think time per player.
In addition to that there are also some minor changes:
1.Removed Knight and Buryer Specialists
2.New Specialists:
-3 Mortars
- Extra damage
-1 Girder
Ball boy:
-3 ballgun
- Gravity
NOTE: The ballgun weapon for ball boy has not the vanilla values of the standard gun, in fact this one is very different: it shots only one ball, the ball does 65 damage instead of 40 and it explodes after 1500 ms it has been shot. So basically it is a grenade launcher (im very happy with how it turned out lol).
3. minor changes to Specialists names, hats, weapons and associated selection charachters.
Download link:
Edit: credit to Tiotimolina that coded the timer part
Minor typo: "starts with its own weapon set .,"
This is a known problem and trivial to fix but nemo wants to keep this behavior. Sorry.
The only reason I did not expose the ready timer yet is because it would make the game scheme editor too crowded. This screen needs to be redone to becomee more "extensible".
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Thanks for replying. Can the script be added to dlc page anyway? its still playable after all.
New link :
I did some minor adjustement to the weapons of some Specialists.
I noticed a bug:
This means if the word "Cyborg" is translated to any other string, the bottom condition won't ever be true. I think it's a bad idea to use the hog name for this check because it can't be relied on due to translation.
What you should do is to use a store for each hog explicitly to which class they belong in a different manner, one that is independent from the hog name.
The Tracker library can be useful for this. LuaLibraryTracker.
There's a minor issue which is not important (feel free to ignore):
Tha Goals string should be split up into multiple "loc()" strings, ideally one "loc()" per line. This will make it more managable for translators.
For example:
I know, Hedgewars doesn't actually support translation for external content yet, but that doesn't justify low-quality code.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Tiotimolina helped me fixing the problem using GetHogHat instead of GetHogName.
download link:
Can it be added to dlc page?
OK, it looks OK now. I have updated the DLC page. But I bumped the version number to 4 since you made changes compared to version 3.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Thank you