low gravity tweak

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KIRA's picture
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The low gravity utility is great and allows already some tricks that you can do like this one that I discovered lately in which you can modify the height at which the dynamite explodes depending on when you activate the low gravity utility:

But I thought that if you could deactivate the low gravity by using it a second time and reactivate it by using a third time and so on the amount of creative tactics you could do would be way higher and that this would be good for the game.
I dont know if this is possible but since there is already an option in the script parameter for a script that allows to modify the gravity through all the game at intervals something make me believe that it is.

What do you think of this suggestion?

nemo's picture
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Sounds interesting. I guess you could deal a ton of damage to hogs that way, but at least it would not be that easy to do.

Another customisability variation that might be fun would be how much gravity variation. Could use similar mechanism to grenade bounciness I suppose. Before consuming the utility pick whether gravity would be 5%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 70% (or whatever fun values with 5 options might be) of normal.

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Wuzzy's picture
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The question is how we make it possible, control-wise, to disable Low Gravity while it is active.
Just use the same ammo again? But this would only work if you still have at least 1 Low Gravity left.

Also, should disabling “cost” you another Low Gravity? This feels super-weird to me.

Or should disabling be “free” since you already spent your Low Gravity? But what do you display in the ammo menu when you have spent your last Low Gravity? Display the ammo icon even if it's at zero? It's not really clear to me how to solve it in the GUI in a non-confusing manner. Sad Smiley

Anyway, I think this just makes the game a bit more complex and I'm afraid it won't be very discoverable. And I'm not sure if such a feature should ever be added. It's a very very specific suggestion, after all.

Besides, the utilities like Low Gravity / Extra Damage / ... are meant to affect the whole turn, and are not reversible. For now, think before using them.

That having said, such things can always be experimented with with Lua scripts (although I have no interest in doing it myself).

Anyway, I like these types of discussions, they keep the forums alive. Big Grin

What you have shown in this mini-video is clearly a pro-move! Big Grin

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

nemo's picture
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Well, we could just add an extra flag to the engine to indicate "low gravity was activated this turn" - and that would permit toggling it in hedgehog code ☺

Engine is full of custom flags anyway.

As for "you have low g as an option" dunno. could tweak the icon rendering in the corner. maybe just a dark icon when disabled.

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KIRA's picture
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Hey nemo and Wuzzy, thank you for replying.

I think the nemo's suggestion of gravity variations of 5%, 10% etc. is too much cause it would be hard for a player to memorize and master the behaviour of each of these gravity settings.

In response to Wuzzy instead I was thinking that disabling gravity would cost 1 ammo so that you will need 2 low gravity ammo to activate and disable it. I agree that this would make the game more complex and that this specific mechanich wouldnt be much discoverable especially in the popular gamemodes like highlander or brw, in fact I had in mind the The Specialist-ish gamemodes in which a hog can have 2 or infinite low gravity ammo and some other weapon or utility that in combination can allow a lot of tactics like the one in the video.

But im just a player so if this change cause problems in the GUI or in the programming phase, or just it isnt welcome I can understand, no problem Smile

Yea Wuzzy that gravity with dynamite tactic is awesome but its almost impossible to apply in game XD

nemo's picture
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Well, the nice thing about variable gravity settings, just like variable grenade bounce, is you don't have to use or master it if you don't want to. I'm inclined to put it in 'cause it'd be fun for *me*.
Feel free to ignore it if you like Big Grin

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KIRA's picture
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ahahahah ok no problem. I guess this would increase the creativity possibilities so im good with it Big Grin

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