Hedge Stranding

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KIRA's picture
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Hedge Stranding

Hedge Stranding is a Hedgewars script inspired by the videogame "Death Stranding" where teams have different objectives depending on their role.

There are 3 roles: Porters, Mules, BTs.


Objective:In order to win, Porters have to steal a special cargo (marked with a yellow circle) from the Mules base and bring it back to their base (marked with an orange circle).

Base Position: The Porters base is positioned where they end the first turn.

Cowardice: Porters cant jump in proximity of BTs (black circle).

Voidout: When a Porter dies a big explosion occurs leaving a crater on his body position.


Objective: Mules are obsessed with cargos! Their objective is to collect a certain number of crates that depends by the number of enemies (+2 crates for each enemy hog).

Cargo Position: The Mules Special Cargo is positioned where they end the first turn.

Exoskeleton: Mules are able to perform double long jumps and triple high jumps.

Cowardice: Mules cant jump in proximity of BTs (black circle).

Voidout: When a mule dies a big explosion occurs leaving a crater on his body position.

Not lethal: Mules attacking weapons like bat and whip does not deal damage on impact.


Objective: BTs goal is to kill every porter and every mule.

Terror Aura: Porters and Mules cant jump in BTs proximity (black circle).

Fast Traveler: BTs have infinite Ammo of a modified version of Timebox that is way more fast in all its aspects.

Immortality: BTs cant die, when the their hp goes to 0 they respawn to a random position.

Levitation: BTs will levitate instead of impacting the ground so they cant take fall damage.


Global events and game flags

Land of lost cargos: Every turn 2 utility/weapon crates will drop on the battlefield in a random position; there is no limit to the number of crates that can be on the battlefield in the same time.

gfSwitchHog: Free hog switching at turn start.

gfInfAttack: Attacks don’t end the turn.

gfPerHogAmmo: Each hedgehog has its own weapon stash.


The idea of making this script is mine but the code was written entirely by Tiotimolina with some help from sheepluva.

Download link: https://gofile.io/d/ps28bG

KIRA's picture
User offline. Last seen 2 weeks 11 hours ago. Offline
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Posts: 152

Updated download link: https://gofile.io/d/m8RRD6

Is it a problem to add it to the DLC page? This way I dont need to update the link every time.

KIRA's picture
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sheepluva's picture
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I've happened to play this mode today (with the creator themselves).

It doesn't take long to understand the rules and it's a fun mode Big Grin

The strategic challenge that comes with it makes it more interesting,
but at the same time it's not overwhelming.

You don't need to be hyper-focused nor super-invested.
Just as soon as you understand each role's mission you will do whatever it takes to reach your goal and stop the others from reaching theirs.

I strongly recommend trying this mode to everybody looking for a new fun experience.
Preferably with 3 teams so that each role is filled.

It's available in the game's DLC!

Thank you KIRA for making this Smile

Cheers Big Grin

  sheepluva <- me  my code stats -> 
a Hedgewars Developer

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KIRA's picture
User offline. Last seen 2 weeks 11 hours ago. Offline
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Thank you very much! Your reply makes me very happy.
I would like to remind everybody that this mode wouldn't be here now if it wasn't for your help with the code, so thank you again Big Grin

vint's picture
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Oh yes! We'll definitely need to try this out some day. Flying Saucer Hedgehog

Hello, I am author of Typewriter Hedgewars Lua library.
Will be happy to contribute in some HW campaign or mission!

Wink Smiley

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