[Theme] Fech the Ferret inspired theme

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User offline. Last seen 2 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
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I spent the last couple days making this because some friends of mine have been playing Hedgwars, on the Discord server for the indie game Fech the Ferret. I thought it would be fun to make a theme just for our server, and it wound up looking really good. I tried to consistently give solid objects and outline, since there are non-solid grass and flower objects.

Download the theme here:


Here's us playing on it (since this was taken I updated with a high rez skybox and added the temple gate object).

A link to the game that inspired me, for those wondering:

Specifically, I referenced this promo art as well as some screenshots of the game:

KIRA's picture
User offline. Last seen 2 weeks 13 hours ago. Offline
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The tree looks kinda nice but i think everything else needs work.
The land texture is very important and here is rather disappointing.
Nice to see players working on themes tho, I'm also drawing one right now.

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User offline. Last seen 36 weeks 4 days ago. Offline
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Interesting. Did you all draw it yourself?

I agree, the land texture is too simplistic for my taste, too.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

User offline. Last seen 2 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 8

Hey so I know it's been a while but I am interested in working on this theme a bit more.

I have an idea how I'd like to improve some of the scenery objects already.

I wasn't sure what to do with the land texture because there wasn't a lot to work with from the source material (I had mimicked the checkered pattern from the cliffs/walls in the Fech demo). Looking at it again I could tweak the color palette to be less similar to the background. I could also make the land texture more earthy/detailed instead of checkers.

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