Idea to make a multiplayer paid by subscription

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User offline. Last seen 3 years 51 weeks ago. Offline
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I have a next idea to make a multiplayer at official server paid by subscription.
Main game must be free, singleplayer is free and free download, source code also is free, and game at the local network with friends also must be free, but if you want to play with random players all over the world at officical server, you must pay your money, for example - 5$ per month. And developers with this way can earn as much money as audiences can attract.

KoBeWi's picture
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Nobody stops you from running your own paid server. Good luck attracting players from already unpopular game.

Wuzzy's picture
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Yes, indeed, paid Hedgewars servers are not "forbidden". In fact, the FOSS license that Hedgewars uses specifically allows "commercial use".

However, you will still have to compete against our free server, so good luck with that. :P

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User offline. Last seen 3 years 51 weeks ago. Offline
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Ah, okay, close the topic. It was just an idea.
I saw it in some Japanese business models. Japanese people knows how to earn some money.
Maybe soon I will remove my account from here.

User offline. Last seen 3 years 51 weeks ago. Offline
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And I am not thinking that hedgewars is not a popular game, I am playing hedgewars everyday in singleplayer versus bots. Short matches for 3~5 minutes and no necessary to learn difficult game rules is a good anti-stress.
More concrete data we can get from download counter which can measure popularity of hedgewars with high accuracy (how many downloads was last month for example?).

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I don't think there's any desire amongst core devs to do this. No one is really looking to make money from Hedgewars. I appreciate the sentiment though. At present there's no enormous need for cash to run the server which is being donated by burp, and unless enough money came in to dedicate the time of a dev, it probably wouldn't be worth doing.

And yes, as Wuzzy noted, it kind of goes against FOSS principles. Free as in Beer as well as Free as in Speech.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Speaking for myself, while I am not in it for the money, I do accept Bitcoin donations (and apparently nemo does, too). My Bitcoin address is: 17fsUywHxeMHKG41UFfu34F1rAxZcrVoqH

I find it interesting to hear that there are people who enjoy this game in singleplayer. Seems like we might have a few more singleplayers than it seems, it might be that most of them don't talk very often about the game. Big Grin

PS: I still don't really understand why this was suggested. Because this suggestion just does not make sense to me. Even if we set all ideology aside, I don't think going to "paid server mode" makes any sense. Currently, Hedgewars is not very popular in online multiplayer. Asking for ANY amount of money would be a de facto paywall that futher reduces the already low player count. That wouldn't be good for Hedgewars; it might actually be destructive, even.
Just let the few online players that are out there have their fun! Big Grin

But I would be opposed in making an paid OFFICIAL server either way, it's just not what Hedgewars was meant to be. If there would be ever a paid UNOFFICIAL server … I wouldn't mind tho. As long the official one is free. :P

Thankfully, it does not seem that is not going to die anytime soon because "the money ran out". That's a plus. Smile Smile Smile

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

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I put that in there a while ago to copy someone else (sheepluva I think?). The history of the address is visible if anyone is curious, but it didn't amount to much. It never amounted to more than a few bucks, but I appreciated the gesture.
(well... at the time. if I'd hodled it might've been a little more than a few bucks, but still not a lot. I sent it on as a payment for another indie thing)

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

Shadow_The_Worm's picture
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user63702 allegedly wrote:

I have a next idea to make a multiplayer at official server paid by subscription.
Main game must be free, singleplayer is free and free download, source code also is free, and game at the local network with friends also must be free, but if you want to play with random players all over the world at officical server, you must pay your money, for example - 5$ per month. And developers with this way can earn as much money as audiences can attract.

That's one lame idea to make the OFFICAL server paid. You seriously are trying to turn this into a Worms Steam clone, now aren'tcha. Please, host your own paid server, and good luck competing with the offical F2P in every aspect. Come on, you really want to turn this game into a P2P just like that crappy Worms clone titled Wormix/Bombix. I'm voting againist this directly on the offical server.

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