Lag issues

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Hedgewars Tricks
Hedgewars Tricks's picture
User offline. Last seen 21 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
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Posts: 39

I recently got a friend to install Hedgewars and tell me what he thought. He made and account, downloaded everything, and tried it out. He began with the tutorial levels, and noticed that the game got progressively slower as he went on (in terms of lag). however, once he got to the bazooka level, he would fire, and the projectile would move very slowly, then ten seconds later, it would fly at mach speed. After firing several times, the game simply froze and became unplayable.he checked the task manager, and it reported nothing out of the ordinary, he turned off hid anti virus, nothing changed, and turned off auto update for anything running in the background, still no change. He has plenty of space on his pc, so I was wondering if anyone else has run into similar problems, and how one could go about fixing it.


Wuzzy's picture
User offline. Last seen 40 weeks 3 days ago. Offline
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That's strange. I have never heard of this problem before. Do you have any specific data about the hardware and system on which HW was run on?

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

Hedgewars Tricks
Hedgewars Tricks's picture
User offline. Last seen 21 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
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Posts: 39

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:

That's strange. I have never heard of this problem before. Do you have any specific data about the hardware and system on which HW was run on?

He ended up getting a new computer today, it looks like it was an outdated computer issue, though I'm surprised Hedgewars couldn't run on it, given how lightweight it is


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