Suggestion: Align weapons with retical/power meter/center of hog

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User offline. Last seen 3 years 9 weeks ago. Offline
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The weapons are all offset vertically and horizontally from the center of the hog. Visually this looks weird in my opinion, especially when the projectiles originate from the center of the hog and not from the end of the weapon. This is confusing when trying to shoot past objects, you have to disregard the weapon entirely and guess when the center of the hog is past obstacles. Visually the weapon is past any obstacles, yet the projectile will collide with something right in front of the hog.

This is the current alignment of the bazooka for example...

A small adjustment to the bazooka png in GIMP...

It's still off by a pixel but I just centered it by eye, and it looks like a more natural position to hold the weapon as well

I think that having the weapon show up in front of the hog, rather than behind, would look alright. Then the art doesn't get obscured by the hog and you could more easily see what weapon you actually have equipped.

Here's a screenshot from Worms Armageddon for reference.

It's easy to see what weapon it is and you know that when the weapon clears an obstacle so will the projectile.

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Ethanol6 allegedly wrote:

The weapons are all offset vertically and horizontally from the center of the hog. Visually this looks weird in my opinion, especially when the projectiles originate from the center of the hog and not from the end of the weapon. This is confusing when trying to shoot past objects, you have to disregard the weapon entirely and guess when the center of the hog is past obstacles. Visually the weapon is past any obstacles, yet the projectile will collide with something right in front of the hog.

This is the current alignment of the bazooka for example...

A small adjustment to the bazooka png in GIMP...

It's still off by a pixel but I just centered it by eye, and it looks like a more natural position to hold the weapon as well

I think that having the weapon show up in front of the hog, rather than behind, would look alright. Then the art doesn't get obscured by the hog and you could more easily see what weapon you actually have equipped.

Here's a screenshot from Worms Armageddon for reference.

It's easy to see what weapon it is and you know that when the weapon clears an obstacle so will the projectile.

Okay, so here's my opinion on this idea. While the new weapon hold display might look fancy and natural, there are a few problems with it. First of all, the hand display is going to be apparently broken by the new hold design. Secondly, if the held weapon is laid on top of the hog, that said hog will be obscured by the weapon. This isn't a canon Worms game where holding weapons in front of the worm still leaves a good chunk of their body (including their face) visible, this is a quality Worms clone where holding weapons with the back hand is optimal for hedgehogs.

And why exactly do you compare Hedgewars to just Worms Armageddon? If you take a deeper look at the HP bar design, you'll find out that the HP bar is very similar to Worms Revolution and Worms Clan Wars rather than Worms Armageddon. Yes, some of the assets that Hedgewars uses (for example, bazooka shell, grenade, cluster bomb, dynamite, commentary panel, wind bar, etc) resemble these seen in Armageddon, however this game isn't the only base of Hedgewars graphical design. The hud elements and other assets are loosely custom and mixed with multiple Worms games instead of just one.

User offline. Last seen 3 years 9 weeks ago. Offline
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The comparison to Armageddon is because that's what I'm familiar with.

Yes, the weapon would obscure the hog. I don't think this is that awful since it's only temporary while using the weapon. I haven't done a proper comparison but are the worms actually taller than the hogs?

Right now, the alignment of weapons with the reticle becomes more offset as you tilt the weapon up or down, some more noticeably than others, and some don't seem to line up at all. I think it would be a visual improvement if at least the alignment could be improved.

That being said, if it breaks too much stuff then it breaks too much stuff.

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