Unable to access downloadable content

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Hedgewars Tricks
Hedgewars Tricks's picture
User offline. Last seen 21 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
Joined: 2019-01-03
Posts: 39

Ahoy there,
Was looking to play some Hedgewars again, and one way or another, after buying a new PC, all my stuff was removed. Anywho, went to click the downloadable content button, only to discover error code 6 popped up, saying that I needed an internet connection, but I didn't appear to be online. I was able to join multiplayer rooms just fine and was signed into my account doing so... I assumed something might've been wrong with the Steam build, so I uninstalled it from Steam and downloaded it here, but the same problem occurred.
I haven't been keeping up with Hedgewars news recently, so this might've been addressed already, and I hadn't noticed it (apologies if that is, in fact, the case), but regardless, what is the most likely cause of said error code? and how do I fix it so I can access the Hedgewars DLC?


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DLC page seems to work fine for me. :/

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

User offline. Last seen 2 weeks 4 days ago. Offline
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Ahoy, ahoy!
Yeah, I'm on Windows 11 and I'm dealing with this problem. I tested this on my steam deck (which runs Arch Linux) and the DLC works fine. But on Windows? Yeah, I'm having trouble as well. I'm having the same problem that Hedgewars Tricks is going through. Got the same error message, the only difference is that I didn't download hedgewars via Steam.

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