[Mission] the Bullies and the Bullied

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h3oCharles's picture
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Simple Mission to showcase that according to LuaGears: AddHog

KB allegedly wrote:
[...] Note that mixing human-controlled and computer-controlled hedgehogs in the same team is not permitted [...]

well... apparently it is possible - your Hedgehogs 2 and 3 are CPU1, meanwhile the enemy comprising of 4 hogs is CPU2

should need more polishing to make it usable as at least a DLC, but the concept itself is there. this would be the 3rd mission to use the Ducks map btw :/

oh, and goal is to defeat the enemy


oh hi

Wuzzy's picture
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well... apparently it is possible - your Hedgehogs 2 and 3 are CPU1, meanwhile the enemy comprising of 4 hogs is CPU2

The thing is, Hedgewars makes no guarantee or promise that this constellation does work. We didn't spend time in testing. Also, the codebase makes many assumptions about teams, like that every team is human-only or computer-only. So I wouldn't rely on that behavior.

The KB tag currently only can link to the full KB page, not anchors (everything after the "#").

This works:


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sheepluva's picture
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h3oCharles allegedly wrote:

[kb]LuaGears#AddHog(hogname,_botlevel,_health,_hat)[/kb] <-- idk how to format this plz help

The [kb] tag did not support linking headings (#anchors) within pages yet.

Only the full page, as in [kb]LuaGears[/kb]

However I just added support for headings so now it looks like this:

h3oCharles allegedly wrote:

LuaGears: AddHog <-- idk how to format this plz help

If you run in any other further issues with the tag - let me know please Smile


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