[Script] [Multiplayer] PirateBattle

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Greenhead352's picture
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Mode i created to play on forts!
Collect doubloons, buy stuff and infiltrate other's forts!

Each turn , a crate with 1 doubloon falls (And every 7, a lot more fall!)
Hedgehogs start with 1 ship, 3 doubloons and one cutlass (a whip reskin).
Each turn you get ability to shop: selling cutlasses for money, buying ships, new weapons, girders, healing etc.

Use the shop to your advantage, such as using a parachute after jumping out of a ship or using some booze to survive the Hellish Punch!

Not my first mode, since i also ported kaos, should i post that too?

Link: PirateBattle_v7

Suggested scheme: 60 Seconds, Share ammo with same team color, Wrap world edge
Suggested weapons: None of everything (script will give ship, doubloons and cutlass)

h3oCharles's picture
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played this with CPU, thoughts so far (might edit this):
- shop box lags the game <-- onGameTick vs onGameTick20?
- CPU tries to use the shop limburger but does nothing and gets confused
- some icons in the shop got mixed up
- the HWP file with the script has the script...?! (as in, the HWP file next to the lua file, opening it has Scripts/Multiplayer/PirateBattle.lua, i hope you weren't pulling your hair on that)

oh hi

Greenhead352's picture
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oh whoops, didnt notice that
the hwp inside was supposed to be with the textures
and yeah ill try to fix the shop in the next update, was playing with friends and they reported that the shop lagged them (didnt lag much for me)

and i dont really know how to make cpus actually use stuff , this was designed to play with actual people in mind

h3oCharles's picture
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they cant really use the interface of the shop, but you could simulate the CPU buying stuff on certain conditions

oh hi

h3oCharles's picture
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thought of an idea on how this could be done

the AI's weaponry would dynamically change based on how many doubloons they have
and doubloons would get used up as soon as a weapon gets used

however, this relies on shared ammo being disabled

make of that what you will

oh hi

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