My suggestion for game apperance

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User offline. Last seen 22 weeks 2 days ago. Offline
Joined: 2024-07-22
Posts: 3

I have some simple and cool (I think) suggestions for minor changes to the game's appearance:

1. During the game, the name of the active character disappears - only their life bar appears in the upper right corner. A good solution, in my opinion, would be to also place the hedgehog's name there, as in the picture.

An even better solution (but more technically complicated) is to place the name and life bar on the opposite side of the crosshair. Such bars would move in rotation on the opposite side of the crosshair. I'm posting my idea in the next pictures.

2. If we create teams, CPU teams only have the CPU flag... Maybe double markings would be better (the human/computer symbol and a flag)? CPU teams could have their own flags!

3. And finally, one more idea - a simple team ranking with the number of wins, losses and exits from the game. Similarly for individual hedgehogs - wins, losses (win/loss ratio), exits, etc.

Thank you for your attention and please think about my suggestions.

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