The Grand Tournament 2013 : Sign up now!

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0. News Box
The Sign Up is open now, the closing sign-up date will be 20 December. It's winter! Santa! .. and Christmas are only a few days away!

1. Index
Ctrl + F and put any code to direct you to any section (the code in bracket).

i. Index [EdvFqNwz]
ii. Introduction [HPinriyt]
iii. Sign Up Details [tEjtrjsW]
iv. Rules [YSvinPii]
v. Prizes [NPSuokHn]
vi. Credits [sDTmSaAx]

2. Introduction [HPinriyt]
It has been a while since the last tourney was held on January this year. The focus will be centered on the new Hedgewars ranking system . The Specialists League will deter the ranking as the winner will earn the 1st rank in Hedgewars while the runner-up (2nd) earns 2nd rank in Hedgewars and so on. However, the league is locked , only 8 qualifiers chosen from The Specialists Tournament are allowed to participate.

About the Specialists Tournament, those 8 competitors must sign in here. We use this thread as the Specialists Tournament thread unlike Shoppa Cup and Default Tournament. To sign in, just post something like " Hiii! " or " Hello" or anything else you want to show us that you have ready to roll. Remember this is only applied for Specialists Tournament competitors, which is locked. So, I want to scream out their names; Kootooloo, Schoddie, Nemo, NJU, 1, Bender, Luelle and Komplex! Sign in now! Big Grin

We are pleased that Hedgewars 0.9.19, the most recent version has fewer bugs unlike before. It would help the tournament go smooth.

3. Sign Up Details [tEjtrjsW]
We've added two categories into the tournament, Default Tournament and Shoppa Cup . And, the sign up for these categories aren't here. But anyways, the major logs and news will be here, always.

You can sign up into Default Tournament or Shoppa Cup, or both Big Grin Here is the links straight up to the sign up pages.

The Default Tournament Sign Up Page : link is not yet available
Shoppa Cup Sign Up Page :

4. Rules [YSvinPii]
Here lies the main rules,

1. Fill the application correctly, use your own name/username/nickname , country and other required information.
2. Be polite when playing the games and posting application/suggestion.
3. Discuss with your opponents in case the game was crashed and both must agree before continue posting the results.
4. No spam messages are allowed in this forum topic.
5. We do not allowed you to sign up here, in the main page.
6. You can only post your suggestions, a good-luck waving, and the problems you have.
7. Send demo after finishing your game along with results. All demos will be spectate so careful of any words you said.

5. Prizes [NPSuokHn]
Prize? We have a lot in our store -- but, not everyone will get these prizes. So, the prizes are as below:

The Specialists League
1st Place - A map of the winner' own design, a mentoring program for shoppa (if interested) and the name will step forward to glory hill by leading the ranking of Hedgewars!

2nd Place - A hat of the runner-up' own design, a mentoring program for shoppa (if interested) and the name will also step on the second rank in Hedgewars.

3rd Place - A mentoring program for shoppa (if interested) and the name will go through the third place in Hedgewars ranking.

The Default Tournament
1st Place - A hand-drawn map of the winner own design, a mentoring program for artillery shooting or defensive tactical (if interested)

2nd Place - A hat of the runner-up design and a mentoring program for artillery shooting or defensive tactical (if interested)

Shoppa Cup
1st Place - A shoppa map of the winner' own design and the name will replace the champ's name in Trophyrace map.

2nd Place - A hat of the runner-up own design and the name will replace the last year runner-up from Shoppa Tournament 2012 in Trophyrace map.

3rd Place - The name will replace the last year 3rd place from Shoppa Tournament 2012 in Trophyrace map.

6. Credits [sDTmSaAx]
The Specialists League Moderators: Mysstery and Wolfmarc
The Default Tournament Moderators: Randy and Mysstery
The Shoppa Cup Moderators: Wolfmarc and Randy
The Graphics: Star and Moon and Randy
The Contributors: Star and Moon and Vatten

Thanks to everyone on board. Your helps are appreciated Big Grin

The HW-TournTeam

The Grand Tournament is now open for sign up.
The Grand Tournament 2013:
The Default Tournament :
The Shoppa Cup :

User offline. Last seen 3 years 14 weeks ago. Offline
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hello :P

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Big Grin

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Nick: chuebert
Team Name: chuebert
Country: Germany

Kootooloo's picture
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Hope this new computer I have doesn't blow up. Sign me up, sonny!

Always up for a The Specialists game, just ask me in Hedgewars.

User offline. Last seen 4 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 39

sign me up, please!

and hi! Big Grin

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