The Specialists Tournament 2013 (Winner : Kootooloo)

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We will be there! Smile

One question to the organistion team: is teamplay one match or best of three?

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Luelle allegedly wrote:

We will be there! Smile

One question to the organistion team: is teamplay one match or best of three?

Best out of 3, so it may take long time to complete the game.

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Mystery, we are waiting for you...

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1 allegedly wrote:

Schoddie and Luelle we can play at saturday 11 am utc!!
Mystery and i will be there
meet u tomorow

Luelle allegedly wrote:

We will be there! Smile
One question to the organistion team: is teamplay one match or best of three?

First game Team Battle Pigs & Broccoli vs. One Mystery won Pigs & Broccoli.


I will upload the demo instantly. Take care watching it. There are many mistakes in it ... Wink Smiley

2nd game is provided for next wednesday 17:00 UTC.

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So I checked a bunch of seeds, double-checked filter, and they were. Well... pretty nutty.

Caverns that would make napalm strike useless, island maps that would greatly favour ninja and sniper, maps w/ almost no terrain so napalm would rapidly erode them...

Were those seeds selected in 0.9.17 or something?

A couple more templates were added since then that would alter selection w/ a seed.

Somehow that seems unlikely though, give how long ago 0.9.18 was, relative to start of tournament.

Anyway. Currently have a room up w/
which doesn't suffer from those defects.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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COuldn't up demos because some problems, and so i didn't screened.
2-1 for Kiofspa against me Wink Smiley

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Man, i still think the seeds should only be optional, not forced ( as was said on post #24 and #25, page 1).

As nemo says, some seeds are very unfit, i can back that up; seriously who picked those seeds -.- (well, i suggested like 6 seeds, and only 2 or 3 are good, so dont' feel bad whoever you are).

These are the only ones i recommend (this are from the seeds list, so they are legit to use in the tournament):

{a38c0657-a11b-4c29-bc59-47a44fd9fb83} Somewhat reasonable. 4/10.
{ca39886d-8950-4927-aa2d-df1bd4e85be5} Reasonable. 5/10
{ec038485-d899-4b06-8bf8-2a0dfe653a2a} *I* really like this one. 8/10
{f58a6e7d-8b0c-4884-9a46-8f2ba968fd35} Good. 9/10
{64d57d9a-9ca0-4e93-9e5a-eab5bb433110} Kinda good. 8/10

Also don't forget to get rid of spaces before "{" and after "}" when you paste the seeds on the Seeds field, or you will get a different map. And remember to press "Set" button AFTER selecting the Filter!

Always up for a The Specialists game, just ask me in Hedgewars.

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If you play only a few seeds, people will see those maps from the previous demos and they will learn from mistakes or copy other players. Also, the initial stage with positioning will be less challenging because you have time to think about the game flow, before the match.
You are looking for maps that have roughly the same structure, suitable for a long, solid strategy game, with wonky stuff around the edges where you can protect hogs.
People usually loose games because of their failures on their turns or sudden death which comes very fast, rather than the architecture of the maps on a symmetric/balanced game.
Maybe it's better to have a bigger map-pool (15-20) with reasonable maps than only 5 best maps. After, choose somehow 3 random maps, all picked before the 1st game.

I think it can be done in future TS tournaments, to prevent gimmicky gameplays (suitable for specific maps) from people that play this mode for years.

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Samuelfrost4 and friends, The Portal Mutants, Ninjas in Pyjamas: what is your favourite time to play?

Schoddie (Team Pigs&Broccoli)

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Samuelfrost4 and friends, The Portal Mutants, Ninjas in Pyjamas: what is your favourite time to play? tell it here or contact me or mystery at pm! thx!
heres 1 from the Team One Mystery

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Tournament Organization Team allegedly wrote:

27 January 2013
The Team Battle category has started! Here we give you a list;
Pigs & Broccoli,
Samuelfrost4 and friends,
One Mystery,
The Portal Mutants,
Ninjas in Pyjamas.
There are two rounds. Two weeks for the first round while another two weeks for second round. Most importantly you need to fight all the opponents and discuss the time. A team which leads the points until the end of second round will be the champion.

I see it right, that the first of two rounds finish already next sunday?!?
So, if there is no match by Samuelfrost4 and friends, The Portal Mutants or Ninjas in Pyjamas and Luelle and me will win tomorrow again against One Mystery we won round 1? Cooool....

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Hey Mystery: this is a little memory for you... Wink Smiley

Today UTC 17:00 (MEZ 18:00) we will have our 2nd team-battle. Please be punctually this time, cause we want to see the match germany-france after that.
Thanks! Punch!

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Luelle allegedly wrote:

Hey Mystery: this is a little memory for you... Wink Smiley

Today UTC 17:00 (MEZ 18:00) we will have our 2nd team-battle. Please be punctually this time, cause we want to see the match germany-france after that.
Thanks! Punch!

17:06 ... we are waiting...

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17:06 ... we are waiting...

and its boooring *_*

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17:06 ... we are waiting...

and waiting...

Tournament-Organisation: What shall we do?
We are not kids, that have time all day long...

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better to come late than not even to organize a match look the other three teams -.-

Mystery_2nd Account
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It was 1.00 am for me. Though i was waiting for three of you an hour earlier but seems no one there, so i think i might don't understand the time. Sorry. How about 12AM UTC? or a bit later?

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The following pages can be use as a reference to find the adapted hour to play your games.

Time Zone Converter:

Doodle: easy way to make meetings.

Good luck in the following meetings.

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Mystery_2nd Account allegedly wrote:

It was 1.00 am for me.

You knew that since our last game. We always spoke about 17:00 UTC. Aghh

Mystery_2nd Account allegedly wrote:

How about 12AM UTC? or a bit later?

12:00 am UTC? It's 1:00 am for us is Germany. Geek For me no problem, if I know it at least one or two days before. During the week I cannot play from 7:00 am UTC till ca. 5:00 pm UTC. I only need to know when anyone wants to play...

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why is says i LOST against nemo WTF
i tried to find a time to play i said him my times and so on........

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At the first meeting of you and nemo, nemo was waiting for you. Nemo has sacrifices his time just to wait for you on server. But then, you say you can't play at the moment.

We personally thinks you should understand why nemo kicked you out of server before. Please, respect the people.

You said: " he could only play AT ONE TIME WHERE I COULDNT PLAY "

Actually, we've seen you on server around before we called you to come out to play against nemo. You've been on server for hours and the only moment you wanted to leave the server is only after you met nemo - you scared?

This is not UNFAIR. You made it horrible, so it's your own fault. Ofc, we don't wanna make you sad, cheers. Sometimes the truth is hard to be accept. Regards.

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Tournament Organization Team allegedly wrote:

7 February 2013
Oh well. As we said, if a game couldn't be played, then, the more active player will be on next stage. Fair?

It means also that when we make a date, and the date is also published in this forum, and the (or one of the) opponent(s) not appear(s) with a tolerance of 30 minutes or something like that, the match is lost, right?

I think if I make a date I should budget enough time for the matches, I probably need for?! D'accord?

What about the other three teams, that not yet even played one match? You're so afraid that you no longer want to play the TeamBattle-Tournament? Kiss Simmons!

Tournament Organization Team allegedly wrote:

Prizes Listing
- learning shoppa for free (contract of 2 months) (if interested)

Yes, I'm interested! Hellish Hand Grenade Flying

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ähm ye i was online like the whole day before but 1.i had team-battle
2.i was waiting for my dad
who came from berlin to munich to meet me in city for going to cinema or something else.
and the time nemo came online i said him that ive got only 5-10 mins left so its my falt or what? think about it -.-
i could play the whole time but not then kinda fucked

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1 allegedly wrote:

ähm ye i was online like the whole day before but 1.i had team-battle
2.i was waiting for my dad
who came from berlin to munich to meet me in city for going to cinema or something else.
and the time nemo came online i said him that ive got only 5-10 mins left so its my falt or what? think about it -.-
i could play the whole time but not then kinda fucked

You said about 5 to 10 minutes. But you wasted around or probably more than half an hour arguing with nemo. If so, why did you came to server? If you know your father would meet you then, why still playing? You should be getting ready for stuff and things. Time management is important.

Nemo is always and don't have time to waste around.

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my dad told me that he would phone me to told me when to leave my house so i just played the time he not phoned me and then i was only just 20 min arguing with nemo then he kciuked me out and like 2 mins later i was leaving the house so nemo just win cuz he is admin je very very fair...................

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1 allegedly wrote:

my dad told me that he would phone me to told me when to leave my house so i just played the time he not phoned me and then i was only just 20 min arguing with nemo then he kciuked me out and like 2 mins later i was leaving the house so nemo just win cuz he is admin je very very fair...................

Just to protect our relation, should we meet somewhere on server?

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Look guys. 1 obv cares a lot more than I do about this. Give it to him.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Nemo: From our side you are more deserving it because he ran from the first met. But well, we will change the matches position because the both sides of you and 1 have agreed.

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KompleX vs Wuzzy: 2:0
Sad Smiley
It is up to KompleX to upload the screenshots :P

However, I uploaded the demos:

Game 2 was first aborted because KompleX was clever enough to suddenly leave (proof) due to a stupid non-game-related mistake just after the hedgehog placement, however, we immediately re-started.

On game 1 I sucked as expected. On game 2 I thought I was actually good ... until sudden death came.
Big Grin

However, I think, both demos are worth watching, especially the demo of game 2.
Wink Smiley

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

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One Mystery: Can u play against Luelle and me on wednesday, 13.02.2013 at 19:00 UTC (20:00 german time)?
Edit: Maybe better start at 17:00 UTC?
Edit 2: 1 has no time on wednesday. One Mystery: Find a date u both have time to play and then contact us, pls.


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As Wuzzy posted yesterday I've won our match Big Grin
I am happy but I think Wuzzy could have won this if only he was not in such a hurry Flying
We didn't even have any warm-up, because he didn't want Shocking (not enough time for that maybe)

I had a bad start but then positive thinking and a bit of strategy helped me turn the tide of the battle Punch!
As it comes to the second game we had to restart because of my stupid mistake Hiding
I had a very honest intention to skip my first turn so that Wuzzy could move first because in the first game I did Samurai! I just wanted to do it quickly because my opponent seemed to be a little impatient and I pushed wrong button by accident Banana!

After all it was a good fun and here are the screenshots:

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what are your favorite times to play?

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Cheers, wanna watch some games, when do you guys play?


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I can play from 12:00 to 22:00 UTC-6. Send me a PM with your preferred times and we can work something out!

Always up for a The Specialists game, just ask me in Hedgewars.

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Why am i eliminated?


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Sorry. I will replace you with someone else.

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I spoke with 1, our match will be played monday at 17:00 UTC (as far as i understood). Hopefully he will give confirmation on this, since our chat was very brief, and the hour was a bit ambiguous.

Edit: Gotcha. See you on monday!

Always up for a The Specialists game, just ask me in Hedgewars.

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YES 17.00 Utc at Monday Big Grin
see ya then

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Komplex v nemo. 2-1 for nemo

*note. Corrected link to round 2.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Luelle vs Schoddie: 1 - 2

Demos are on. Screenshots follow soon.

Look game 3!! Vote for best game ever!! ;-D

EDIT: Here are the screenshots!
Game 1:

Game 2:

Game 3:

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I won my match against 1, 2-1 for me. I'll upload screenshots later, for now i will upload the demos.

Always up for a The Specialists game, just ask me in Hedgewars.

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Bender, where u are?Smile Answer pm.

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And the answer has been given

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Bender vs NJU, 0-2, NJU win :S

thx4game, very unlucky game 4 Bender. Just luck 4 me.

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Semi-Final Stage (23 February - 5 March)
(slot 1) vs (slot 2)
(slot 1) vs (slot 3)
(slot 2) vs (slot 3)
A player with most point will be send to Final Stage (finalist 1)

(slot 4) vs (slot 5)
(slot 4) vs (slot 6)
(slot 5) vs (slot 6)
A player with most point will be send to Final Stage (finalist 2)

there are 6 player getting in semi-final we have only 4?
...if theres a place left just put me in >D

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uh. 'scuse me? That hardly seems right..
can't just randomly assign extra lives. if anything. allow someone who never got to do a match. whether due to 2 people who missed prior rounds, or just someone who didn't get in.
but even so...
better to just adjust finals structure.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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NJU, where u are? Smile Answer pm.

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1-2 NJU lost.

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NJU allegedly wrote:

1-2 NJU lost.

I can confirm that. Smile Last game was really crasy. My Saint has won the match! Wink Smiley
Demos and screenshots will be uploaded this evening. Now it's 9:49 am here.

EDIT: Screenshots




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I won 2-1. Demos are up.

Always up for a The Specialists game, just ask me in Hedgewars.

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