Google Summer of Code FAQ

Hedgewars @ Google Summer of Code portal:

In this page you can find information about Google Summer of Code! This page is built on actual questions from students; if you think your question should be here, notify us!

Last revision: 2013-04-22

  • What is Google Summer Of Code?

    Please have a look at the program page here. In short it's a nice way to spend summer: students have a first-hand experience with open-source projects and can contribute to the FOSS initiative.

  • What is Hedgewars?

    You are kidding right? In a nutshell, Hedgewars is an open source multiplayer strategy game! Read the About page of this site and visit our community. You can play alone, carry out missions and join the online gangs, fighting all the available game modes.

    From the development point of view, Hedgewars is an extraordinary project, capable of mixing different coding styles, languages and libraries. You can find code written in

    • Freepascal
    • C++
    • Haskell
    • Obj-C
    • Lua
    • Java
  • and more (we have some perl/python bots) and a plethora of libraries, such as QT, OpenGL, SDL and its satellites, Freetype... And it all works, we're a living proof of technological interoperability!

  • I want to be one of your GSoC students...

    First things first, join our IRC channel on Freenode, #hedgewars. Most of the times you'll find the developers and lots of contributors to the project; if not, have patience, someone will reply undoubtedly. You can also try the Mailing List.

    You can ask questions, seek coding and spiritual help and freely chat with everyone. If you need a IRC guide, we recommend this one of course.

    For this run of GSoC we will try and meet all the students who want to join and implement one of our ideas. You'll have to be able to compile trunk and to have a Google account so you'll be able to commit to your branch. Of course some knowledge of the language you're going to use is preferred but not required.

  • How can I gain 'bonus points'?

    Of course there are no bonus points but if an idea application gets crowed with too many applicants than available slots, we'll have some hard time selecting the best candidate. On what basis is that going to happen?

    Well it mainly consists on the application submitted, about how the student is able to convince us that he's the right one for the job and how he or she plans to tackle the various problem that are going to take place.

    You can fit in this category usually if you are actually playing the game, being active in our IRC channel, being able to read the code, open bugs or (even better) submit small patches. This gives a very good impression of the student and will certainly highlight his or her application during our review.

  • Can I apply for more than one idea?

    Sure, you *should* apply to more than one idea, and even to ideas proposed by other oganisations. In this way you can raise the possibilities of being selected somewhere; however don't forget that writing an application is a time consuming activity and that you should submit good applications, so plan carefully your time to write the application and to investigate the organization code.

  • Can I edit my proposal after the application deadline?

    That depends on the organization: at Hedgewars, you can edit your proposal if you get permission from us. Usually that means that the mentor sees a potential candidate in you and allows to further tune your initial idea.

  • Enough bureaucracy, what are the ideas?

    Well, the list is always changing, we've identified a few areas that we'd like to tackle, but if you have a great idea and you want to work on it, come and tell us!

    Please visit the main GSoC portal links from the top selection.

You still have a question that is not answered here? Come to our IRC channel or visit the forums! We will continuously update this page so be sure to check it out often.

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