0.9.13 coming soon... last chance to get your hat in

So 0.9.13 is our biggest release yet, it's absolutely huge, full of features and content and finally it will be out soon. We're just polishing things off at this point and coming close to the final testing stage.

What does that mean? Well for one thing, it means the time to have your unique hat included in this release is running out.

For this release, we've actually implemented a hat reservation system.
What this means, is that if you donate $5, and get a hat drawn for you. For this release, no one else will be able to use your hat!  We'll "unlock" these hats in subsequent releases. But for now.. it's just yours and yours alone.

We won't be implementing this system for hats contributed by the community, as we do want the hat system to grow, and as always this release contains a large number of new and wonderful hats created by the dev team and open to everyone (Including that full range of nintendo characters!).

So if you'd like to get your very own, unique, reserved hat in 0.9.13. Just send a $5 or more donation (which will be used to further the development of Hedgewars), and email a request for what you want.

Hit the "get a hat" link on the right to start.

Also, you might find this guy in 0.9.13

...so release date is when? Early April?

Maybe sooner than that.
Just a couple more things we'd like to change, depends on everyone's time and such, of course.

Assuming unC0Rr is fine w/ it.

Maybe you could release on my B-day. That would be cool.

Hope your B-day isn't this week :-p

nope but It's next week.

So is mine

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