0.9.16 Released!
Ok. Emergency rerelease. Anyone who downloaded prior to Sat Sep 17 18:30 UTC 2011, please grab it again from the download page.
Hi! Remember these? It's been a while right?
Well. It's that time again. A new release of Hedgewars.
As usual, you can get it on the Download page.
There's quite a lot of stuff in 0.9.16, so it is hard to know what to focus on. Let's pick some highlights.
* Downloadable content! Simply click to install any content. New voices, hats, maps, themes, translations, music, scripts... Hedgewars is now more customisable than ever before! As time goes by we will be soliciting community content to feature on this page, so remember to check it from time to time. If you decide you want to go back to standard Hedgewars, just remove the Data directory from your Hedgewars config directory.
* 3-D rendering! Diorama-like rendering of the game in a variety of 3D modes. Let us know which ones work best for you, we didn't really have the equipment to test them all.
* Resizable game window. Also full screen has been re-enabled under Windows.
* New utilities! The Time Box will remove one of your hedgehogs from the game for a while, protecting from attack until it returns, somewhere else on the map. Land spray will allow you to build bridges, seal up holes, or just make life unpleasant for your enemies.
* New single player: Bamboo Thicket, That Sinking Feeling, Newton and the Tree
and multi-player: The Specialists, Space Invaders, Racer - scripts! And a ton more script hooks for scripters
* New twists on old weapons. Drill strike, seduction and fire have been adjusted. Defective mines have been added, rope can attach to hogs/crates/barrels again, grenades now have variable bounce (use precise key + 1-5). Portal gun is now more usable in flight and all game actions are a lot faster.
* New theme - Golf, dozens of new community hats and a new localised Default voice, Ukranian. The game supports localised voices now, if people create more. For theme creators, the theme format is now much simpler and clearer, take a look at:
http://code.google.com/p/hedgewars/wiki/Theme and
* New game modes. Tag team mode where 2 teams share their time to do a combo attack and a solid border.
And more. To list a few.
Snow is now smooth and does not block walking, tons of new scripting hooks for scripters, up to 8 teams can now play in a game, 9 new colours for teams, get away time modifier, toggleable camera tracking, smoother less pixelated land, updated translations, and many many many bugfixes.
See http://hedgewars.googlecode.com/hg/ChangeLog.txt for as many things as we remembered doing.
- nemo's blog
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Thanks to all the devs!
Also: FIRST!
At long last!
Star and Moon
It's so beautiful.
yes, beautifully buggy
Congratulations on the new release!
I'm glad it's finally out. Just in time for my holidays! (Eastern Australia)
Spiffy. New shoppa is much harder than old shoppa.
Yay, thanks for the quick bug fix release!

Star and Moon
nemo, you forgot to mention that a bunch of the hats have been renamed, meaning that you will have to refit your team hats
cool news!!
Love you guys
I'll be sure to check it out soon!! Sounds awesome.
Had a LAN party release night where we played this a lot.
Key bindings for Tumbler and Space Invasion are somewhat awkward. There is an easy workaround though; make teams specifically for those modes and set Low Jump, High Jump and Precise Aiming all to left hand keys.
We still ran into quite a few problems with Tumbler crashing on several computers mid game. If I encounter it on my own machine in the future and it's not reported I'll post the messages.
Yea, key remap is what people are supposed to do. WRT Tumbler problems, can you be more specific as to how/when it crashed?
if somebody needs instructions to build hedgewars for fedora 15:
sudo yum install qt-devel SDL-devel SDL_image-devel.i686 SDL_mixer-devel.i686 SDL_net-devel.i686 SDL_ttf-devel.i686 cmake lua fpc wget
wget http://download.gna.org/hedgewars/hedgewars-src-0.9.16.tar.bz2
tar xvjfp hedgewars-src-0.9.16.tar.bz2
cd hedgewar*
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr/" -DDATA_INSTALL_DIR="/usr/share/" .
sudo make install
ps. I did cmake twice because of a weird error that appeared only the first time.
Okay so you may not be interested, but i have a few points about the new version;
- it says windows fullscreen is re-enabled - i was always able to play fullscreen on x.15, now every time i alt-tab, the game behaves as if i pressed the escape key. this seems only a minor nuisance as u just press esc again when u alttab back in, however, in the frenetic world of shoppa there is no time for this and is a major issue with my continuuing to play the game
- having to re download the entire game. i know most people have gigs upon gigs of monthly downloads, but not all of us do and another 120+Mb is a major issue, why cant we just update the version?
- the decision to make weapons in shoppa only available for the 1 turn i feel is very detrimental to the game. newbies trying to learn it are even further disadvantaged as thye arent good enough to travel to a crate, and back in time to use it. there was nothing better than saving up a melon/hellgrenade/ballgun for the final turn when the enemy thought he had u soundly beaten
- ive found in the new game modes the extra graphics (smoke, timer etc) cause a massive consumption of my processors abilities. maybe i need to upgrade, but i have also noticed to a lesser extend, the same issue just in normal games
- a changelog would be very much appreciated
Just my 2cents
What was reenabled was switching between windowed and fullscreen for Windows - the F12 key. You could always play either one, you just couldn't switch. What was added was a hack for Windows to recreate most textures by keeping them in system memory. This is what also allowed window resizing for Windows. The Esc thing was deliberate. Is similar behaviour to Minecraft, which triggers menu if you tab out. It allows a mouse release (by hitting esc or tab) but not immediately recapturing mouse if you focus the window. This makes moving the window more manageable and was intended for usability purposes since people can now focus and move the game without recapture happening until they hit esc again. So no, that won't be changed.. If you're in fast-past shoppa game, you are probably quite capable of hitting one extra key... or just don't alt tab out.
Because, frankly, it is too hard for us to keep track of what graphics might have changed that would cause a game desync. Not to mention managing users who muck up the process of an upgrade. No one is getting paid for doing this, so really, imposing more burdens is inappropriate to ask unless, well, you are offering to take on that burden yourself.
Tiy, when he requested the mode, had always intended it to work like this, we just didn't have support for Reset Weapons before.
Shoppa is just a minor part of the game and if people really want to hoard weapons, they can always just copy the scheme and unset that option.
You might be running unaccelerated. Post a game0.log somewhere so we can see. You can always use the Reduce Quality slider in config to turn off a bunch of stuff that improves speed, but usually that indicates running OpenGL in software mode. You might also have a wimpy card and should consider disabling Aero when running games.
... A changelog was linked ...
It would kick a person to the lobby with an error message (while it was someone else's turn). I don't recall what the error was, which is why I hope to be able to reproduce before I report it. Once it was that persons turn it would try to sync/connect indefinitely for everyone else.
This only happened for Tumbler but it happened about 3 out of 4 games we tried in that mode, we played many games of Space Invasion without incident.
There was a mix of windows/linux/32bit/64bit systems in the game.
If you can reproduce the error, please collect game logs from all players.
Hmmm, sounds like a desync to me. Strange tho, I tested the mode before release, and I played another two Tumbler games today on 0.9.16 w/ no problems. As nemo suggests, logs would be helpful in trying to figure out a possible cause to the problem.
Thanks for the tip!
hedgewars rpm for Fedora 15 can be found here: