GSoC Project: A New Adventure - Update #X

Greetings to all!

I'm glad to announce that the campaign (A Classic Fairytale) is pretty much finished. Anyone who doesn't wish to wait until the next release, or wants to help in hunting down bugs is welcome to try it out via the clone set up at

There are 4 endings in total, none of them are good or bad, and 9 and a half missions (9 actual missions and an ending cinematic). So, for the more curious individuals out there, the campaign gains some replay value. The story is mainly influenced by the choices made, not so much by the performance (although the latter does have minor effects).

Should any bugs be found, please describe them as thoroughly as possible in the comment section and I'll make sure to fix them.

That's it, I hope you'll like it!

UPDATE: the campaign is now available in the official repository. Also, the clone has been moved here:


Notice: as of current clone tip the missions are not installed automagically yet.

The folder "share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Campaign/A Classic Fairytale" must be copied to Data/Missions/Campaign of the install-dir or user-dir manually.

I only tried the first mission so far, so expect feedback and praise later :P

Hey, will the campaign work on 9.17? My Linux computer is maimed in the fact that it doesn't have internet, so I can't update to the most recent 9.18.

Star and Moon allegedly wrote:

Hey, will the campaign work on 9.17? My Linux computer is maimed in the fact that it doesn't have internet, so I can't update to the most recent 9.18.

Sorry, but it won't. I have made a few changes to the frontend and the engine so you will have to update to the clone/next release.

yay we finally have a complete campaign \o/

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