0.9.18 released!
Happy Halloween everyone! AKA Hedgewars Birthday.
So it's been a while since the last release, so, quite a lot has accumulated.
Not everything that was planned has been completed, but hopefully future releases won't be a year apart so they should be added Soon®.
Right. On to the goodies.
* Hedgewars now has a campaign! It should hopefully be expanded and interface polished in future releases. This was a GSoC project.
* Another GSoC project, video recording! Use the 'r' key to start/stop recording video. Video management is on the frontpage.
* PNG screenshots, to make sharing screenshots more convenient.
* What would a release be without new weapons? The meat cleaver is the latest addition. The harder you throw it, the more damage it does. Cleavers also work well for climbing or blocking entrances.
* The AI is now a lot more evil. Set it to maximum level to get the full effect. It knows how to use cake, sniper rifle and kamikaze, as well as aiming shots to drown hedgehogs or do fall damage. It has also gotten more effective at a number of existing weapons, and can move around the map more intelligently.
* Drawn maps now have variable pen width, and an eraser tool. Note that the eraser does increase the size of the drawn map network traffic, so don't use it as a substitute for undo.
* Static maps no longer have size limits. Please use this sanely, since not everyone has a machine with 16 gigs of memory like you do.
* New missions such as portal and rope training.
* Customised team colours! Check the advanced tab in team config.
* Individual hog health now shows up in the team health bar.
* Some weapon tweaks, such as throwing things from rope varying based on density (similar to More Wind) mode, drill rocket no longer exploding in your face if fired from against a wall, you are now able to rope through a portal or fly an RC plane through one, and multiple portal pairs can be setup in a turn by a team if you switch hogs.
* Bugfixes Bugfixes Bugfixes (okandprobablyaddedmorebugstoo) and performance enhancements like reduced memory usage.
Aaaaand a lot more. Actually, pretty sure not everything made it in the ChangeLog this time, so hopefully we can get that updated as we go along. Or you could just poke around and be surprised.
As noted, there's still plenty more that was being worked on. Keep watching this space!
- nemo's blog
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I noticed that in this version there is a problem with the fort mode - it does not work. Can you fix it? I miss that... In addition option the "frontend effects" every time I turn off the game, it stops working.
Fort mode should be working fine. Could you offer more detail? Note that there was an occasional desync in frontend. If you were hitting that, try grabbing the download again.
Frontend effects. Not too sure what you mean there. You enable them, and they aren't enabled the next time you launch the game?
I downloaded again and front mode still does not work. Loading screen appears for a brief moment and then returns to the menu. Other mods working fine.
And frontend effects. This option working good during game, but when I turn off this game and then turn on again - it does not working. This option is not saved after turning off the game.
ok. forts mode was totally broken. that's what happens when no one plays it. fixed. thanks for report. fix might not make it to windows release. linux at least. and maybe OSX
I tried the campaign (I always wanted one
) and I even got to scenario 2. Then something blew up and it ended itself.
There is a bug report claiming that resizing the window (!) breaks the campaign mission 2.
I have no idea why that would be and I can't reproduce it under linux.
But. Try not resizing the game window maybe?
I'm having a problem, when I try starting the game it shows me the "In game..." screen and freezes on it.
Additionally, in the room lobby, instead of generated maps I see a yellow clock.
This all looks to me like a problem with my VGA driver.
Compiled on linux mint. Any ideas?
Yeah, you need opengl support. Does glxgears work?
Try jockey-gtk
sliding starting with the rope perpendicular to the floor is not possible anymore... is it a bug?
Hrm. Should still be possible...
For performance on wimpier machines (JS in particular) rope is called 4x less often (that is, 250 times a second instead of 1000 times a second) to use about 1/16th the CPU.
Causes hogs to stick in floor a small amount more. Initially was 8x less, but that made most roping impossible w/o adding workarounds/hacks (the one workaround I'd added to *that* made knocks ridiculously easy to do
Anyway, played quite a lot of shoppa in current version w/ actual shoppa players and they seem to manage slides ok.
Maybe exactly vertical causes hopping, if rope is extended downward for a long period of time. Try pushing into floor less, or making angle slightly not-vertical.
Note that hops are useful for knocks too, so, eh, adapt?
Thanks for your reply nemo!
glxgears are working and I already have my driver enabled in jockey-gtk, some other games are working fine and previous versions worked fine too.
Any other possibility?
I have the same issue but it's easy to adapt. It can be actually used on players advantage beause it allows you to stop hog immediatly (no wasting time before fire). But there is other issue/feature with this - you can leave hogs on walls again. Just push your hog back into the wall with low angle and that's it - hog stays on the wall.
Generally i like the new version. Job job guys
You know, somehow I missed the "yellow clock" on generated maps.
That suggests the engine isn't working. At all.
Where did you get the build from?
Also, are you able to run hwengine from the commandline? If so, what does it say when you run it? (hwengine should be in the same directory has hedgewars - type "which hedgewars" if you don't know where that is)
Thanks nemo!
This helped me fix it. So, running hwengine told me this:
Then I installed that glut which it said it's missing (sudo apt-get install libmgl-glut5) and it works now.
eep. ok. I'll tell playdeb they are missing dependencies..
Hedgewars 0.9.18 Fan Trailer.
I played new version just once, but Czech translation sucks so hard, sometimes makes no sense, just really bad. With all respect, google translator makes better work. In .17 was okay, if i do translation, would you replace it?
Hi rozum-cz, as a translator (for another language) I can probably answer this one.
Yes! The 'team' is always looking to improve and polish the translation for all languages. If you know what to do just translate the files and then submit them on googlecode as an Issue.
If you need any help you can join all the devs, translators and players on IRC @ #Hedgewars (recommended - it's always fun to have more people around, and you can maybe even learn a few things).
i guess many people already said it, but Shoppa mode has serious bugs (i want to believe there are bugs) like when you try to push the hog by the floor, many players told me maybe they will play shoppa only in 0.17 version, would it be possible you fix these bug? Au contraire, i love the WxW mode
thanks for it, but please fix this and bring us old good shoppa! cheers
Short video changelog for the main items: https://vimeo.com/53746850
Cheers Nemo.