Online Custom Map Issues

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2008-11-09
Posts: 430

I had issues where people joining the server I was hosting disliked having to install a custom map, I've thought of a few ways around this, rather than spending 10 minutes explaining to every new member of the server what to do.

1. Auto-Download and Install. This would be the most practical in my opinion, and I thought for the auto download part, the map.cfg should have a link in the second line, which tells the program where to get the map, the program downloads the map and then the game starts.

2. If someone doesnt have the map they see "Generated Map" appear instead of whatever the Custom map is, could it be changed into a preview image saying "You do not have this map" so they don't start being rude and annoying saying that we're lying or something..?


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