The Grand Tournament '13: Default Tournament (Round 3)

Fire Punch Round

Maxix808 vs. shadowzero78
bender vs. Fanat (or Shoppers)
terror vs. Wuzzy
Good luck and have fun!

Fire Punch Round

This is the ladder for this round!
Play your games under Default weapon set please. Do not use the scheme from .19!
Also remember that you can use Doodle & Time Zone Converter to arrange a schedule for your game, or get in contact with each other via pm.
You will have to show us two or three demos from the games that you played, so we can check them and see if it was a fair victory.
Round Two starts today and will be finished the 2nd of January
. Please respect this date, it's very important for the tournament's organization.
If you have any troubles to play the games, don't be afraid to tell us!

Emergency Post
Due to some players not being available to play the tournament I decided to re-pair the players who are available and haven't played their games yet.
Here is the result:
KompleX vs Star and Moon
Randy vs DImadcap
Death vs shadowzero78*
Kirby64* vs javafran*
*shadowzero78 & javafran sent me a private message saying that they would like to take the place of someone who can't play the tournament.
Remember that the deadline is Friday 20th December
Good luck.

“It's time to fight, so grab your keyboard and mouse and have fun!...”
Before you begin, please read carefully the rules and the F.A.Q.
These screenshots will show you that the pairing for this round has been made randomly:,mHLSb04
*Solar-ALM and KompleX-d3fault are together by mistake. So they will have to play against each other. Rolling and kirintor will do another match.
Anyway here is the tournament ladder for this round:
Remember that you can use Doodle & Time Zone Converter to arrange a schedule for your game, or get in contact with each other via pm.
You will have to show us two or three demos from the games that you played, so we can check them and see if it was a fair victory.
Round One starts today and will be finished next Sunday, 15th of December. Please respect this date, it's very important for the tournament's organization.
If you have any troubles to play the games, don't be afraid to tell us!
That's all for this round!
Have fun,

Update on Monday 9th of December

The First Round is about to start, so get ready!
Here is the list of the registered players:
- Star and Moon
- eugeno
- Wohlstand
- bender
- Wuzzy
- Maxis808
- 99Volts99
- Solar
- GoldenBoy
- Limix
- pvinis
- blokopss
- krammer
- KompleX
- d3fault
- terror
- El Banana
- tags
- Rolling
- Asdaef
- Fanat
- prof
- DImadcap
- kirintor
- Schoddie
- Luelle
- kirby64
- Delta
- Death
* Those players who for any reason can't play in the tournament, please warn us before the 9th of December so we can take appropriate actions.
* The sign-up remains opens for one more player. You have until December 8.
Remember to re-read the rules, and see you soon!

Updated on Monday 2th of December

This is what people are waiting for years, this is your chance to be the best, this is TheGT 13' Default Tournament! Don't lose the tournament by not being here, sign up today.
Below are the sign-up details, rules, tournaments system, and the F.A.Q.
Nick: Randy
Team Name: Pelican Snippers
Country: Argentina
- You will have seven days to play the Rounds. This rule is very important for the organization of the tournament. (FAQ)
- The games will be played on Large Maps. With 6 hogs each team.(Remember to "refresh" the map after each game. Just click on the map picture).
- Each match will be played to the best of three games. If one player wins his first two games, the third game is optional. (FAQ)
- When creating a room, please include the word "tournament" somewhere in the room name, and remember to restrict team additions.
- If you disconnect on the middle of the game, you should ask to your opponent if he wants to re-play the game. (FAQ)
- You HAVE TO SHOW US the DEMOS of the games.(Only the winner of the Round. If you don't upload the demos, we can't be sure if you did win, so please upload it!) (FAQ)
- The games will be played under Default mode or just Default T. because you will have to change the playing order. (Like how it's the guide!!! Wuzzy, happy now? (FAQ)
- In the first two games, the playing order should not be random. One player should go first in the first game, the other in the second game. If a third game is required, it should be played with a random playing order. (FAQ)
- Spectators can join the room, but they can't spam.
The tournament format will be elimation, as in the previous tournaments. To see how it works, look at the Tournament Ladder that I'll be using on this tournament!
Each round you will have 7 days to play the 3 or 2 games to play!
A- You can always try with or just sending a private message on
Q- When can I sign up? And when does the Tournament starts?
A- You will be able to sign up from now to 30/11/13 in THIS forum topic. That gives you like 1,000,000 days to sign up.
The Tournament will start on the 1st December! -Aw, so much time
Q- What does "the best of three games mean?
A- EX:
Round 1= Randy vs. Mystery. Mystery won 0-1
Round 2= Randy vs. Mystery. Randy won 1-1
Round 3= Randy vs. Mystery. Mystery won 1-2
Mystery and Randy have played 3 GAMES. But Mystery wins 2-1, so he won the best of three games!
Q- Why should I talk to my opponent, if I get disconnected?
A- You should ask him if he wants to replay the game. If he doesn't want to, that's his own choice; he can claim a win for that game.
Q- How can I save my demo?
A- Look at this guide:
Q- Where can I found the demo?
A- You can find it in those following System at
Windows: My Documents/hedgewars or C:\Documents and Settings\%USER%\hedgewars/Demos
Linux: ~/.hedgewars/Demos
MAC: Library/Application Support/Hedgewars/Demos
Q- Where can I upload it?
A- You can upload it on or at the Hedgewars/Demos section Remember to post the link of the demos when you comment announcing your victory!
Q- I have never played Default mode. How can I learn?
A- Just play a lot versus the AI.
Q- How can I disable random turn order?
A- It is similar to setting the weapon set, but this time you should go to scheme mode. Go to Default Scheme. Make a copy. Rename it to "Default T.." Then do this:
So now, the first name on the Team list will be first to play. Similarly, in the second game, you should remove and readd your team if you went first in the first game..
2nd Place - A hat of the runner-up design and a mentoring program for artillery shooting or defensive tactics (if interested)
Okay guys, this is all for now. We will update this forum on the upcoming days adding new information, prizes, rules, etc!
And also, for first-time hedgewars players, a promotional video for the tournament!
*This forum thread is for questions and sign-up. Please do not spamspamspamspamspam.
*Writing aggressive comments, will get you banned from the tournament sign-up.

Sign me up!
Name: Star and Moon
Team: SaM Forces
County: USA
Color: Blue or Gray
Nick: eugeno
Team Name: Debian
Country: Belarus
Nick: Stef
Team Name: Promoters
Country: Belgium
Good luck and have fun all! (:
EDIT: Revoked.
Nick: Wohlstand
Team Name: Wohlstand's
Country: Russia
Color: Red or Cyan
Russia, Moscow
My Hedgewars stuff:
My Moondust Project:
My TheXTech:
Nick: bender
Team Name: Futurama
Country: Poland
Color: blue or red
Nick: Wuzzy
Team name: Orange
Country: Germany
Guess the team color.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Nick: Maxis808
Team name: genius team
Country: Latvia
I think it will be better if tournament will start in January or November. If tournament will be in December many people wouldnt play semifinal and final becaue Christmass and new year.we dont want to spend our winter holiday playing computer
I point out that the first post contradicts itself. Under the current rules, it is impossible to play the tournament without breaking at least one of the rules.
The turn order randomization is part of the game scheme. And the Default game scheme uses randomized turn order. So the first quoted rule implicitly says that the games are all played using the randomized turn order.
But the second quoted rule contradicts the first quoted rule by stating that the turn order should be not randomized for the first two games. But if the turn order is not randomized in the first two games, then this rule states implicitly that the game scheme played is not the Default scheme but a different one.
So the first quoted rule says that Default is played in all games while the second quoted rule says that something other than Default is played in the first two games. In order to fulfil the rules, one has to play the Default game scheme and something other than the Default game scheme in each of first two games at the same time. But you can only play one scheme at once. It follows that it is impossible to play this tournament without breaking one of the quoted rules.
I urge you to clear up this mess. Thanks.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Wuzzy the rule have changed. Thanks to note that. But kind of annoying XD
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
Why is it annoying that somebody pointed out that the rules contradict themselves?
Just to reiterate it: It was not possible to not break at least one of the rules under the old Default Tournament rules.
The current rules are okay. I see these don’t contradict each other anymore.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
It's ok. No problem, please do not comment anymore about this. Cya, keep on for new updates.
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
Name (nick): Solar
Team Name : Team-Comics
Country : French
How much time you spend on Hedgewars weekly: Some time
Good Luck All
Team Name:Fedora Fighters
Country: Romania
U'll BE DEAD!!!
Team Name:TheALM
Alexis -ALM-
Team Name:The Golden Boys
Name: Limix
Team Name: Somnolence
Country: Canada
Inbox me if you want to do best of 3 games.
Then we can arrange from there.
Name: pvinis
Team Name: Katamari Killers
Country: Greece
Nick: blokopss
Team Name: pokymobsters
Country: mexico
Nick: krammer
Team Name: The Numbers
Country: Spain
Nickname: KompleX
Team: YouTubers
Country: Poland
Nickname: d3fault
Team Name: d3fault
Country: d3fault
Due to default having maybe a few more powerful weps than in the past, might I suggest 6 hogs per team?
... apparently that was already the proposed rules and I fail at reading. n/m
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
Nickname: El Banana
Team Name: 8 Deadly Sins
Country: Poland
Time to learn default mode
Nickname tags
Team Name: The Partly Animals
Country: Norway
Nickname : Rolling
Team : FayaBomb
Country : France
Rolling - Fayabomb
Could someone make a blog post for this so the forum topic post isn't stickied at the top of the news page?
Thanks ahead of time.
Nickname : Asdaef
Team : Asdaef Team
Country : Poland
Color : green or violet
Nickname: Fanat
Team: Fanat
Country: Ukraine maybe!
Color green or orange
I am king of The Specialists!
and how to limit arms
I am king of The Specialists!
Nick: prof
Team Name: prof team
Country: Russia
I'm cancelling my application to the Default Tournament.
WoW, so many sign ups. That's nice, keep on
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
NJU team
And me, please;)
NICK: DImadcap
TEAM: winner
COUNTRY: Ukraine
Add me!!!
Nick: kirintor
Team: ---------
Nick: Schoddie
Team Name: Area 51
Country: Germany
Nick: Luelle
Team Name: Luelle
Country: Germany
Oh shit, so many sign ups. This is going to be an EPIC tournament.

Only 5 more days …
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Wow, almost time for this... better get my game on!
Wow, almost time for this... better get my game on!
Nick: kirby64
Team Name: ¡¡¡THE NEMESIS!!!
Country: México
Nick: Delta
Team Name: Tranq
Country: United States
Nick: Death
Team Name: Xtreme
Country: USA
Nick: Death
Team Name: Xtreme
Country: USA
message me
Hey, we have December 2nd and there’s no update and nothing in my inbox. I am confused …
How does the tournament start then?
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
We are really sorry.
The tournament will start on Monday 9th December.
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
Sheep & Colours
I take the last place, hehe
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
Good luck to everybody!
Hedgewars Tournament 2015