Xeli's blog

GSoC Android Port update #5


I've finished a mockup of the UI as shown by the video below:

As of this moment you can use the UI to select which map you'd like to use with which weapon set, and add/create teams to play.

The UI is still in it's early stages and lack support for Tablets for instance, but we're getting there.. :)

At the moment only AI vs AI is possible, you can enter human players but because the touch interfacting isn't done yet humans can't control their hogs. Implementing a way for touch screens to interface with Hedgewars is what I will be creating this week!

I've also created a build guide on the hedgewars wiki at http://code.google.com/p/hedgewars/ for those interested in playing with the code.


GSoC Android Port update #4

Hello people,

It's been a while since I posted an update and this is mostly because I'm working on the GUI and communication with the hedgewars engine and I can't really say just yet that X or Y has been finished. However here's a little progress update after all.

In the previous post I stated that I would try to finish "Download of game files", "Get an AI vs AI game going" and "Implement interfacing with TouchScreens" I've postponed the last 2 points for now and I've finished the first one.

The first point, download of game files has indeed been finished.
There was an dilemma on how to implement it, on one side we'd like to include it in the .apk (the apk is the file you download to your phone which gets installed). The reason why this was favorable is that we don't have to host anything our self, we can upload it to the Android Market servers and they take care of everything. The .apk file would be around 75mb and you can see that it'll take up a lot of bandwidth if you have to host it yourself. This approach had two big problems: One the Android Market has a limit on the apk size: 50mb, this is too little for our needs and we'd have to split it into two separate apps. Meaning you, the user, would have to download two files from the market. Not ideal obviously. The second issue is that if we did manage to get all the data into one big apk, you, the user would have to download 50mb each time an update occurs, download 50mb worth of data which is on the device already.
Another approach is downloading of a webserver, really the only downside is the bandwidth we're gonna try code.google.com/hedgewars to host it for us they do have a fair-policy limit but I'm guessing that one is pretty high.

GSoC Android Port update #3

We've got sound!

Because everyone likes eyecandy:

I've changed from the unofficial SDL port to the Official one. That's why i don't have onscreen buttons on this version.

The problems i hope to solve on a short term in this order are:

- Automatic downloading of the graphics/sounds/etc
- Fix the user input, right now the hedgewars engine *thinks* it's dealing with a mouse, obviously this doesn't work like it should
- Get an AI vs AI match going

I've nearly completed a guide on how to build the application yourself once i have I'll let you guys know :)


GSoC Android Port update #2

Hello everyone!

I'm happy to announce the first sign of Hedgewars on Android has been spotted:

And a picture from my other phone who's quality is much better:

Hedgewars on Android, first screenshot


GSoC Android Port update #1

Hello everybody,

on request I shall make some progress updates every now and then!

At the moment progress is going slower than I'd like this is mostly because I do have a lot of (home)work to do for the Uni, however once I've finished this year (in a week / 2 weeks) I'll be able to spend a lot more time and a lot more progress will be made I am sure.

At the moment I am (still) stuck on cross compiling the hedgewars engine.

For those interested a brief explanation (for those not stop reading....*here*):

Hedgewars' engine is written in FreePasal this isn't supported by Google/Android so I cannot use the standard Native Development Environment. The main problem at the moment is just getting every library which the engines expects to be present on the system to provide.

For example you've all installed SDL on your computers, because I can't ask Android users to do the same I must provide these myself, which needs to be cross compiled too. Which in turn bring more issues.

The other issue is some libraries have different names or are present in another form on the Android device, for this an exception must be made in the hedgewars code.

The main problem on which I'm struggling right now is that opengl calls crash the applications. It seems like the opengl context isn't initialized properly, this should be done by SDL, which might fail to do so..

This all just means I've got to go from error to error, verify what's missing/going wrong and fix it! It's not hard, but does take time

I hope not too many posts from now on I will be able to include a demo you guys can run on your devices. But it's hard to put any kind of date on anything at this moment Smile


Ps. I am posting some more detailed stuff on my personal blog for those interested: www.xelification.com

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