My name is Oneill (or thibault). I'm a student in computer science. I discover Hedgewars because I searched an open source game project for my university. Because we must contribute to an open source project.
I have contribute for the first time and I love that. I think continue to contribute.
I am Lucas, I study at AGH University of Science and Technology in Poland. I am big fan of Android Development and Worms/Hedgewars playing. Glad to see you
I Rejoin again,,,
After playing enough Games other than Hedgewars,
After Exam of my School,
After Doin' all the Job in my Educations
After Halting the Movie i have returned !
But i know you will not be Surprised at any Cost,
and i know maybe you sad cuz a Clowntroll which Comment like Wildfire back was a Bugs throughout the Land,,,
But at least i Comeback to fill 1/10 Plank-Volume in Hedgewars room, which maybe can be enough for a spirit in any situations,,, Silence ? got me in Hyperbole, sorry...
And hey !!!
I Continue all my work from now,,,
Posting new Trashy Post,
Talking to anybody like ****,
And fill Comment as a Starving Desire,,,
This wouldn't be good, and wouldn't be nice for anyone,,,
My name is Undisclosed, I am a comic artist, digital music creator and vlogger on Youtube (my channel is called Nocturnal Podcasts, and is mostly about MBTI and music production). Apart from changing the font in Morrowind to a more legible format, and using that BASH thing, I don't do code. I envy those who can, and have helped create what seems to be a very well-crafted game.
Oh, before I neglect to mention, I play many instruments and am an avid writer of sci-fi and whichever genres stick to the creative snowball. I wrote scenes for a fan film (based on a massively popular sci-fi franchise wink wink) that garnered a million views (refer to my name: Undisclosed, as I disown the film.
To state the obvious I am familiar with a certain "mollusk-themed, cartoon tactical warfare" game. My favourite varient of that is Wxxms 3D. Will I be relegated to hell for that? I found out about this game some time ago, but was probably more invested in Warzone 2314 (until I realised it goes wrong regardless of distro).
Should anyone be interested in employing the unutilised talents of a struggling digital music creator and graphic artist, then I will gladly step up.
Hi there, everyone. Here's little bit about me in real life:
I have been diagnosed with mild autism since I was 3 years old, so you might find it hard for you to talk with me, especially if I don't seem to be clear in my communications at times.
My largest interests deal with computers no matter where they are used , and regardless of their form, and I am capable of getting interested in anything else (not all interests are within my scope).
I am a heavy user of open source software, self-converted from my family's beginnings with Microsoft Windows (I am now booting only Ubuntu GNU/Linux, with Windows 7 and soon FreeBSD as PC-BSD running in virtual machines). I try to stick with open source wherever and whenever possible, except when proprietary software is the only way I must get something done, and when no viable open source offering exists or matches up with what needs to be done.
I am currently enrolled as a student for a 4-year degree in computer science (at Prairie View A&M University), with the help of a scholarship based on how well my grades were in high school (mostly A's and B's).
I have heard of Hedgewars several years before, but it was only on the last weekend of this May that I have started playing this game. In a matter of days, I liked it , along with many more open source games that I have played or tried before. However, in another post, I will explain most of the flaws I found in this game, as nothing is really going to be perfect, and offer any fixes I make for it; many of these fixes for now are not going to be code.
I'm Tobias from Berlin/Germany and prefer to go shopp(a)ing. Back in the days I used to play shoppa as Sir TToby and just recently rediscovered the game. So if anyone is ever interested in some challenging medium-serious Shoppa duels, send me a PM or find me on the official server!
Hello Hedgehogs,
I have finally retrieved this 8+ years old account of mine!
Yeah I have been a member for 8 years and 37 weeks now. I first discovered the game thanks to one of those CDs you get with computer magazines ... does that sound right? Or so I think.
I live in Italy and I am downloading this game again, to see what has changed in 8 years time! See you on the battlefield Hedgehogs!
Heya. I am Shadow The Worm. I am a Worms veteran, who has recently moved into the Hedgewars timeline. I am 18 years old (was 14 at the time of joining Hedgewars). I like playing all Worms series and roleplay in Hedgewars. I even have created the series of Worms story mods titled Worms NT.
Greetings! Name's Rodion, 21 years old, born in Russia, city Yakutsk. I chosen such nickname originating from Russian "винт" which means "screw". Naturally I just like to screw some things and begin from white paper with more enhancements instead of managing legacy stuff. My official nickname is "vintproykt": find on Youtube (I plan to publish trailer of my campaign in future, so don't forget to subscribe ), also I'm on GitHub, StackOverflow, Discord, Hangouts, etc.
I began my diving into programming in 12-13 with my majorly beloved language JavaScript. I saw the perspective behind using this language for, as smart people would call, Single Page Applications. OK, that part is just boring for Hedgewarriors, I guess?
I'll just point out that my first computer was bought by my mom as birthday surprise. Sooner at first day I drew something hopeful in Paint. Then year ago, oh my god, you will laugh: I made first game in PowerPoint and called it "Приключения Саида". After all, I was up to make something more dynamical and customizable: for that purpose I learned GameMaker Language. These are times spent in local city net, in isolation from cost of WAN access there. But now I prefer Unity, of course, and can't think just about single purpose of JavaScript because there are a lots of.
So, 6-7 years ago between torrent tracker's results I got something to play: it's Hedgewars. Graphics looked promising, why not try! Hm, what an interesting parody of Worms - and it's yet simplistic in terms of scripting. Also, as I discovered more deeply lately, it's free as air. FOSS is love, FOSS is life! Threw away Photoshop and Macromedia Flash Professional, and replaced them with GIMP and Inkscape. These are really helpful in making graphics for the websites and many other purposes.
I dived into open source development far from 2014 and it's like a breath of fresh ozone for me still since that time. It literally changes the mind <3 I contributed into Garry's Mod Expression Advanced 2 and StarfallEx add-ons development, some documentation edited.
I'm working on some complex solutions for Hedgewars as side project: like Officident campaign and new application which helps organize missions development with ease. What makes me really happy:
* I can transform into writer and think about Hedgewars universe, what's in hedgehogs' minds, what motives drive each of them, how I can build the bridge between campaign characters and real players the right way - through gameplay, good plot, comics (stay tuned!);
* I can be programmer which makes reusable application for long-term support for myself and other hogwriters to make campaign in several finger snaps (not really, but you get the analogy);
* I am artist, nevermind how less I believe in it sometimes, because I still work on pixel-perfect pictures and also vector graphics which are more declarative and nice IMO, but my drawing skills became stagnant. By the way I began working on the comics and I'll try to do my best.
I hope we guys will make good in this neat community again and again!
@vint Wow. That's a looong post w/ plenty of interesting stuff, but I figured I'd just note that we have an (unmaintained) javascript cross-compile for hedgewars if you'd be interested in trying to revive it.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
@vint Wow. That's a looong post w/ plenty of interesting stuff, but I figured I'd just note that we have an (unmaintained) javascript cross-compile for hedgewars if you'd be interested in trying to revive it.
I'm glad you offered me such task! I gotta go to IRC to discuss it with you.
Hmm, I assume it is gross, sir/mam. And the reason behind choosing "винт" actually was that it's adapted (in Russian) first name of Gyro Gearloose from my beloved DuckTales series.
FYI, an association is not directly related to drugs.
You could call me claude IRL, I go by Wormhug on Hedgewars.
I am signle male 24 years old going to be 25 in the next days.
I live in Tunisia very interesting country.
My dream is to change the world.
I came across this game when I was getting to know Ubuntu.
I like food and beauty.
Hey, a new player! I guess this game isn't dead. I happy because i remember playing this all the time on my dad's ubuntu and having a blast. Anyway, follow my insta and i look forward to participating in this forum!
Hello there,
You might (surely) not know me. Let me introduce myself: I am HALP, I am from Romania and I have been playing this beautyful and awesome game for 2 solar years time. That's it. Now you know me!
Thank you for your time!
Your friend,
Well, I guess I should say something or another:
Heya, I go by Dat_Boi on Hedgewars
I'm a crazy guy who likes video games, art, design, and chocolate cake.
I'm always ready to talk with others on the Hedgewars forum, so go on! LET THE FORUMING BEGIN!!!
(Lol wut am I doing XD )
Have a great day everybody!!!
Hi guys!
Probably should have done this sooner, but anyway...
I'm Hedgewars Tricks, and I'm a gaming nut. Playtesting is my thing, and I love trying DLC/mods. Anyway, this game is amazing, and I hope to play against you soon
Hi! I'm Conno02, real life name Connor. I discovered this game in 2016 when my friend Dat_boi showed it to me. I have enjoyed playing this game from start to finish. I'm so happy to participate in this community! I hope to participate in this community often and to be of help. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a good day.
Hello I will be short because I do not speak English well.
I am French and am installing the game and getting to know it.
I have a question : can I use a joystick ?
Hi. My name is sofusdm. I mostly like being called sofus instead of sofusdm. I speak english and danish. I discovered this game by myself. I play this game alot
My name here is Netto and I'm a 29 years old danish-japanese dude, born and raised, as well as currently living in Germany.
I speak German, English, Japanese and a little Danish. My hobbies are mainly IT-based, really. Programming, server administration, etc.
I'm using Arch Linux as my daily driver and I was just looking at the "top open source games", found Hedgewars and was immediately impressed by it, because it reminds me a lot of Worms World Party, which I enjoy to this day. But having an open source Worms clone is even more interesting to me, because I try to use as much open source software as possible.
I also have my beautiful fiancee, a daughter (almost 2 years old) and a second child is on it's way.
Thanks for having me. I just thought that if I'm getting into this game, I might as well introduce myself.
Hey my name is cynicFM (cynic name of one of my favourite bands Cynic) and FM are my initials .
I am 25 and born in Poland but i have spent my last 5 years in England.
I play Hedgewars on Libreboot T500 machine with Hyperbola Gnu/Linux installed. I am new to gnu/linux and the reason why i am here i use it i like to learn new things .
As i am on 100% free as in speech distribution, Hedgewars is the only game i play online at the moment as the world of libre gaming is still very unknown to me so i am in the process of discovering new, exciting things .
I don't remember how i found this game, cuz i have played it on single player for a while actually... Today i have tried online for first time and it's so much fun!!!
At the moment my favourite game . So much fun!!!!
My favourite weapon is the walking birthday cake
Hello, I'm an (Arch) Linux user who has recently discovered this great game.
I wanted to play Worms multiplayer back then but i couldn't since the game was not free, then i found hedgewars.
By the way, I love the fact that this FOSS game is actually good.
By the way, I love the fact that this FOSS game is actually good.
Do you want to imply that FOSS games usually suck?
But yeah, I agree. I think this is because the majority of FOSS games are also hobbyist projects run by people who do it only at the side. It's very rare to see a game that is both FOSS and commercial.
But I think this impression is also a little deceiving: You must also take into account all other hobbyist propjects that are *not* FOSS. You know. Proprietary freeware, that is, software that costs nothing but is not FOSS. There are gigantic websites dedicated only to freeware, the majority of which is proprietary. Most of these games suck, too.
FOSS generally has the notion to suck. If you just look at the numbers, it's true, but it's important to not confuse correlation with causation. FOSS is all about user freedom, it's not a “development methology” (a common misconception). Those who control the proprietary software could, in theory, decide to make their software FOSS. The reason why they don't is usually because they don't want to.
I think the cause for sucking is that many devs simply don't take their own hobby projects very seriously. And that is true on both sides, FOSS and proprietary.
That having said, yeah, I totally wanted Hedgewars to become good, to not make it that stereotypical trashy FOSS game.
In the last years I put a significant portion of my time into it to clean things up and make it ready for 1.0.0, a milestone that was long overdue. Note I'm not the only developer. unC0Rr started the project and has the most commits and created the core program with all its components. Also nemo, sheepluva and many other developers put their time and sweat into it in the past. And we also had artists come and go over the years and we have obtained a nice artwort for this game, which is something that almost all FOSS games struggle heavily with.
The list of contributors is surprisingly large, seriously, look at the credits screen. And Hedgewars is more complex than it seems at first glance, both gameplay-wise and code-wise. Most contributors are gone by now, but their work remains in the game. I'm really glad how this project managed to somehow gather the right people at the right place. It took a very long time as well …
I'm really relieved that 1.0.0 is finally out since a few months. But frankly, I still think there's room for improvement, especily with regards to singleplayer content. It's not that I think it's bad (it totally isn't), it's just that I think there could be more. Who knows what the next update will bring?!
But I wasn't very active in Hedgewars lately, I was distracted. So don't expect to see big news anytime soon.
Not only it's FOSS but also very addictive and fun
Currently playing it on Obarun Linux
Keeps me away from my old addiction to mmorpg that usually require paying monthly for subscription
I have missed game like this for many years and now i can play it for free!!!
The only issue is that sometimes there is nobody to play with!!! ((
Yeah, the low player count is regrettable. There's the issue of all games losing players over years. Gamers are fickle. Also there's the problem that we don't really have much visibility in social media or gaming review sites.
That last one ties into what was truly painful that years ago Hedgewars attracted the attention of one deletionist in particular on Wikipedia, and despite being offered links to a print magazine review in a german linux magazine, a hak5 video review, and a number of major press sites mentioning it (including screenshots) in conjunction with two psych studies that used it, it was deleted by him and his deletionist buddies. Repeatedly. And they locked it. Also accused us of self-promotion which was false, it was entirely fan created wikipedia entries. https://hedgewars.org/node/5796 has more info on that. Anyway, that hurt 'cause we had gotten a lot of people through Wikipedia and the free games list.
Probably the best fix would be someone getting a major gaming site to write a review online to finally have something the cabal couldn't wave off.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
Hello fellow hedgewarriors! New member here.
Played online with some friends yesterday, was a barrel of laughs!
Favourite weapon has to be the "Ball Gun". Used it on the Basketball Court map and caused chaos
Thanks to everyone involved for making this game!
Hello! I'm Jaafar Jeff, I speak English and Arabic.
My hobbies include art, making videos, gaming, and very rarely... animation.
I have a YouTube channel filled with funnies and may-mayz. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRtVx7Wtnf4RVSESWjyiJdA
I'm also learning how to game-dev, my games will be free, online, and most importantly, open-source!
I discovered this game while browsing Flathub's "Games" section.
so... ey,
im technically andrey which btw is also my real name here
i basically live in russia,
and kinda play some games in my laptop or xbox one for somereasons.
dont ask why my pfp looks like that btw
i honestly dont know.
Not sure what to put here, but nice to meet you, Hedgewars community.
My name is Oneill (or thibault). I'm a student in computer science. I discover Hedgewars because I searched an open source game project for my university. Because we must contribute to an open source project.
I have contribute for the first time and I love that. I think continue to contribute.
Thank you.
Hello Folks,
I am Lucas, I study at AGH University of Science and Technology in Poland. I am big fan of Android Development and Worms/Hedgewars playing. Glad to see you
Hi everybody!
Hi guys
I Rejoin again,,,
After playing enough Games other than Hedgewars,
After Exam of my School,
After Doin' all the Job in my Educations
After Halting the Movie i have returned !
But i know you will not be Surprised at any Cost,
and i know maybe you sad cuz a Clowntroll which Comment like Wildfire back was a Bugs throughout the Land,,,
But at least i Comeback to fill 1/10 Plank-Volume in Hedgewars room, which maybe can be enough for a spirit in any situations,,, Silence ? got me in Hyperbole, sorry...
And hey !!!
I Continue all my work from now,,,
Posting new Trashy Post,
Talking to anybody like ****,
And fill Comment as a Starving Desire,,,
This wouldn't be good, and wouldn't be nice for anyone,,,
At least
]{ is in way back home
╓──────────────────╖ ╓──────────────────╖
⠀HP: ██████████ 1E9/1E91E9/1E9 ██████████ :MP
╙──────────────────╜ ╙──────────────────╜
This game is awesome, reminds me the old worms in pc. I love the character's dialogue and move in the "cinematic's".
-Wouldn't be a Noble mission if it were easy.
My name is Undisclosed, I am a comic artist, digital music creator and vlogger on Youtube (my channel is called Nocturnal Podcasts, and is mostly about MBTI and music production). Apart from changing the font in Morrowind to a more legible format, and using that BASH thing, I don't do code. I envy those who can, and have helped create what seems to be a very well-crafted game.
Oh, before I neglect to mention, I play many instruments and am an avid writer of sci-fi and whichever genres stick to the creative snowball. I wrote scenes for a fan film (based on a massively popular sci-fi franchise wink wink) that garnered a million views (refer to my name: Undisclosed, as I disown the film.
To state the obvious I am familiar with a certain "mollusk-themed, cartoon tactical warfare" game. My favourite varient of that is Wxxms 3D. Will I be relegated to hell for that? I found out about this game some time ago, but was probably more invested in Warzone 2314 (until I realised it goes wrong regardless of distro).
Should anyone be interested in employing the unutilised talents of a struggling digital music creator and graphic artist, then I will gladly step up.
Hi there, everyone. Here's little bit about me in real life:
Dear Hedgehogs,
I'm Tobias from Berlin/Germany and prefer to go shopp(a)ing. Back in the days I used to play shoppa as Sir TToby and just recently rediscovered the game. So if anyone is ever interested in some challenging medium-serious Shoppa duels, send me a PM or find me on the official server!
See ya around, tobitobi
Bobo is here. Afresh and anew.
Hi everyone!
Hello Hedgehogs,
I have finally retrieved this 8+ years old account of mine!
Yeah I have been a member for 8 years and 37 weeks now. I first discovered the game thanks to one of those CDs you get with computer magazines ... does that sound right? Or so I think.
I live in Italy and I am downloading this game again, to see what has changed in 8 years time! See you on the battlefield Hedgehogs!
Heya. I am Shadow The Worm. I am a Worms veteran, who has recently moved into the Hedgewars timeline. I am 18 years old (was 14 at the time of joining Hedgewars). I like playing all Worms series and roleplay in Hedgewars. I even have created the series of Worms story mods titled Worms NT.
New account, but not to the game. Played worms armageddon with my cousins growing up. Been around playing the good open games like this.
Name's Rodion, 21 years old, born in Russia, city Yakutsk. I chosen such nickname originating from Russian "винт" which means "screw". Naturally I just like to screw some things and begin from white paper with more enhancements instead of managing legacy stuff. My official nickname is "vintproykt": find on Youtube (I plan to publish trailer of my campaign in future, so don't forget to subscribe
), also I'm on GitHub, StackOverflow, Discord, Hangouts, etc.
I began my diving into programming in 12-13 with my majorly beloved language JavaScript. I saw the perspective behind using this language for, as smart people would call, Single Page Applications. OK, that part is just boring for Hedgewarriors, I guess?
I'll just point out that my first computer was bought by my mom as birthday surprise. Sooner at first day I drew something hopeful in Paint. Then year ago, oh my god, you will laugh: I made first game in PowerPoint and called it "Приключения Саида". After all, I was up to make something more dynamical and customizable: for that purpose I learned GameMaker Language. These are times spent in local city net, in isolation from cost of WAN access there. But now I prefer Unity, of course, and can't think just about single purpose of JavaScript because there are a lots of.
So, 6-7 years ago between torrent tracker's results I got something to play: it's Hedgewars. Graphics looked promising, why not try! Hm, what an interesting parody of Worms - and it's yet simplistic in terms of scripting. Also, as I discovered more deeply lately, it's free as air. FOSS is love, FOSS is life!
Threw away Photoshop and Macromedia Flash Professional, and replaced them with GIMP and Inkscape. These are really helpful in making graphics for the websites and many other purposes.
I dived into open source development far from 2014 and it's like a breath of fresh ozone for me still since that time. It literally changes the mind <3 I contributed into Garry's Mod Expression Advanced 2 and StarfallEx add-ons development, some documentation edited.
I'm working on some complex solutions for Hedgewars as side project: like Officident campaign and new application which helps organize missions development with ease.
What makes me really happy:
I can transform into writer and think about Hedgewars universe, what's in hedgehogs' minds, what motives drive each of them, how I can build the bridge between campaign characters and real players the right way - through gameplay, good plot, comics (stay tuned!);
I can be programmer which makes reusable application for long-term support for myself and other hogwriters to make campaign in several finger snaps (not really, but you get the analogy);
I am artist, nevermind how less I believe in it sometimes, because I still work on pixel-perfect pictures and also vector graphics which are more declarative and nice IMO, but my drawing skills became stagnant. By the way I began working on the comics and I'll try to do my best.
I hope we guys will make good in this neat community again and again!
Hello, I am author of Typewriter Hedgewars Lua library.
Will be happy to contribute in some HW campaign or mission!
@vint Wow. That's a looong post w/ plenty of interesting stuff, but I figured I'd just note that we have an (unmaintained) javascript cross-compile for hedgewars if you'd be interested in trying to revive it.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
I'm glad you offered me such task! I gotta go to IRC to discuss it with you.
Hello, I am author of Typewriter Hedgewars Lua library.
Will be happy to contribute in some HW campaign or mission!
Nah, it means methamphetamine.
My stuff
Hmm, I assume it is gross, sir/mam. And the reason behind choosing "винт" actually was that it's adapted (in Russian) first name of Gyro Gearloose from my beloved DuckTales series.
FYI, an association is not directly related to drugs.
Hello, I am author of Typewriter Hedgewars Lua library.
Will be happy to contribute in some HW campaign or mission!
Eh, I just like to point out silly things.
My stuff
You could call me claude IRL, I go by Wormhug on Hedgewars.
I am signle male 24 years old going to be 25 in the next days.
I live in Tunisia very interesting country.
My dream is to change the world.
I came across this game when I was getting to know Ubuntu.
I like food and beauty.
Hey, a new player! I guess this game isn't dead. I happy because i remember playing this all the time on my dad's ubuntu and having a blast. Anyway, follow my insta and i look forward to participating in this forum!

Hello there,
You might (surely) not know me. Let me introduce myself: I am HALP, I am from Romania and I have been playing this beautyful and awesome game for 2 solar years time. That's it. Now you know me!
Thank you for your time!
Your friend,
oi sou f1shster.
Well, I guess I should say something or another:

Heya, I go by Dat_Boi on Hedgewars
I'm a crazy guy who likes video games, art, design, and chocolate cake.
I'm always ready to talk with others on the Hedgewars forum, so go on! LET THE FORUMING BEGIN!!!
(Lol wut am I doing XD )
Have a great day everybody!!!
Oh man waddup
Hi guys!
Probably should have done this sooner, but anyway...
I'm Hedgewars Tricks, and I'm a gaming nut. Playtesting is my thing, and I love trying DLC/mods. Anyway, this game is amazing, and I hope to play against you soon
Deadmau5 inspired nickname. His popular EP names are "Album Title Goes There", "Lack Of A Better Name".
Hi! I'm Conno02, real life name Connor. I discovered this game in 2016 when my friend Dat_boi showed it to me. I have enjoyed playing this game from start to finish. I'm so happy to participate in this community! I hope to participate in this community often and to be of help. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a good day.
Hi Guys :3
Hello I will be short because I do not speak English well.
I am French and am installing the game and getting to know it.
I have a question : can I use a joystick ?
Hi. My name is sofusdm. I mostly like being called sofus instead of sofusdm. I speak english and danish. I discovered this game by myself. I play this game alot
Hello, there!
My name here is Netto and I'm a 29 years old danish-japanese dude, born and raised, as well as currently living in Germany.
I speak German, English, Japanese and a little Danish. My hobbies are mainly IT-based, really. Programming, server administration, etc.
I'm using Arch Linux as my daily driver and I was just looking at the "top open source games", found Hedgewars and was immediately impressed by it, because it reminds me a lot of Worms World Party, which I enjoy to this day. But having an open source Worms clone is even more interesting to me, because I try to use as much open source software as possible.
I also have my beautiful fiancee, a daughter (almost 2 years old) and a second child is on it's way.
Thanks for having me. I just thought that if I'm getting into this game, I might as well introduce myself.
Greetings from Germany.
- NH
Hey my name is cynicFM (cynic name of one of my favourite bands Cynic) and FM are my initials
I am 25 and born in Poland but i have spent my last 5 years in England.
I play Hedgewars on Libreboot T500 machine with Hyperbola Gnu/Linux installed. I am new to gnu/linux and the reason why i am here i use it i like to learn new things
As i am on 100% free as in speech distribution, Hedgewars is the only game i play online at the moment as the world of libre gaming is still very unknown to me so i am in the process of discovering new, exciting things
I don't remember how i found this game, cuz i have played it on single player for a while actually... Today i have tried online for first time and it's so much fun!!!
. So much fun!!!!
At the moment my favourite game
My favourite weapon is the walking birthday cake
Have a good day!!
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Yo i'm Zsír çoban,
i'm a fan of both this game as well as Worms Armageddon
i've been playing this since 2018 i believe
So glad to have actually created an account using my old Red Faction name which I always thought just sounded cool.
Hello, I'm an (Arch) Linux user who has recently discovered this great game.
I wanted to play Worms multiplayer back then but i couldn't since the game was not free, then i found hedgewars.
By the way, I love the fact that this FOSS game is actually good.
Do you want to imply that FOSS games usually suck?
But yeah, I agree. I think this is because the majority of FOSS games are also hobbyist projects run by people who do it only at the side. It's very rare to see a game that is both FOSS and commercial.
But I think this impression is also a little deceiving: You must also take into account all other hobbyist propjects that are *not* FOSS. You know. Proprietary freeware, that is, software that costs nothing but is not FOSS. There are gigantic websites dedicated only to freeware, the majority of which is proprietary. Most of these games suck, too.
FOSS generally has the notion to suck. If you just look at the numbers, it's true, but it's important to not confuse correlation with causation. FOSS is all about user freedom, it's not a “development methology” (a common misconception). Those who control the proprietary software could, in theory, decide to make their software FOSS. The reason why they don't is usually because they don't want to.
I think the cause for sucking is that many devs simply don't take their own hobby projects very seriously. And that is true on both sides, FOSS and proprietary.
That having said, yeah, I totally wanted Hedgewars to become good, to not make it that stereotypical trashy FOSS game.
In the last years I put a significant portion of my time into it to clean things up and make it ready for 1.0.0, a milestone that was long overdue. Note I'm not the only developer. unC0Rr started the project and has the most commits and created the core program with all its components. Also nemo, sheepluva and many other developers put their time and sweat into it in the past. And we also had artists come and go over the years and we have obtained a nice artwort for this game, which is something that almost all FOSS games struggle heavily with.
The list of contributors is surprisingly large, seriously, look at the credits screen. And Hedgewars is more complex than it seems at first glance, both gameplay-wise and code-wise. Most contributors are gone by now, but their work remains in the game.
I'm really glad how this project managed to somehow gather the right people at the right place. It took a very long time as well …
I'm really relieved that 1.0.0 is finally out since a few months. But frankly, I still think there's room for improvement, especily with regards to singleplayer content. It's not that I think it's bad (it totally isn't), it's just that I think there could be more. Who knows what the next update will bring?!
But I wasn't very active in Hedgewars lately, I was distracted. So don't expect to see big news anytime soon.
BTW: Welcome.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Not only it's FOSS but also very addictive and fun
Currently playing it on Obarun Linux
Keeps me away from my old addiction to mmorpg that usually require paying monthly for subscription
I have missed game like this for many years and now i can play it for free!!!
The only issue is that sometimes there is nobody to play with!!!
Yeah, the low player count is regrettable. There's the issue of all games losing players over years. Gamers are fickle. Also there's the problem that we don't really have much visibility in social media or gaming review sites.
That last one ties into what was truly painful that years ago Hedgewars attracted the attention of one deletionist in particular on Wikipedia, and despite being offered links to a print magazine review in a german linux magazine, a hak5 video review, and a number of major press sites mentioning it (including screenshots) in conjunction with two psych studies that used it, it was deleted by him and his deletionist buddies. Repeatedly. And they locked it. Also accused us of self-promotion which was false, it was entirely fan created wikipedia entries. https://hedgewars.org/node/5796 has more info on that. Anyway, that hurt 'cause we had gotten a lot of people through Wikipedia and the free games list.
Probably the best fix would be someone getting a major gaming site to write a review online to finally have something the cabal couldn't wave off.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
I'm 45 years old dude from Portugal. I started playing this kind of game with worms a long, long, long time ago.
hi im crazytornnadoOfcoronavirus and i discovered this in 2014 and i was offline for 6 years
i will beat u all (maybe not cuz im a noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooob)
Hi. What'd you play back then. Shoppa? Highlander? Highlander is over 8 years old now. Wow. It was a big community change at the time.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
Hello fellow hedgewarriors! New member here.
Played online with some friends yesterday, was a barrel of laughs!
Favourite weapon has to be the "Ball Gun". Used it on the Basketball Court map and caused chaos
Thanks to everyone involved for making this game!
Hello! I'm Jaafar Jeff, I speak English and Arabic.
My hobbies include art, making videos, gaming, and very rarely... animation.
I have a YouTube channel filled with funnies and may-mayz.
I'm also learning how to game-dev, my games will be free, online, and most importantly, open-source!
I discovered this game while browsing Flathub's "Games" section.
so... ey,
im technically andrey which btw is also my real name here
i basically live in russia,
and kinda play some games in my laptop or xbox one for somereasons.
dont ask why my pfp looks like that btw
i honestly dont know.
dont ask what my pfp is, i dont know.
Hi, I'm a full time game artist in US. Looking for ways to contribute to the game.