Rope-Case-Collecting Missions for Hedgewars 9.14

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Flex's picture
User offline. Last seen 14 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
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I have made a Rope-Mission where u have to collect Cases!

Works atm only with the newest nightly-version of Hedgewars 9.14 and is really hard to win - but try it!

If u dont know, what u have to do with this file: paste it in ...\Hedgewars 0.9.14\share\hedgewars\Data\Missions\Training\

Wish u a lot of fun!!
And believe me - its possible Wink Smiley - just try again and again
If u mean it is too easy - I will load up a harder version Wink Smiley
Just tell me

When it is too boring for u that the Cases are everytime at the same position - I have made a Second Version - if u have luck, it could be easy - if not, it could be hard...just try

If u would like to train without losing healthpoints and with more time try this:

In Version Hedgewars 9.13 I have made the same - but it is really too hard - cause the Cases are Invisible!!!But that makes no fun, so I don't load it up - if anyone wants to try it anyway - had to write me a message...

Update 23.09.2010:
Here is another Rope-Mission for Hedgewars 9.14
You can get now more Time if u collect a Case - in this version the position of the cases are completly random - every try again!
in this version the position of the cases are random - but every try the same positions.
If anyone know how to - there could be added an Highscore-list anywhere - or something like that...

PS: I have only set the german and english language - u can post me the other languages...
PPS: To get the newest nightly-version of Hedgewars 9.14 - watch the IRC-Live-Chat!

yeah - I know - I have to learn english - i will do it next time Wink Smiley

User offline. Last seen 8 weeks 3 days ago. Offline
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Nice, good for rope training, especially for Shoppa.

Uncharted's picture
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Ah cmon create one for 9.13 Sad Smiley

Smaxx's picture
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It's not possible as 0.9.13 is missing the ability to spawn crates using Lua.

Uncharted's picture
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Well yea but i was thinking like destroying targets with rope and some gun Big Grin

Flex's picture
User offline. Last seen 14 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
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hmm - I could make something like that - but I think it wont be funny to change every target again the weapon...

And at the moment u cant change the weapon to rope again after used a weapon - so u can just destroy one target - thats boring - but it will be added eventually soon

But I have made another Rope-Mission - here you will get time with collecting a case!
Look at first post Wink Smiley

yeah - I know - I have to learn english - i will do it next time Wink Smiley

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