Unofficial Tournament

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Randy's picture
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The entries have been closed, thanks to the 54 players have registered. Good luck in the tournament.

We also have a winner in the vote and is for the Swiss-system, congratulations clay: p. For more information for this one, enter here:

The next forum will open soon, where we show their rivals, more of demos, and review of some rules

Randy and claymore



Signup opens with this post, just leave your (online) name and the name of the team you will be using throughout the tournament in a comment in this thread. The tournament will begin on Monday 11th of April.


Simply make a user account (if you're a forum member you should already have one) and leave a comment below. Your comment should include your player name, the name of the team you plan to use in the tournament, and optionally, your country. You have the rest of this week to sign up, signup will close on 1st of April.


  • Each match will be the best of three games. If one player wins his first two games, the third is optional. The winner of the match will score a full point (see tournament system below).

  • Each game will use *this* weapon set. It's a compromise based on this thread; that is, default minus RC Plane, Cake, Dynamite and Portal Gun, with 1 rope instead of 4, 2 cluster bombs instead of 3, 1 girder delayed 3 turns instead of 2 girders, and unlimited seduction and mudball.

  • Each match will take place on a randomly generated, medium-sized map (use the "Medium" map filter option). Be sure to regenerate the map each game.

  • Each game must be played within one week. Match times will be posted, and the next round may begin earlier if all games are finished and all players are happy (unlikely).

  • When a match finishes, the winner must be announced in this thread. Anyone can post the result, but ultimately the match winner is responsible.

  • Demos should be submitted for all matches, and should be uploaded to the hedgewars site (click "Demos"). Any player can upload the demo, but ultimately the match winner is responsible. Make sure you turn on "append date and time to record file name" in the game options; this will save demos automatically to ~/.hedgewars/Demos/ under Linux, %userprofile%\hedgewars\Demos\ under Windows, and (Name of your Computer)/Library/Application Support/Hedgewars/Demos on Mac I'm told. Sift through this thread for some nice pictures.

  • Matches not played within the one week schedule will be subject to review. If one or both players are found to be responsible for the match not being played, that player/players will forfeit the round.

  • If a player gets disconnected during a game, that player forfeits the game unless his opponent wants to replay it, or is happy to concede defeat in a game he was losing. I know most disconnections are unintentional, but unfortunately it's impossible to tell for sure; having it any other way would allow players to disconnect and force the game to be replayed, win due to hog count etc. This rule is simplest.

  • If a network problem occurs which affects both players (server crash etc), the game should be replayed.

  • Organising when a match is played (within the one week schedule) is down to the players. Doodle worked well for us last time, but if you have your own ideas feel free to suggest them.

  • AI teams are forbidden. Let's be honest though, they don't offer much of an advantage in this mode.

  • Players should use the same teams throughout the tournament, so the owners can be identified more easily by anyone following the games.

  • Each team plays with 4 hedgehogs.

  • Observers are welcome. Chat is welcomed, but please do so with consideration for the players. If it puts players off, you may want to use team/observer chat (press 'Y') instead of regular chat.

  • Please try to arrive in good time, at least 5 minutes before the match is due to start. Late arrival might count against you if it prevents your match being played that week.

  • When creating a room, please include the word "tournament" somewhere in the room name, and remember to restrict team additions. We get a lot of idiots who can't read. :p

  • Claymore will do a post to the weapon set soon.

    Note that the correct place to find your demos on Mac is ~/Library/Application Support/Hedgewars/Demos.

    If 0.9.16 is released by the time registration ends, we will use this for all games. Otherwise, all players should use 0.9.15. We might push back the start of the tournament if 0.9.16 is on the verge of being released.

    In the first two games, the playing order should not be random. One player should go first first game, then second in the second game. If a third game is required, it should be played with a random playing order.

Tournament system

claymore wants Swiss style. What this means (as opposed to the knockout format of the previous tournaments) is that instead of losers being eliminated, they will be re-paired with players who have a similar number of wins and losses. This means that everyone gets to plays every round, and even have a chance of winning the tournament after losing a game. The player with the most points (wins) at the end is declared the winner.

Randy wants elimination or double elimation. Elimination was the format of all previous tournaments. Double elimination is a variant where losers get a chance to continue by winning a playoff.

If it's not obvious how these systems work, Google and wikipedia are you friends.

Number of rounds will depend on number of entrants.

Make your opinions on tournament format known in this thread.


To be decided. Probably the usual fame and riches beyond your wildest imagination.

Announcing your Victory

Possibly a new thread will be created for this. We'll keep you updated. In any case, post your name, opposing player's name, result for each game and ideally, a link to the demo for each game.

If you have any questions regarding the tournament, you can catch often us on IRC (click the IRC live chat button). I'll deal with english, randy can help you in spanish and french.

Current Entries

  1. Randy, team Pelican Sniper
  2. Combz, team Shepherd
  3. claymore, team Special Forces
  4. doubledutch, team doubledutch
  5. doomy, team Arguing Star Hogs
  6. RebelX, team Magic Mushrooms
  7. Ein-Euro-Jobber, team € [Phallus-Clan]
  8. Phall-UST, team Phall-Us [Phallus-Clan]
  9. Keny, team ø keny ø
  10. JstKeepBreathng, team The Fox Team
  11. mrock, team Got some cereals?
  12. Missed, team Missed King of Shoppa xDDD
  13. Blue, team Blue
  14. Djrulz, team Teh ninjaz -,'-
  15. ♠ Lalo ♣, team The old School
  16. shortz, team shortz
  17. UshatatoR, team unforeseen consequences
  18. reddragon, team Nazzastroika
  19. Espinet, team Los Lauchas
  20. Izack1535, team Shoppa Extreme
  21. Jeremy, team M.BELLAMY
  22. Des Ora!, team Des_Ora's crew
  23. Mkk-Bote, team Mkk's Color Team
  24. mikade, team Ivory Harlequins
  25. Wil, team sexy skull
  26. andu, team Outer Gods
  27. Worschtweck, team ACE
  28. GalaxyMario96, team Singstars
  29. Fer7, team MostDope
  30. Thomas1, team LSDR
  31. Stukr, team Orkit
  32. Erkit, team Erkit
  33. turtle153, team Elfen Lied
  34. Christoph, team Ruffryders [Phallus-Clan]
  35. tribo, team MAN's
  36. Thomas, team Dinner for once
  37. Artain, team Battlestar Galactica
  38. Radissthor, team Radissthors
  39. MyserY, team MyserY
  40. Kaan, team Imperium
  41. Tobi, team Inazuma
  42. roli, team roli
  43. Lights, team Lightminds
  44. sain, team los chuletosos
  45. Al Capone, team Kiss
  46. nemo , team Bubble Bobble
  47. NJU, team NJU team!
  48. tdomhan, team rakos
  49. CaZaManda, team MataMucho
  50. Blitzmerker, team ⚡⚡⚡Blitzmerker⚡⚡⚡
  51. Rolpera, team Rorlachans
  52. Tüdeldü, team Tüdeldüdeldü
  53. Ellerbek, team clini clowns
  54. rojito, team Ywahĸa Team

    CLAYMORE and RANDY Smile Good Luck for all.

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

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Randy's picture
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Name: Randy

Team Name: Peilican Sniper.

Country: Argentina.


Hedgewars Tournament 2015

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Combz's picture
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Name: Combz

Team Name: Shepherd

Country: Germany

Consumed with what's to transpire

Randy's picture
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NOW IS BETTER... make a treaning people Smile

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

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Sorry, registration doesn't close on 9th March... you'll get a good few weeks. Let's say provisionally that the last day for registration will be Friday 8th 1st April. (All times posted will be GMT unless stated otherwise.) I'll post a link to the weapon set soon.

Note that the correct place to find your demos on Mac is ~/Library/Application Support/Hedgewars/Demos.

If 0.9.16 is released by the time registration ends, we will use this for all games. Otherwise, all players should use 0.9.15. We might push back the start of the tournament if 0.9.16 is on the verge of being released.

In the first two games, the playing order should not be random. One player should go first first game, then second in the second game. If a third game is required, it should be played with a random playing order.

Name: claymore
Team: Special Forces
Country: UK

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Name: doubledutch
Team: doubledutch
Country: USA

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Team:Arguing Star Hogs

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Name: RebelX
Team: Magic Mushrooms
Country: Ukraine

Ein-Euro-Jobber's picture
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Name: Ein-Euro-Jobber
Team: € [Phallus-Clan]
Country: Germany

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Name: The Phall-US
Team: Phall-Us [Phallus-Clan]
Country: Germany

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Ok, we're agreed that the final date for signup will be Friday 1st April. That gives us a week to make up pairings etc.

Oh yeah, feel free to ask questions and debate format in this thread. Post your preference: Swiss, Elim, Double Elim etc.

One more rule which will eventually be merged at the top: Only one entry is permitted per account. You should use your registered account name on the server (but exceptions might be made).

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hi all, i am very bad english ^^

Name: Keny
Team: ø keny ø
Country: French

JstKeepBreathng's picture
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Not happy to see that switch turns isn't disabled, or at least less, but okay i'll enter anyways.

Name: JstKeepBreathng
Team: The Fox Team
Country: The Netherlands

I'm a fox =P

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My bad. I forgot to include switch turn when I wrote up the weapon set. We can reduce it to 1, will change it soon. I'm not sure about Resurrector.

Here's the weapon set right now, just paste it into your weapons.ini in ~/.hedgewars/ in Linux, %systemdrive%\Users\YourName\Documents\Hedgewars\ on Windows:


Mrock's picture
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Name: mrock
Team: Got some cereals?

oh yeah baby Big Grin

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Name: Missed

Team Name: Missed King of Shoppa xDDD

Country: United States of America

JstKeepBreathng's picture
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No way Em?? You're entering? haha, wasnt expecting that =P

And @Claymore, good ^^ 1 okay.

I'm a fox =P

Mrock's picture
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JstKeepBreathng allegedly wrote:

No way Em?? You're entering? haha, wasnt expecting that =P

And @Claymore, good ^^ 1 okay.

ofcourse Char!

Save yourself! mrock is coming to get you! Big Grin

Blue's picture
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Name: Blue

Team: Blue

Country: England (Screw Great Britain, I'm English)

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Check out the frontpage

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User offline. Last seen 11 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
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Thanks sheepluva. Was thinking about posting such a poll myself, you saved me the trouble. Smile

Rules update: Somebody told Randy he's going to be away some week during the tournament. I'm thinking of letting players claim a half point bye for some round if you know that you will be unavailable for a week (only if Swiss style, otherwise I don't know... probably forfeit). You have to announce when you will be away before the tournament begins.

Randy's picture
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WoW, really thx sheepluva. it commits us to make a fun tournament Smile

SHEELPLUVA' Rock! hahah Big Grin

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

Flying Amateur Artist for Hedgewars & Tournament Organizator

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Team:Teh ninjaz -,'-


JstKeepBreathng's picture
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Mrock allegedly wrote:

JstKeepBreathng allegedly wrote:

No way Em?? You're entering? haha, wasnt expecting that =P

And @Claymore, good ^^ 1 okay.

ofcourse Char!

Save yourself! mrock is coming to get you! Big Grin

Nooo!! D= I'm scared now x_x

I'm a fox =P

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name:♠ Lalo ♣
Team:The old School
country: Venezuela

2 position in the tournament shoopa

Randy's picture
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Ok, thx for all to enter on tourney Smile

lalo agrandado :p

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name: shortz
team: shortz
country: germany

Ushatator's picture
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team:unforeseen consequences
country:i'm urban huh :>

p.s.: are maps standartized ?

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Standardised? In what way? They're just medium-sized generated maps selected arbitrarily by the room host.

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name: reddragon
team: Nazzastroika
country: Italy

wolfmarc's picture
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2 position in the tournament shoopa

ahahahahahahahahahaha gay Big Grin

The PROT(Fart) team FTW!

Randy's picture
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ahahahahahahahahahaha gay Big Grin


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team:Los Lauchas

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name: jose1711
team: Josatko
country: slovakia

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Name : Izack1535
Team : Shoppa Extreme
Country : Malaysia

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Name : Jeremy (Yess, it is my real first name^^)
Team name : M.BELLAMY
Country : France (ZIDANE <3 )

Smile team : M.BELLAMY

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Name : Des Ora!
Team name : Des_Ora's crew
Country : Russia

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Name: Mkk-Bote
Team name: Mkk's Color Team
Country: Germany

Randy's picture
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Nooo Mkk-Bote play :p

You are good man Smile

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

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Name: mikade
Team: Ivory Harlequins

Let's do this.
Big Grin Cake

Hedgewars Developer

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We are more than 20, if we reach more than 40 will be an amazing tournament: p

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name Wil team sexy skull

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Name: Worschtweck
Team: ACE
Country: Germany
Sex: Male

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Name: andu
Team: Outer Gods
Country: Finland

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Name: GalaxyMario96
Team: Singstars
Country: Germany

I have an idea for a price: How about special styles for the first 3 places? I mean, the first gets, e.g., 10 new, special, limited styles of hedgehogs, the second gets 5 and the third 3 or something like that...

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Name: Fer7

Team Name: MostDope

Country: USA : Cali

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Name: WaxE-

Team Name: Chapin

Country: Guatemala

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GalaxyMario96 allegedly wrote:
I have an idea for a price: How about special styles for the first 3 places? I mean, the first gets, e.g., 10 new, special, limited styles of hedgehogs, the second gets 5 and the third 3 or something like that...

Well that would be fine if you could draw them. I'm no artist Smile

Randy's picture
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Well that would be fine if you could draw them. I'm no artist Smile

I said the same, someone can do that?

Hedgewars Tournament 2015

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doubledutch's picture
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When does the tournament begin? Big Grin

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