Hehe, Mrock managed to find me. Overall he had a lot more style, but I guess I made sliiightly fewer mistakes. Final score 4-1.
Ropes [mikade wins] Ropes Revenge [mikade wins] ShoppaKing [Mrock wins] ShoppaHell [mikade wins] ShoppaNeon [mikade wins]
Tourney was decided by the 4th round so we agreed just to have fun in the last round.
hmm i ve got a qustion Myst, we are 6 players now, in a few days we will be only 3... how are we gonna play the final? the 3 players in same games? well it would be fun i guess
hmm i ve got a qustion Myst, we are 6 players now, in a few days we will be only 3... how are we gonna play the final? the 3 players in same games? well it would be fun i guess
A method like Randy's tourney before. :
A vs B
B vs C
A vs C *wins=1point,lose=0point*
If they got the same point, they will be in the Grand Final
I will upload demos tomorrow. I just comment to say nice tourney and good luck to bufon. (Sorry guys, but i want bufon wins the tourney)
We played i think, the best game of the tournament! The first one on Ropes was amaizing, There was only 1 fail and playing at 100 km/hs. ShoppaHell game was nice too and shoppaking. RopesRevenge was the worse. And in Shoppa Neon we just played crazy.
Anyway I start only 1 game of 4, maybe there is the point.
I will upload demos tomorrow. I just comment to say nice tourney and good luck to bufon. (Sorry guys, but i want bufon wins the tourney)
We played i think, the best game of the tournament! The first one on Ropes was amaizing, There was only 1 fail and playing at 100 km/hs. ShoppaHell game was nice too and shoppaking. RopesRevenge was the worse. And in Shoppa Neon we just played crazy.
Anyway I start only 1 game of 4, maybe there is the point.
Demos tomorrow guys.
thank you very much, there were really nice games, crazy style and awesome moves, it was nice to play with you Randy
I ve sent messages to solar but he doesnt answer, in few days i will be unable to play, please if somebody has his e-mail or any other way to contact him let me know
Ok, as Mystery has had a bad internet connection, he asked me to take over the tournament this week.
Bufon has heard of if he win againts Sami by 3-2 is not going to be the champion. This is false. If Buffon won 3-2, 4-1 or 5-0, he wins the tournament. Now if he loses by 2-3, 1-4 or 0-5 the winner of the tournament will Radissthor. Because he beat Solar 5-0.
Score of the games only help in case of a tie between the amount of victory / defeat of the games. Therefore, if Solar, Bufon and Radissthor win a game and lost one. The difference in punctuation that will determine the tournament winner.
To be simple. If Bufon wins againts Solar he's the champion but if he lose Radissthor will be.(Solar can't be the champion even winning by 5-0).
Surely the english is not the right. But try to undestand it, please.
Bufon 2-3 Solar, well played again nerves and positions killed me 3 first games, with 3 hogs up but anyway i made stupid fails!
my only comfort is i won the Tourney Winner, congrats Radisthor! champion of tourney, nice games every one, i ve really enjoyed it, which remains me, thanks Mystery too for your great work! and Randy too
*PLEASE READ ALL THE RULES AGAIN TO MAKE SURE INFO YOU GOT IS TRUE. and i already changed some rules so it's better to read the updated forum.
The finale stage will start on 1 June 2012. You aren't allowed to start the game earlier than 1 June. Please make sure that 3 of the finalist decide a date, and time to play.Please tell me when will your matches begins. For sure,the finale matches will be play only on ONE room. So everyone can join the room and spectate. The host is always allowed to kick people which spam a lot, offensive person, and the host is allowed to kick suspected spectators too. So here is the games that will be play on the finale of the tournament.
Raddisthor vs Solar
Solar vs Bufon
Bufon vs Raddisthor
And each winning on a game will earn one point, if lose, no points will be granted. The finalist which got the highest points will be the champion of Shoppa Tournament 2012. The winners (winners & runner-up) could claim their prize by contacting me as fast as possible.
Maybe it's too early to start but all games already completed (unexpected). So now i think we can go through the Semi Final stage right now. Here is the list of matches:
Bender vs Raddisthor
Bufon vs Randy
Mikade vs Solar
Here is a list of matches that you will have this week. The deadline for Elemination Stage will be on this Friday, 15 June. Please send the demo before 12:00pm in GMT (15 June)
For now, i give the list first :
Bender vs TLD
Blue vs Raddisthor
Hayaa vs Bufon
Logan vs Randy
Mrock vs Mikade
Solar will skip the elemination stage because of odd numbers of players join in to Elemination Stage. Solar already had a game against Sami and won, so it will let Mikade and Mrock to play on the Elemination Stage because they didn't get chances to meet their opponent(no matches on qualification stage.
Here is a list of un-completed games:
Mrock vs Lalo
Meir vs javiersuarez
Mikade vs Amoedo
Name with the bold will be qualify for Elemination Stage. The chosen name were choosed because of their committed of tourney. Un-Bold name that was not qualified to Elemination Stage because of their ingorance to the tourney.
Here is a list of matches that you will have this week.Your opponent cannot be changed.The matches was generated by Tournament Generator.Find and meet your opponent online and complete the qualification stage matches.
glum reaper vs Blue
Lalo vs Mrock
mikade vs Amoedo
rhino vs Logan
Randy vs HedgeKing
sphrix vs hayaa
Meir vs javiersuarez
Solar vs sami
Hermes vs bender
Falkenauge vs Bufon
Raddisthor vs The 24
TLD vs Mystery
*KILLER MONKEY has been replaced by Lalo since KILLER MONKEY doesn't responding to my pm and i don't see him anywhere on the offical server. So i put him on waiting list.
1. Do not make two accounts so you can play two times. As the result, those competitor would be ban permanently from the tournament.
2. Do not cheating on host and your opponent by show them the fake victory and posting the fake demos.
3. Do not spamming while playing games, it might effect your roping performance.
4. Please use our own scheme that is the most fair shoppa scheme ever made. You can teleport your first 4 hedgehogs anywhere using teleportation. There grenades, bazooka, shotgun, baseball bat and mines in the crates. Well, talk about it later.
1. The deadline for every round will be 7 days. This rule it is very important for the organization of the tournament.
2. Each match will be played to the best out of five games. If one player wins his first three games, the other games is optional.
3. All games will be played on specified map , with 4 hedgehogs for each team. Remember to refresh the map for each games. *CLICK ON THE MAP' PICTURE, THEN CHOOSE THE AGAIN
4. Sign-up Period : 13 April 2012 - 30 May 2012, the tournament will start on 1 or 2 June. One round is in a week, send the demo fast.
5. These five map is the only maps allowed to play in this tournament. Ropes,RopesRevenge0.1,ShoppaKing,ShoppaNeon and ShoppaHell.You can't play on one of those map twice or more. In mean, one match for one map.
We need the demo to approve your winning/lose on each games. With this demo, Izack1535 will create a video for the tourney. After the battle with your opponent completed, please post a comment on a thread called Shoppa Tournament : DEMO on the Off Topic forum categories. Please add score and map (in bracket) on each games and with the download link. Example:
You will only have 1 match in a single week.So then, keep in your mind that 1200pm in GMT is a deadline for each round. In a week,you will need to find your specified opponent and play their games. You are allowed to post a comment below to call your opponent.
As the most important thing to do in this tournament, the maps and the scheme.As i mentioned earlier, you will have 5 matches on the different 5 maps that is Ropes,ShoppaKing,ShoppaHell,ShoppaNeon and RopesRevenge0.1. This tournament, we will play on a weapon scheme it is called OSFST.
About the scheme, we will use the original Shoppa scheme that was included on your Hedgewars. I changed this rule because of criticism from people on the second page of this thread. This scheme not affect the weapon scheme. We will use the original shoppa scheme but with OSFST weapon scheme.
Weapons Scheme
This is the weapon scheme, copy and paste it in weapons.cfg . The file can be found ~\Documents\Hedgewars\weapon.cfg
-a video of tournament (for all competitors)
-a map (winner decide the name of the map and his/her name will be paste on a throphy of the map
-a race map (winners, runner-up, and 3rd place : their names on the throphies on the map)
-a hat of your own (runner-up)
This list of prizes was written to give you some info for the prizes. But for now, the prizes making are in the progress. I will remove the red color of font after all the prizes is complete.
Recent Results :
(1) Randy vs Bufon (4)
(4) Solar vs Mikade (1)
(4) Raddisthor vs Bender (1)
(4) Mikade vs Mrock (1)
(3) Bender vs TLD (2)
(1) Blue vs Raddisthor (3)
(4) Randy vs Logan (1)
(3) Bufon vs Hayaa (2)
(4) Solar vs Sami (1)
(0) Glum Reaper vs Blue (5)
(4) Hayaa vs sphrix (1)
(2) HedgeKing vs Randy (3)
(4) Logan vs rhino (1)
(5) Raddisthor vs The 24 (0)
(4) TLD vs Mystery (1)
(1) Hermes vs Bender (3)
(2) Falkenauge vs Bufon (3)
#a part of this thread has gone by itself.I will try to remember all those and repost it again
#this forum thread is now a sticky thread,thanks to mikade
#thanks to Vatten for the Tournament Generator
#please tell me as fast as possible what did i forgot to post
#i need to mention that ONLY a map for each game,you will have 5 games so you will play with those 5 maps (one map for each game).
Dear Players,
I have a really bad news for the tournament. Badly, my internet was shut down suddenly (maybe broken) and my parent would not buy a new internet for me till , after this October.
You guys can continue the finale game and don't forget to post demo download link with result. About your prizes, you will get the prizes after i'm back. Don't worry about the prizes, you will get the prizes anyway, no matter how.
Here i have some message to my fellow friends :
Bufon: Well, i will leave Hedgewars because of that. Maybe after a few months ,i will be back to Hedgewars. Miss you
Sphrix: Hey don't post anything about your prize here till i'm back! I will post the prizes later.
Wolfmarc: I'm sorry about your map past month. Maybe you can refer to Nemo about the map. (i hope you know what was i talking about)
Randy: Yes, i told Izack to send messages to you. I did planned to add you back as the host of the tourney but now i have changed my mind to not to add more host.
As I said repeatedly, when this came up, I don't think it is reasonable to keep adding trophy map after shoppa trophy map to the base map set.
What I think would be better, and would offer more continuity, would be something like in real tournaments.
Where prior winners of the cup are moved to a plaque, and the main trophy text contains the current winners.
To a prominent part of the map, and put on it.
2010 Winners
1st Castell
2nd wolfmarc
3rd ♠Lalo♣
That way the map can continue for years, and people can see all the winners in one place. Castell & co have had their names on *two* maps in the official release for two years now. That's quite enough for one shoppa tournament win, I think. If they want to keep their names on the trophies they need to keep defending their titles.
I told him this every time he brought up the prize.
He said he'd discuss it with you guys.
Nothing more came of it.
Sooo. Yeah. But that being said, if last year's winners are unwilling to cooperate, I may simply take your map, rename it to the trophy map, and slap a plaque on it with the 2011 tournament winners.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
I just made the map as mystery asked me... I'm not agree or diagree with you , because i'm not a dev. Do what's best for the game. I just hope that map is good for you !
I just made the map as mystery asked me... I'm not agree or diagree with you , because i'm not a dev. Do what's best for the game. I just hope that map is good for you !
As I said repeatedly, when this came up, I don't think it is reasonable to keep adding trophy map after shoppa trophy map to the base map set.
What I think would be better, and would offer more continuity, would be something like in real tournaments.
Where prior winners of the cup are moved to a plaque, and the main trophy text contains the current winners.
To a prominent part of the map, and put on it.
2010 Winners
1st Castell
2nd wolfmarc
3rd ♠Lalo♣
That way the map can continue for years, and people can see all the winners in one place. Castell & co have had their names on *two* maps in the official release for two years now. That's quite enough for one shoppa tournament win, I think. If they want to keep their names on the trophies they need to keep defending their titles.
I told him this every time he brought up the prize.
He said he'd discuss it with you guys.
Nothing more came of it.
Sooo. Yeah. But that being said, if last year's winners are unwilling to cooperate, I may simply take your map, rename it to the trophy map, and slap a plaque on it with the 2011 tournament winners.
i agree with nemo, we have lots of shoppa maps, not sure always adding a special map prize is a good idea, just changing name could be better, the plaque idea is good, we could need the .svg of the tournaments map to change the name.
last, i have to say, this map can be good to play, i liked when i test it, i hope you'll like too
2013 is coming, 2012 ending, is there anyone for a christmas/end of year tournament ? (shoppa highlander or an other scheme)
As I said repeatedly, when this came up, I don't think it is reasonable to keep adding trophy map after shoppa trophy map to the base map set.
What I think would be better, and would offer more continuity, would be something like in real tournaments.
Where prior winners of the cup are moved to a plaque, and the main trophy text contains the current winners.
To a prominent part of the map, and put on it.
2010 Winners
1st Castell
2nd wolfmarc
3rd ♠Lalo♣
That way the map can continue for years, and people can see all the winners in one place. Castell & co have had their names on *two* maps in the official release for two years now. That's quite enough for one shoppa tournament win, I think. If they want to keep their names on the trophies they need to keep defending their titles.
I told him this every time he brought up the prize.
He said he'd discuss it with you guys.
Nothing more came of it.
Sooo. Yeah. But that being said, if last year's winners are unwilling to cooperate, I may simply take your map, rename it to the trophy map, and slap a plaque on it with the 2011 tournament winners.
i agree with nemo, we have lots of shoppa maps, not sure always adding a special map prize is a good idea, just changing name could be better, the plaque idea is good, we could need the .svg of the tournaments map to change the name.
last, i have to say, this map can be good to play, i liked when i test it, i hope you'll like too
2013 is coming, 2012 ending, is there anyone for a christmas/end of year tournament ? (shoppa highlander or an other scheme)
As I said repeatedly, when this came up, I don't think it is reasonable to keep adding trophy map after shoppa trophy map to the base map set.
What I think would be better, and would offer more continuity, would be something like in real tournaments.
Where prior winners of the cup are moved to a plaque, and the main trophy text contains the current winners.
To a prominent part of the map, and put on it.
2010 Winners
1st Castell
2nd wolfmarc
3rd ♠Lalo♣
That way the map can continue for years, and people can see all the winners in one place. Castell & co have had their names on *two* maps in the official release for two years now. That's quite enough for one shoppa tournament win, I think. If they want to keep their names on the trophies they need to keep defending their titles.
I told him this every time he brought up the prize.
He said he'd discuss it with you guys.
Nothing more came of it.
Sooo. Yeah. But that being said, if last year's winners are unwilling to cooperate, I may simply take your map, rename it to the trophy map, and slap a plaque on it with the 2011 tournament winners.
so nemo, new release is here and the Trophy Race is the same as always, if you say they should defend their titles then add our trophy map or change the names of the current trophy map please, i think it should be the fairest thing. and Lolkiller's map is much harder than Trophy, think abour adding it please..
Rope Brothers Founder
so nemo, new release is here and the Trophy Race is the same as always, if you say they should defend their titles then add our trophy map or change the names of the current trophy map please, i think it should be the fairest thing. and Lolkiller's map is much harder than Trophy, think abour adding it please..
Rope Brothers Founder
I had no objection at all to replacing the existing map.
I just had other things to do besides map editing.
If someone had provided me with new map for ShoppaKing and/or TrophyRace that preserved the old winners in some fashion, I would have replaced the existing maps.
No one did, so nothing happened.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
i think, the idea of addind a plaque somewhere and change the name of existing map(including the the new trophyrace of lolkiller but don't erase the older trophyrace) is good
so, no need to do new map, just editing, we can do that for next tournament
but have no idea for the plaque integration... i let this work to someone else : p
plus, i think new map for tournament as prize is maybe not a good idea, for my part i don't like follow a guide line when creating a map, it make it not as good as i want it...
maybe, a map to play for the tournament match...
in last, i saw the thread in off topic about the specialist tournament, (its maybe not the place to talk about it... ) i would like to say about the prize, that map must be shared, that map as prize is not so good idea ( my opinion) and there was something about map seed, yeah its good to have new map seed, but map are to be played, so shared...
prize could be special hat requested by winner, grave flag or theme, name on a plaque (why not in a special page for achivement or something....)
so nemo, new release is here and the Trophy Race is the same as always, if you say they should defend their titles then add our trophy map or change the names of the current trophy map please, i think it should be the fairest thing. and Lolkiller's map is much harder than Trophy, think abour adding it please..
Rope Brothers Founder
I had no objection at all to replacing the existing map.
I just had other things to do besides map editing.
If someone had provided me with new map for ShoppaKing and/or TrophyRace that preserved the old winners in some fashion, I would have replaced the existing maps.
No one did, so nothing happened.
in that case, would it be possible just wait until the next release, and change the names in the plaques in trophy and king when moment comes?
Rope Brothers Founder
lulz i ve watched the demos and Blue had awesome bad luck with positions, but Radisshtor didnt make 0 fails in all the games so..
Rope Brothers Founder

Hehe, Mrock managed to find me. Overall he had a lot more style, but I guess I made sliiightly fewer mistakes. Final score 4-1.
Ropes [mikade wins]
Ropes Revenge [mikade wins]
ShoppaKing [Mrock wins]
ShoppaHell [mikade wins]
ShoppaNeon [mikade wins]
Tourney was decided by the 4th round so we agreed just to have fun in the last round.

Hedgewars Developer
Good Games mikade, it was fun to play with you
As the games of the Elimination Etage are over. Maybe you can starts the next stage?
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
hmm i ve got a qustion Myst, we are 6 players now, in a few days we will be only 3... how are we gonna play the final? the 3 players in same games? well it would be fun i guess
Rope Brothers Founder

A method like Randy's tourney before. :
A vs B
B vs C
A vs C
If they got the same point, they will be in the Grand Final
aaah that would be interesting, so the winners of this round will play against 2 opponents, thats nice
Rope Brothers Founder

Randy vs. Bufon. 1-4
I will upload demos tomorrow. I just comment to say nice tourney and good luck to bufon. (Sorry guys, but i want bufon wins the tourney)
We played i think, the best game of the tournament! The first one on Ropes was amaizing, There was only 1 fail and playing at 100 km/hs. ShoppaHell game was nice too and shoppaking. RopesRevenge was the worse. And in Shoppa Neon we just played crazy.
Anyway I start only 1 game of 4, maybe there is the point.
Demos tomorrow guys.
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
thank you very much, there were really nice games, crazy style and awesome moves, it was nice to play with you Randy
Rope Brothers Founder

Okey, here are the demos.
Ropes: http://hedgewars.org/node/3858 bufon wins
ShoppaHell: http://hedgewars.org/node/3859 bufon wins
ShoppaKing: http://hedgewars.org/node/3860 Randy wins
RopesRevenge0.1: I don't save it. bufon wins
ShoppaNeon: http://hedgewars.org/node/3861 bufon wins
You should watch the demo of Ropes's map, it was very pro.
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
Bender vs Radissthor
Radissthor wins 4 - 1
Ropes won Bender and the rest I won. Bender had bad luck with positions overall, but he still played very well (until the last game at least :P)
The demos
I only try not to die when I kill
when is the final gonna be and which will be the order of the matches? in 10 days im movin out of town and i wont be able to play too much
Rope Brothers Founder

mikade and solar are playing right now, or in some minutes
mikade vs Solar it's on this link www.hedgewars.org/node/3796?page=0#comment-24365
Best regards.
Ah man, I played so badly. Congrats to Solar, I'm not sure if he even made any mistakes while we played. Aaaaand good luck to all the finalists.

Hedgewars Developer
I will be able to play since 1 july to 7 july, all these days since 22.00 to 24.00
Rope Brothers Founder

Solar vs Radissthor, final stage:
Radissthor 5
Solar 0
The demos:
Well played Solar
I only try not to die when I kill
I ve sent messages to solar but he doesnt answer, in few days i will be unable to play, please if somebody has his e-mail or any other way to contact him let me know
Rope Brothers Founder

Final Stage: Bufon 3-2 Radissthor. nice games Radis, last one i was awful but in the others we both made few fails, well played
Rope Brothers Founder

And the demos
Well played indeed.
I only try not to die when I kill
Ok, as Mystery has had a bad internet connection, he asked me to take over the tournament this week.
Bufon has heard of if he win againts Sami by 3-2 is not going to be the champion. This is false. If Buffon won 3-2, 4-1 or 5-0, he wins the tournament. Now if he loses by 2-3, 1-4 or 0-5 the winner of the tournament will Radissthor. Because he beat Solar 5-0.
Score of the games only help in case of a tie between the amount of victory / defeat of the games. Therefore, if Solar, Bufon and Radissthor win a game and lost one. The difference in punctuation that will determine the tournament winner.
To be simple. If Bufon wins againts Solar he's the champion but if he lose Radissthor will be.(Solar can't be the champion even winning by 5-0).
Surely the english is not the right. But try to undestand it, please.
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
bufon vs Solar it's on this link www.hedgewars.org/node/3796?page=0#comment-24460
Best regards.
Bufon 2-3 Solar, well played again
nerves and positions killed me 3 first games, with 3 hogs up but anyway i made stupid fails!
my only comfort is i won the Tourney Winner, congrats Radisthor! champion of tourney, nice games every one, i ve really enjoyed it, which remains me, thanks Mystery too for your great work! and Randy too
Rope Brothers Founder

Well, that was unexpected! Good games everyone and thanks to Mystery (and Randy) for the organization.
I only try not to die when I kill
Congratulation Radissthor !!
Congratulation To Radissthor!
Nice work Solar and Bufon too!
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
Radissthor, I think as one of the price is a hat. (And I am who will make it) So choose your idea for hat and send it to me via P:M.
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
Rope Brothers Founder

do someone have mystery news ?
Dear Players,
I have a really bad news for the tournament. Badly, my internet was shut down suddenly (maybe broken) and my parent would not buy a new internet for me till , after this October.
You guys can continue the finale game and don't forget to post demo download link with result. About your prizes, you will get the prizes after i'm back. Don't worry about the prizes, you will get the prizes anyway, no matter how.
Here i have some message to my fellow friends :
Bufon: Well, i will leave Hedgewars because of that. Maybe after a few months ,i will be back to Hedgewars. Miss you
Sphrix: Hey don't post anything about your prize here till i'm back! I will post the prizes later.
Wolfmarc: I'm sorry about your map past month. Maybe you can refer to Nemo about the map. (i hope you know what was i talking about)
Randy: Yes, i told Izack to send messages to you. I did planned to add you back as the host of the tourney but now i have changed my mind to not to add more host.
Ok guys , here is trophyrace2 , my present for the tournement. I hope it will be added on next release:
Enjoy!!!! I will upload it on unit22 too
As I said repeatedly, when this came up, I don't think it is reasonable to keep adding trophy map after shoppa trophy map to the base map set.
What I think would be better, and would offer more continuity, would be something like in real tournaments.
Where prior winners of the cup are moved to a plaque, and the main trophy text contains the current winners.
In other words, add something like this:
To a prominent part of the map, and put on it.
2010 Winners
1st Castell
2nd wolfmarc
3rd ♠Lalo♣
That way the map can continue for years, and people can see all the winners in one place. Castell & co have had their names on *two* maps in the official release for two years now. That's quite enough for one shoppa tournament win, I think. If they want to keep their names on the trophies they need to keep defending their titles.
I told him this every time he brought up the prize.
He said he'd discuss it with you guys.
Nothing more came of it.
Sooo. Yeah. But that being said, if last year's winners are unwilling to cooperate, I may simply take your map, rename it to the trophy map, and slap a plaque on it with the 2011 tournament winners.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
I just made the map as mystery asked me... I'm not agree or diagree with you , because i'm not a dev. Do what's best for the game. I just hope that map is good for you !
Still fucking annoyed about missing it
thanks again lolk!! nice map!
Rope Brothers Founder

so, the nexte release is coming
and a map is missing,
the one i did, i waited mystery to upload it but he has, bad internet, so i upload it today :
i agree with nemo, we have lots of shoppa maps, not sure always adding a special map prize is a good idea, just changing name could be better, the plaque idea is good, we could need the .svg of the tournaments map to change the name.
last, i have to say, this map can be good to play, i liked when i test it, i hope you'll like too
2013 is coming, 2012 ending, is there anyone for a christmas/end of year tournament ? (shoppa highlander or an other scheme)
Thanks Sphrix I hadn't seen the map and it's cool
I only try not to die when I kill
Rope Brothers Founder
Rope Brothers Founder

so nemo, new release is here and the Trophy Race is the same as always, if you say they should defend their titles then add our trophy map or change the names of the current trophy map please, i think it should be the fairest thing. and Lolkiller's map is much harder than Trophy, think abour adding it please..
Rope Brothers Founder
Rope Brothers Founder

I had no objection at all to replacing the existing map.
I just had other things to do besides map editing.
If someone had provided me with new map for ShoppaKing and/or TrophyRace that preserved the old winners in some fashion, I would have replaced the existing maps.
No one did, so nothing happened.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
i think, the idea of addind a plaque somewhere and change the name of existing map(including the the new trophyrace of lolkiller but don't erase the older trophyrace) is good
so, no need to do new map, just editing, we can do that for next tournament
but have no idea for the plaque integration... i let this work to someone else : p
plus, i think new map for tournament as prize is maybe not a good idea, for my part i don't like follow a guide line when creating a map, it make it not as good as i want it...
maybe, a map to play for the tournament match...
in last, i saw the thread in off topic about the specialist tournament, (its maybe not the place to talk about it... ) i would like to say about the prize, that map must be shared, that map as prize is not so good idea ( my opinion) and there was something about map seed, yeah its good to have new map seed, but map are to be played, so shared...
prize could be special hat requested by winner, grave flag or theme, name on a plaque (why not in a special page for achivement or something....)
in that case, would it be possible just wait until the next release, and change the names in the plaques in trophy and king when moment comes?
Rope Brothers Founder
Rope Brothers Founder

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
Nice work! Really liking the plaque and hope to be there someday
ah i understand now, i wondered how the plaque would work on map
now i see :p
really good idea !
thanks a lot nemo!!!
Rope Brothers Founder