Mutant mode

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bender's picture
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Hey. It's hard to find rules for the new "mutant" mode. They are in the source code but it doesn't really help normal people. So here's copy-paste from mutant.lua.

Recommended settings:
* one hedgehog per team
* 'Small' one-island map
First one to kill anyone becomes Mutant. Mutant has super-weapons
and a lot of health, which however depletes if he doesn't frag fast.
Goal of Mutant is to use his weapons to hold his status for as long
as he can.
Goal of others is to hunt the Mutant down. The one who kills Mutant,
becomes Mutant himself.
The player with least points (or most deaths) is Bottom Feeder. He
can gain points by killing anyone. Other normal players only get points
for killing Mutant.
+2 for becoming a Mutant
+1 to a Mutant for killing anyone
+1 to a Bottom Feeder for killing anyone
-1 to anyone for a suicide
other kills don't give you points.

Inu's picture
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Ah yes, the help pages. Someday, someday. ^_^

mikade's picture
User offline. Last seen 1 year 5 weeks ago. Offline
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Oh, so that's how it's played. That sounds damn pretty fun, actually.

I tried it once and had no idea how to play. The script really shouldn't have been allowed in official in its current state. Hopefully the author submits an updated version with the rules included via showmission or similar approach.

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nemo's picture
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mikade allegedly wrote:

Oh, so that's how it's played. That sounds damn pretty fun, actually.

I tried it once and had no idea how to play. The script really shouldn't have been allowed in official in its current state. Hopefully the author submits an updated version with the rules included via showmission or similar approach.

unc0rr added it Smile
author claims it is a bit out of date actually.

If you were around, you could help review :-p

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

mikade's picture
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nemo allegedly wrote:

unc0rr added it Smile
author claims it is a bit out of date actually.
If you were around, you could help review :-p

Haha, I actually did speak to unC0Rr about the lack of explanation before it was even added to repo, but evidently it wasn't important enough for him to pursue further than that. Guess I should have moaned more on IRC instead. Ah well, live and learn.

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Inu's picture
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mikade allegedly wrote:

nemo allegedly wrote:

unc0rr added it Smile
author claims it is a bit out of date actually.
If you were around, you could help review :-p

Haha, I actually did speak to unC0Rr about the lack of explanation before it was even added to repo, but evidently it wasn't important enough for him to pursue further than that. Guess I should have moaned more on IRC instead. Ah well, live and learn.

Oi! You never played this mode with UT2004?! *shocked*

mikade's picture
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Inu allegedly wrote:

Oi! You never played this mode with UT2004?! *shocked*

Alas, no. Or, at least I don't remember doing so during its Single Player campaign. I played a frig-load of the original Unreal Tournament "Game of the Year Edition", and quite a bit of UT3, but never really got into UT2004. I know it was pretty big, but I just never really got into it. You can probably blame the awfulness that is de_dust2 for that.

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User offline. Last seen 11 years 51 weeks ago. Offline
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take on improving mutant mode its very nice Big Grin

Koda's picture
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umh, should we move this thread to the Google Issues so that it doesn't get lost?

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