Shoppa races, records and more
Heya all shoppa pros, upcoming stars and shoppa rookies!
This is the thread where you can post all your great shoppa stuff like compilations, nice single moves, records in races, ropechallenges and more.
I know that there has already been such a thread, but that one isn't up to date - the last time the race charts got updated is more than a year ago. So finally I decided to give it a new try so that everyone can post and see all nice shoppa stuff happening in this game including the new stuff like Trophyrace2 or the Ropecknockchallenges.
Here you also find the links to download all those great shoppa maps and races to download:
Just extract the files with WinRAR and move them into your maps folder.
RULE: Records only count if you can show us them in a video! So just save the demo after the game and record your record. I think this is the easiest way to keep things correctly
1st: SirToby / 27.444 sec
2nd: Kootooloo / 28.226 sec
3rd: Stef / 29,112 sec
1st: SirToby / 47.178 sec
2nd: bufon / 47.955 sec
3rd: Stef / 53,733 sec
1st: SirToby / 18.641 sec
2nd: Stef / 22,514 sec
1st: LOLKILLER 18.374 sec
2nd: davidbetancourt / 18.684 sec (older version)
3rd: SirToby / 20.545 sec
4th: Kootooloo / 21.326 sec
5th: Stef / 22.102 sec
1st: SirToby / 26.468 sec
2nd: LOLLKILLER / 27.604 sec
3rd: Kootooloo / 27.707 sec
1st: Stef / 80,941 sec
2nd: SirToby / 96.281 sec
3rd: mikade / 114,132 sec
1st: SirToby / 85.657 sec
2nd: Stef / 111,819 sec
I am going to try to update this site as fast as possible! If I'm not on holiday it should usually be updated after three days.
I'll look and see if I find my old records, otherwise I'll have tp get new ones. Same to everybody else, only counts if you can prove it by showing it in a video!
Hi. Nice thread.
Good luck with updating it and whatnot.
As rope physics tend to change in subtle ways across different versions of Hedgewars, I don't think it is fair to use old records. You either need to set up and display a leaderboard for each distinct release of Hedgewars or have it so that the leaderboard resets with each new release, having the records becoming fair game again. I'd recommend the latter.

Hedgewars Developer
Not only that, I recall tweaking start of trophyrace slightly. I think I fixed the start position a little, and set it to start w/ rope active.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
Nice thread.
My current records:
Ropeknocking challenge ShoppaHell: 116,911 sec / video:
Ropeknocking challenge Ropes: 111,486 sec / video:
Roperace: 35,935 sec / video:
Cowrace: 22,514 sec / video:
Trophyrace: 27,906 sec / video:
[All records are made with 0.9.18]
I don't have a Trophyrace 2 record, because I suck at that race... :P
Where can I download Roperace 2? Because I don't have it yet. If someone could post a link that would be great. (:
[Edited several times]
Yeah I think you're right, if we do a new start it should be a REAL new start. So I'll have to work on new records
If someone needs a single map and doesn't want to download the whole map-pack with all shoppa maps available just ask here and I'll post the link to download it.
And don't be afraid of posting you're records, there are FIVE positions to fill
Just have no time to record, upload and post my records at them moment, have lots of work with my drama club, I'll do that later.
Thanks for the map! Sorry, I forgot that the races are also included in your uploaded map pack.
I'm just a wannabe shoppsta, so here is the result of my quick 0.9.19 attempt at RKC: Ropes.
Got 114,132 sec.

Hedgewars Developer
Okay and here are my first records:
RKC ShoppaHell 109.968 secs
Trophyrace 2 28.17 secs
So finally I've got a lot of work to get good times on the other maps as well which will be a nice thing to do! I think the hardest thing will be to beat my old Cowrace record which was 16.07 and I still don't know how I could get so fast, my second best time was 17.8 or something :O
Anyway, I'm glad that you are posting very frequently, keep going guys
And congratz to your demos, some quite nice moves in there!! But I can't watch mikades demo, there is just a quicktime symbol and a questionmark, can anyobdy maybe upload it to mediafire? Would be nice
Thanks! :P Here ya go, mikades demo:
EDIT: I've got a new Roperace record: 34,115 sec / video:
Hmm... you were the one who suggested only using times from the same version, and now you used .19 for your record. Very slick.
Thanks Stef! Quite good mikade but I am absolutely sure you can do that faster and possibly stay under 100 seconds
Worked on a new Trophyrace record, here it is: 22.701, one second and a bit away of my old record. Let's see if I can beat that 21.5 the next time!
My records:
Roperace - 28.226s
TrophyRace - 21.326s
TrophyRace2 - 27.707s
Edited, and will further edit if needed.
Always up for a The Specialists game, just ask me in Hedgewars.
Not at all what I suggested.
Thanks. If I get some more time I'll try again, though I am fairly certain I will always be slooooow compared to speedy-styled players. >_<
Someone (ideally not me) should really rewrite most of of the races so they are less open to rope spam abuse. :P

Hedgewars Developer
Eh, you're right, sorry you were just referring to older versions, disregard that.
Roperace record SirToby: 28.547 seconds
New RKC: Ropes record: 110,39 sec / video:
I still wasted much time though...
hi, 47 secs in Rope Race 2 (watch: ) 18 in Trophy and 27 in Rope Race 1. For the moment i only have the video in youtube of the record in Rope Race 2, when i make a better time in the other maps ill download (my demos were in the last version and now are deleted.) cheers
Rope Brothers Founder

RKC Ropes: Hit a 96.281, not quite as well as possible but it's a start...
And 21.059 in Trophyrace, improved my record 2 times that round. Let's see if i can hit a 20! Just had a problem with uploading it so I'll put me into the list when I managed to do that.
Also got 18.641 at Cowrace but as I said my mediafire is quite buggy at the moment so I'll upload that soon.
@bufon: Very beautiful play, really great record! Would be amazing if you could upload more demos of your other records so I can put you into the highscore list
//supplement: Just hit a 47.178 on Roperace 2 which you can see here:
//supplement 2: managed to upload Cowrace record, 18.641: and Trophyrace record, 21.059:
Updated all records, hope I didn't forget anything?!
New record Roperace: 30,915 sec / video:
New record Trophyrace: 25,546 sec / video:
Nice records SirToby, bufon and Kootooloo!
EDIT: New record RKC Ropes: 94,395 sec / video:
EDIT #2: New record RKC ShoppaHell: 111,819 sec / video:
Hey Stef, great stuff, you really deserve to be No.1 in at least one of these disciplines, obviously you spend a lot of time into that
I worked on my Trophyrace2 record and finally hit my first 26, precisely 26.468:
// Just worked on my RKC ShoppaHell record, got an 85.657:
WOW, amazing record SirToby! "God Shopper" hehe, nice. :P
wow, you hit the god shopper time ! as i said i didnt thought it was possible !!
did you knew there was the evil step after this one ? under 80sec and i see you made few error, you could win 5sec approximativly ...
congratulation !
i personnaly did some try to the race but as i didnt beat you i didnt post time ^^
New record Trophyrace: 24,669 sec / video:
Hit 20.545 in Trophyrace:
Hit 27.444 on Roperace:
Still not as good as I got it on the older versions two years ago but I'm on a good way to beating that...
All nice records! Congratulation. Wait till .19 and I'll beat those records
Nice thread btw Toby! Nice to see you again and playing shoppa
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
New record RKC Ropes: 85,853 sec / video:
Finally uploaded my roperace2 record ( and my Trophyrace2 record (
New record Roperace: 29,112 sec / video:
TrophyRace record: 22.116 (in new version):
PD: 20 sec is comming soon
. Also other races record 
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
New Trophyrace record: 24,334 sec / video:
Demo: (made on 0.9.19)
Broke it by 0,335 sec!
On the Roperace map I can't seem to get under the 30 sec anymore, I keep hitting 30-35 sec. I'm training on a Roperace 2 record, but it's only 62 sec now, so I still need much training... :P
Current Roperace 2 record: 57,99 sec / video:
Still nowhere near the top records but good enough for now.
EDITED: New record
Hey guys, got holidays and am in France for two and a half weeks, so please don't mind if I can't update the recs directly after your post. Thanks!
And have a nice time
New Trophyrace record: 23,897 sec / Video:
New Trophyrace record: 23,265 sec
You might want to check out what unc0rr has been working on @
Still a work in progress. He only collects stats if all players in a game are registered tho.
That top time is pretty astounding. Appears to be BeHappy playing on his own.
I tossed the demo on here:
But you can also watch any demo on that list on the official server by typing:
/watch 255
Where 255 would be any ID number from the ID column (that particular one is the BeHappy record).
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
Wow. That is an amazing function; all hail the hog-overlords. Can't wait to try it out! And that is a bretty gud time too, kudos to BeHappy!
My computer broke and I'm not able to play in this old 700Mhz Celeron D: D:
Always up for a The Specialists game, just ask me in Hedgewars.
Congratulations david! Great record
Don't have any time to play so I'm just updating the records and that's it :P hope i'll have time to play and follow new things in the forum as soon as possible.
Well uh i just noticed the video he uploaded is from 2012 (ive watched it before, nice rec).
So its a different version. Maybe all players should tell the version the record was made in at the end of their post?
You all are probably aware, just pointing out then.
Nice page btw
Trophyrace 2 didn't work anymore in this version, but lollkiller made a fixed version and here is it:
It's a .hwp so you just have to put it in the Hedgewars Data folder, restart and you can enjoy the race.
New Trophyrace record: 22.102 sec / replay id: 734 / src:
New RKC Ropes record: 80,941 sec
EDIT: New Roperace 2 record: 53,733 sec
Ok , my best on trophy 2 is 32.991
I beat it today. My new Best on trophy2 is 30.702
Look at replay
And the 27.604 still on trophy2...:
I did it.....
Top 10 TrophyRace records of the official server
date nickname result replay id
2013-10-19 LOLLKILLER 18.374 2204
Cheater LOLKILLEr!
Shooting in the air, "pauses" the timer.
Allowing players who practice doing that, to use it skillfully as to "pause time" and rope. (like lolkiller).
I think this is a bad bug that needs to be fixed. Lest such, "weird methods" be used.
Just joking about you being a cheater Lolkiller, but still !
Well. Almost all weapons pause the timer in normal game modes, no doubt to avoid interrupted shots, which is frustrating. Is true that that isn't that useful for rope, though, as it might be for bazooka, so I'll remove it.
That being said, I would call it creative use of game mechanics/rules, not a cheat...
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
In all seriousness, though, I /do/ actually kind of like the current behavior as it adds a sense of agency/urgency on missed shots in shoppa. In my opinion, a better approach would be to just use a generic timer in lieu of TurnTimeLeft to determine the "score" for racing maps. That said, I'm not thaaaat passionate about the issue and could easily live with it being "fixed", too.

Hedgewars Developer